Kissinger said in a book in China: The decisive competition between the United States and China is more likely to be economic and social competition, not military competition.He pointed out that the more opposition and competition between China and the United States may be on the level of economic development and national governance, rather than a military confrontation with you without me. Military may be just an auxiliary tool.

The modernization of China's national governance was proposed and systematically proposed by the decision on the comprehensive deepening of reforms at the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee in November 2013.This decision launched the in -depth change of Chinese social governance.However, what is the point of state governance modernization has not yet made specific quantification.

In October 2017, the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the overall plan of national construction: in two steps to build a strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful socialist modern power in the middle of this century.On the basis of a well -off society, it has been struggling for fifteen years to basically achieve socialist modernization. From 2035 to the middle of the 21st century, on the basis of basically modernization, it has been struggling for fifteen years to build a socialist modern power.

The setting of China's national governance and national development goals is most suitable for reviewing the situation according to the overall situation of human development, and keeping pace with the times.China must only develop itself with the reality of various countries, develop itself, and pursue achievement and happiness.

The development of China is still facing basic issues such as institutional transformation.The global well -known management consulting think tank McKinsey published the 2019 China and World Report: As a large economic country, although it has a huge economic volume, the Chinese economy has not yet fully achieved the integration with the world.Entering the Chinese financial market, we still have to face the constraints of complicated factors in operation and supervision, and the scale of cross -border data flow is still relatively limited.

China's national governance, in the long history of the past, has long been in the bottom of the top and bottom passive cycle.From the bottom up, the people forced the government to reform and even replace the government through the social revolution., The governance of the long -term dictatorship is as good as it is.These two social operation paradigms are very passive and seriously lacking in social and political consensus.China must fundamentally jump out of this cycle and establish a sustainable development form of social governance comprehensive and healthy interaction.

Chinese social governance continues to face the theme of the free competition application system and the construction of the rule of law society in depth and self -revolution.It is particularly urgent to the basic construction of social governance democratic consensus and the supervision and restrictions on the supervision and restrictions of power supervision and restrictions.Due to the slowdown of the personnel system and unblocking the reform of social democratic governance political consensus operation mechanisms that can not be effective in the development of national democratic governance for the development of a large number of outstanding talents.The crisis of raw and negative internal consumption cannot be underestimated.The phenomenon of empty talent, waste of resources, low efficiency, and corruption are still very serious. The strong national strength is far from meeting the urgent requirements of the people for the rise of the nation.

The governance and application of democracy and the rule of law has gone through more than 5,000 years or even more far away in human society.In the original sense, from the Clan Commune, there is a democratic and autonomous mechanism.As a biological species, human beings must first be based on material life, and start from the production and distribution of material data.As a fate of Lai Qunju's life, human beings are accompanied by the emergence of private ownership and autocracy, and the emergence of the rule of law becomes inevitable.As a result, the governance of democratic politics and laws has become the two indispensable tracks that can be drove normally and can continue to be driving towards the distance.However, some passengers on this train, especially those drivers, are not always willing to pay attention to the key role of these two rail paving, and even do not want to exercise on the track at all. From time to time, they want to remove one of them.Even ridiculously tried to demolish both of them, thinking that the train could be allowed to drive at will.

During the transition from feudal autocracy to free capitalism, the main social material wealth was gathered in the hands of a few capitalists, and a large number of industrial workers (proletarians) who rely on selling labor for sale.Marx, as a outstanding sociologist, naturally insists that the proletarian must have the most resolute and thorough social revolution requirements. Although they do not know why they become immortal, there is no doubt that they most hope to reform the society and get the ideal society.Wealth and social status.Marx's theory of social revolution starts from this.

However, people soon discovered that the proletarian regime obtained through the social revolution and the socialist countries they established, in addition to letting the proletariat as the master and raising their brows, did not bring the full development and good social productivity.Social wealth.On the contrary, poverty and social contradictions and crises follow.From Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union, Cuba, Vietnam to North Korea, they have experienced deep social poverty and development crisis.Moreover, after changing their heads, the more hidden political oppression and class exploitation of the bourgeoisie as the bourgeoisie for the proletariat are still new.Under the helplessness of socialist countries, the vast number of socialist countries chose to take the in -depth reform of the socialist itself and the openness (transition) of the socialist itself, including transplantation -related legal systems.

The main function of Main's doctrine is not a theory dedicated to governing the society, the country, and the development of productivity, but just a doctrine that mobilize the social revolution (seizing the regime and maintaining class rule).This is the most essential place for this doctrine.Marx's famous scholar Robert Robert. Herblona: Marxism is a great force of revolutionary reform and can inspire people in the world.The entire horse science theoretical system, including the surplus value theory, has received the general nature of global unconscious paranoia, which has received global unconstained paranoid horses, and even fundamental denials.Marx himself later realized that individual capitalists may increase profits through monopoly market forces, technical advantages, or externally externally exchanging exchanges (he has denied the theory of surplus value that he had previously advocated earlier).

In response to social development and people's demands, all socialist countries are stretched, passively cope with, or dismantled the east wall to make up for the west wall.One of the fatal weaknesses in this theory is to promote the law of the law as the ruling class, and overwhelm the class contradictions, oppositions and struggles of society, weaken the objective essence of the common development of people and society as a fate.The doctrine is completely negligent in whether it is the current level of class existence or the development of productive forces. It is all dynamic and developed, not at static.To be precise, socialism is only suitable to obtain political leaders in the process of being resisted by the proletarian in the free capitalist period, and the proletarian who has the power to lead the political leadership will quickly transform into a new assetr and can't wait to exercise the right to act as the assets.Essence

Less than two years after the success of the October Revolution, Lenin discovered the major fallacy and defects of this theory in a timely manner, immediately abandoned the communist policy during the war, and transitioned to a new economic policy with a market economy.Japan took the lead in introducing socialist doctrine from Europe in Asia. It soon discovered that this set of doctrines was not conducive to social development, and it immediately discarded it.In China, in the early 20th century, there were several early scholars (social reformers) who had not been systematically digested by the theory of the entire Marne theory, especially the traditional culture of China, and could almost be said to be swallowed by jujube.The land theory (violent revolution) theory (violent revolution) theory and economic theory of the earth were mixed with the theory of the country.The socialist journey of separation has caused a major settlement of social development in the long time after the founding of the People's Republic of China in the 1950s.

Looking at the history of the development of capitalism in the 17th century and the society that started in the middle of the 19th centuryHistory of the Conventionist Movement (International Communist Party), capitalist production and distribution have never been weakened in the mainstream process of human society. On the contrary, the socialist movement is always in a passive and reborn human political or ideological struggle.The social construction claim of the concept of society (communist) is, although human beings yearn for fairness and justice order, but the fairness of social opportunities cannot replace and solve the reality of uneven development capabilities, which leads to the doctrine of social (communist).A beautiful longing for a fight with the essence of human nature.In other words, it's just wishful thinking.

Economic foundation (Marx: The social and economic structure that is composed of total production relations) determines the theory of the upper -level building. On the surface, it makes sense, but it is actually a half -mountainside theory without building the fundamental logic of things.The theoretical architecture of fallacy.The process of human development has confirmed that it is precisely a social governance system or upper -level building that can determine the social productivity and economic foundation.Modern political science believes that in the relationship between national political system and economic development, different political systems will produce different national rich, poor and development quality. The rapid and slow development of the country depends on the political system of a country.Simply expressing, that is, what kind of national system, what kind of development quality will be.

Anyone who happened in the development of socialist countries and social disasters is precisely because of this fallacy doctrine that is confused with the development of social revolution and economic development, which has caused the political system reform to be lagging behind the requirements of economic development, and it has become the restraint of economic development and even hindering the obstacles of the development of economic development.EssenceA significant example is that if there were no people who did not care about the spontaneous reform of the underlying farmers who had been working hard to households because of their hunger, they would not start the reform of the Chinese rural and agricultural system in a timely manner.

In the early 1990s, according to RMB, Taiwan workers' per capita wages exceeded 10,000, and American workers per capita wage exceeded 25,000., Unified Unity, Uniform UNIFORMITY), a relatively complete welfare country under the principles of social governance.However, in China, the per capita per capita workers in coastal areas such as Shenzhen are 4,500, and the Mainland per capita is 1 or 2 hundred.As the saying goes: I don't know, it is scared.

Currency (supply) is the general equivalent and direct reflection of social wealth. Excluding abnormal inflation, social wealth depends on social productivity, and productivity depends on the social development system.During the period of free capitalism, in Western Europe, with the rapid development of science and technology, the division of social division of labor, the opening of the new route, and the founding of the new continent, the formation of a world market has formed, and the capital has opened the blood basin, and went to the world to chase profits.) It has become a biometer for the production of profits under capital slavery.In addition to the naked interests between people, except for the ruthless lsquo; cash trading rsquo;, there is no other connection (the Communist declaration).Marx curse: Capital comes to the world, with head to toe, every pore is dripping blood and dirty things.

Capitalism production and distribution methods, after more than 400 years of political, economic and social welfare configuration reform, have experienced the impact and reflection of European enlightenment and socialist movements, and optimized power balance, legislation, judicial justice, news (speech) freedom of freedom (speech) freedomThe social public governance operating mechanism has now become the most conducive to social development mechanism that is most conducive to social productivity elements. In fact, it is also a stage of development that cannot be surpassed by human society.On the contrary, the social (communist )ist movement experienced in the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century is just a fork or an episode in the process of human development and exploration. This fact has become more and more clearly recognized.

The authoritarian and command thinking have been seriously disappointed with the development of the times.Social development, national governance, and strong ethnicity. Only based on the establishment of a democratic dialogue and co -governance mechanism and the principles of the rule of law to activate the production vitality of each social member, it is fundamental.The key to competition between modern countries depends on the competition of national governance capabilities.As for the fundamental requirements of national and social governance, the development of the times is the functions and services on the basis of democratic politics, and it is impossible to rely on the order and monopoly of the power of power.

Democratic politics and free markets are undoubtedly the most successful and feasible social governance system for human social governance.Democratic politics does not mean that interests are equal, and they are even more abilities, but there must be an equal integration of social participation opportunities inside and outside the system.It is necessary to achieve six comprehensive places: comprehensive democratic politics, comprehensively governing the country, comprehensive market economy, comprehensive judicial independence and fairness, comprehensive news and media independence and freedom, comprehensive thinking, speech, publishing, and association.These six are the only feasible righteous way to release the productivity of the whole society, and it is also an inevitable way for China's modernization of governance.

The benchmark of modern society and state governance is to return freedom to the people, and to every member of the society to form social and state order with freedom as the core, but only use legal norms to restrict the operation of society and the country.

In fact, capitalism and society (Communist )ism are just two different forms of expression that human liberalism pursues ideals. Capitalism has chosen democratic politics, market economy and the rule of law society as an effective tool for realizing freedom. Socialism isBecause the originator Marx first lacked the systematic thinking and exploration of its effective implementation methods, so that there was a major lack of tools to achieve tools, but helplessly had to learn from capitalism and borrow from capitalism.In the end, capitalism and socialism will inevitably return to the same way, moving towards co -construction, co -discussion, sharing, and global governance integration and modernization.

Now, in the theoretical teams and leadership of all levels within the Communist Party of China, there are already serious lack of outstanding human talents that can be used by the principles of major social sciences to the original, and the talents who are original.Open practice governance and decision -making ideas.However, the talents of the Chinese nation are not equal to the middle school (including the Chinese who settle overseas).

In recent years, many Chinese and foreign officials and scholars are keen to talk about the relationship between China's rise and its existing political system, and attribute development to the existing political system.In fact, the key to China's rise lies in the two elements: 1. Central centralization (which is distinguished from Western democratic politics and its rule of law system); second, the introduction of the Western market economy and changed to a mixed economic development model.In fact, including the introduction of freedom, equality, fairness, and rule of law in the core values of socialism, introduced the market economy, and introduced the company (economic subject) registration system, thereby activating a large part of national productive forces, creating creationPower has led to the rapid rise of national comprehensive strength.Then, we can think about one of the major issues related to this: If China has achieved comprehensive democratic politics, comprehensive rule of law countries and a comprehensive market economy, the internal productive forces and creativity of nearly 1.4 billion people will be freely stimulated and fully stimulated. What will happen to China?It can be imagined that it will be a major driving force and contributor to the world economy, and naturally it is also a beautiful scene of the Chinese nation's booming.

The United States has passed the trade war, the Hong Kong Act, the Taiwan Act, the Xinjiang Act, the Xinjiang Act, the financial sanctions, academic restrictions, military intimidation, 5G technology and technology resistance.The corner of the corner --- mainly relies on the population base and market of domestic (mainland in the Mainland).This put forward particularly urgent requirements for the democratization, rule of law, and modernization of China's national governance.

The rise of China is not only a present tense, but also a future tense.The key to the problem is what kind of global outlook in China has risen or what kind of global outlook.Whether the Sino -US trade war may eventually have such a trend: the Chinese economy with national capitalism as the main body, accelerate the comprehensive marketization under the strong advancement of the US economy with the private economy, and then force the promotion of China's democracy in ChinaPolitical process-national governance modernization?If this, the Sino -US trade war will become an important catalyst for China's rise.

The global background is now, although the Chinese armyIn order to maintain national territorial integrity and sovereignty, realize national unity, restrict the US hegemony and related military threats, but if you strengthen military capabilities or embark on the road of military power, it may not be a correct path of national developmentEssenceThis will inevitably exacerbate military competition and confrontation in Asia and the world, and set up obstacles for future global governance right paths.China should strengthen both military capabilities and against military deterrence, and eventually eliminate military existences worldwide.In other words, to attack poison, ultimately non -toxic.China must establish an advanced social development mechanism and human environment that is rich and unsuspecting, strong but not dominating, and co -margin with human disasters. It is committed to establishing a model of modern human welfare in an Asian country with a population with a population of 1.4 billion.If communism is an institutional vision worthy of pragmatic expectations, then that future is the realization of communism.

China first needs to fully rely on itself to optimize and upgrade the national governance engine. In particular, the philosophical and ideological character above Confucius and Marx above Marx is not without.How to negotiate with countries is an indispensable connotation of the modernization process of China's national governance.Only by choosing a good person in national governance ideology can it be obeyed, can China be harmonious with the governance and development between them, and open a broad channel for its own sustainable influence.

(Author: Beijing Political Philosophy Scholar, Oxford University Belt and Road Initiative and Global Leadership Post doctors)