Singapore and Hong Kong have close trade connections, and Chinese companies have also invested a lot in Hong Kong.Therefore, the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong has naturally attracted much attention from many Chinese people.What impact will the Guoan Law on Hong Kong?Is it good or bad?If we just listen to the words of Western politicians and read and comment on Western media, we may think that the end of Hong Kong has arrived, and the Hong Kong people will lose freedom and human rights from then on.In fact, in addition to Western media, many people have different views that the National Security Law helps Hong Kong to restore stability and order.

From a Singaporean perspective, law and order are needed by every society.Therefore, the law that can maintain social order is a good law.The National Security Law of the United States and its allies is completely out of political motivation.In order to block and crack down on China, the United States has reached the point where it is omnipotent, and the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law has also become a card of it.

It is said that the National Security Law will turn one country, two systems into one country, one country, and Hong Kong people will lose their democracy and freedom from now on.This law will indeed deprive some of the freedom of some people, but it is not a general person who abides by the law or abide by the law.For Hong Kong, this is a good thing.

Over the past year, the world of black violence in Hong Kong has been obvious to the world. If Hong Kong belongs to the United States, the black violent thugs will not be surprised by the police and even the army's ruthless suppression.See how the US government treats the demonstrations caused by police violence and the smashing and burning of mobs, everything will be understood.

In any society, personal freedom is limited, and there is no absolute freedom in the world.The late American historian Wil Middot; Will Durant said well: people love freedom, but individuals in the society need to be restricted by behavior; the first condition for freedom must be limited.If absolute freedom is allowed, freedom will die in chaos.

Therefore, no society will allow its members to have absolute freedom.This is the case in the United States, as well as Hong Kong and other society.In order to maintain the security of society and the country, all countries including the United States also have their own national security laws to restrict the freedom of citizens and outsiders and maintain national security. Although the name and form are different.The US National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency and other national security institutions were established based on the National Security Act in 1947.

According to Article 23 of the Basic Law formulated by Hong Kong in 1997, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall prohibit any rebellion, split the country, incite the rebellion, subvert the central people's government and theft of the state, and prohibit foreign political organizations or groups from being inThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region conducts political activities, and the political organization or group of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is prohibited from establishing a contact with foreign political organizations or groups.However, this legislative procedure stopped at the first chief executive Dong Jianhua, and stopped abnormal due to strong resistance; this drag was 23 years.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China decided to make a shot after a year of continued turbulence in Hong Kong, and formulated the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, and finally made up for this large gap.Article 1 of the law clarify the legislative purpose: to safeguard national security, prevent, stop and punish the division of countries related to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, subvert the state power, organize terrorist activities and colludgative foreign or overseas forces to endanger national security.

Article 4: Hong Kong should respect and guarantee human rights to safeguard national security, and protect residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with the law in accordance with the relevant regulations of Hong Kong in accordance with the relevant provisions of Hong Kong in accordance with the Economic Convention of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Citizenship and Political Rights in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.The rights and freedom of the freedom of speech, news, publishing, association, assembly, parade, and demonstration are included.

The crimes stated in the National Security Law include: dividing national crimes, crimes of subverting state power, crime of terrorist activities, and colluding foreign or overseas forces to endanger national security crimes.As for the details of the crime, there are also detailed explanations.For example, the crimes of terrorist activities include: serious violence against people; explosion, arson or putting poisoning, radioactive, infectious diseases such as primary and other substances; damage transportation, transportation facilities, power equipment, gas equipment, or other flammable and explosive equipment; seriouslyDonation, destruction of public services and management of public services and management of water, electricity, gas, transportation, communications, networks, and other public services and management; as well as other dangerous methods seriously harm public health or safety.

In fact, after the terrorist attack of the World Trade Center in New York in 2001, the Bush administration also introduced the patriotic law specifically against various terrorist actions.The decree even authorized intelligence agencies to eavesdrop or intercept the public's calls, which seriously violates personal privacy.This article did not modify and abolish President Obama.

Is the Hong Kong National Security Law effective?The answer is self -evident.The decree was before the middle of the night in the middle of the night on June 30. Hong Kong's independent people, such as Luo Guancong, chairman of the Chuangzhi Party, and former vice chairman Zheng Jialang, had left Hong Kong to Britain.In the early morning of the next day, former Secretary -General Huang Zhifeng and his parents hurriedly moved away from the indigenous site.On June 30, Huang Zhifeng, Luo Guancong, and another member Zhou Ting announced their withdrawal from Hong Kong.

Hong Kong media reported that Chen Jiaju, the convener of the Hong Kong Independence Alliance, He Yongtong, the young sponsor of the Hong Kong Border City, Yang Yilang, a convener of civil rights in Hong Kong, former editor -in -chief editor of the Student Union of the University of Hong Kong, Liang Jiping, one of the Hong Kong National Editors, Chen Zhuonan, the convener of the Hong Kong National Front.Huang Taiyang, Li Dongsheng, and Li Qianyi, members of the frontline of local democracy, have all slippery.

The Hong Kong independence organized the Hong Kong ethnic line announced in Facebook, and immediately dismissed spokesman Liang Songheng and all members of Hong Kong.Students organize students to announce the dissolution of Hong Kong headquarters.Democratic Party's founding party chairman Li Zhumingtun changed his fight, and former director of the Minister of Government, Chen Fangsheng, announced his retreat.Chen Yun, an independent military division of Hong Kong, announced his withdrawal from the Hong Kong Social Transport.Chen Jiaju, a convener of the Hong Kong Independence Alliance, abandoned absconding.

As soon as the new law came out, the chaos in the minds of Beijing and the Hong Kong Government all seated each other and quickly slipped. Aren't they confirming their unknown?In any case, for the Hong Kong Government, taking away this group of plague gods will definitely help restore social order and stabilize people's hearts, and it should also be the true wish of Hong Kong people.Millions of Hong Kong people are actually so -called astronauts. They are already citizenship in Canada, Britain and the United States, including famous merchants, star actors, professionals, and so on.In fact, they only regard Hong Kong as a place to make money.

Singaporeans are no strangers to maintain national security and social peace.We have incitement, internal security laws, and temporary clauses in criminal law.These decree have been criticized by Western media, but they do not prevent the freedom of Singaporeans.Of course, any law may be abused, so there must be independent judicial departments as a checks and balance.But the fairness of law and law enforcement still has to be proved by time.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of Singapore Congress