
New Tune of Haida

The Chinese college entrance examination, which was postponed by the crown disease epidemic, kicked off yesterday. 10.71 million students entered the examination room to meet an important big test in their lives.One night before the college entrance examination, a friend came from a friend: Purple pants on the e -commerce platform were out of stock because of the college entrance examination!

The college entrance examination and purple underwear are not available, why is it contact?I was curious to check the Internet. It turned out that wearing purple underpants on the test room was popular since last year, especially among the candidates in the Northeast, it has become the custom of dressing in the college entrance examination.

According to the Internet explanation, the Northeast dialect called the buttocks, put on the purple bottom pants, which means that the purple maggots can do, and the northeast dialect is specified that the test can do, that is, the test can definitely do.

Purple pants are related to the college entrance examination. I don't know if this is a marketing trick that underwear merchants come up with, but candidates are happy to be marketing.

Searching for college entrance examination panties on Taobao, there are a lot of sellers and buyers, and the sales volume really looks very good.Some merchants still print a red hook on the purple underwear, which means that they are right; others are all printed on the gold list title test.

Some netizens reminded that candidates should not walk to the examination room when they wear purple underwear to prevent this artifact, because that becomes a purple walking (not).Some people suggest that you have to kiss the test paper before answering the question, kiss (stable) first, and then put the test paper under the buttocks, just (fixed).

In addition to purple underpants, candidates are said to wear Nike T -shirts and sneakers, because the brand's trademark is a big hook.The colors of the three -day clothes of the college entrance examination are also particular. For example, the first day should be red, which represents the opening of the door; the second day is green, which means the green lights all the way; on the third day, the gray and yellow are selected, which represents the glory.

Candidates are nervous, and the dresses of parents and teachers are not good.During the college entrance examinations in recent years, Chinese media will report that mothers or female teachers outside the examination rooms in various places are wearing cheongsam, sending their children to the battlefield or cheering out outside the examination room.Two days ago, a male teacher in Dandong City, Liaoning Province was even more open -minded for the students. He wore a big red cheongsam to the classroom and sent a blessing to the students before the test.

The college entrance examination has philosophy, and the sense of ritual like religious is equally indispensable.Before the college entrance examination, candidates from various places had to eat auspicious food, such as dumplings, champion cakes, and hoofs.

The Liu'an Mao Tan Factory Middle School, Anhui, known as the college entrance examination factory. This year, the epidemic avoids the gathering of staff and did not reproduce the pictures of 10,000 people.However, according to reports, when the school sent candidates to the original status on July 5th, the first bus was arranged to be released in a division at 8:88. Whether it is a driver or a student on the car, they deliberately arranged that they were either the zodiac belonging to the horse or the surnamed horse.It means that one horse is a successful.

This year's college entrance examination is unusual. The crown disease epidemic disrupted many candidates' preparation plans, and the epidemic prevention work has become an important part of the college entrance examination.Before the college entrance examination, the media repeatedly broke out for falsifying the college entrance examination fraud news such as the college entrance examination and replacing the college entrance examination, which caused the folk to question and discuss the fairness of the college entrance examination.

The fair controversy of the college entrance examination has never stopped in China, indicating that the college entrance examination is still not a pure land after more than 40 years.Various topics of college entrance examinations can easily resonate with the public, and even provocate social sensitive nerves, showing that the Chinese people have unchanged for decades of hopes for changing their destiny for the college entrance examination.Such a mechanism.

In order to eliminate the fraud in the college entrance examination, the official Chinese officials have recently made continuous recruits, including the rapid investigation of several recent exposure of the college entrance examination fraud cases, and reported the punishment and punishment measures high -profile.The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Public Security also released news that more than 200 criminals involving the examination of the examination cheating were arrested, and a strong deterrent to those who interested in challenging the college entrance examination.Relevant departments also have three appliances to ensure the fairness of the college entrance examination, requiring the test paper propositions, printing, transportation, and monitoring of all aspects.

Even if so many preventive measures are taken, the fairness of the college entrance examination may be relative.Due to the differences in population and colleges and universities in various parts of China, the admission rate of candidates in different provinces and cities is still very different from the opportunities of prestigious schools.Elementary schools and schools are binding with school district houses, off -school training to form shadow education and the prevalence of college entrance examination immigration, which also exacerbates the difficulty of maintaining education fairness. In the future, the cold door may become increasingly difficult.

In order to pass the unique wooden bridge of the college entrance examination, all kinds of wonderful conspirations are endless, seemingly nonsense, and there are great superstitions.However, in terms of psychology, candidates, especially parents and teachers, are nothing more than hope to give candidates some positive psychological suggestions through these small rituals to eliminate their nervousness, which can be described as good attentive.And millions of people are still thinking about the spirit of hard work in various ways, indicating that at least until now, the Chinese people still believe that the college entrance examination can change their destiny.Then, before the channels that can more widely promote the fairness of education and broaden social flow, ensure that the fairness of the college entrance examination is not eroded, and allows the public to continue to trust this talent selection system. It should be at least the bottom line.