Ming Pao News Agency

The Chinese economy has rebounded, and the next quarter of GDP is expected to be righteous from negative. The mainland stock market is bullish, driving the investment atmosphere in the region.Sino -US struggles are fierce, and Washington has successively hindered Chinese enterprises' financing, but the flow of funds is very realistic, and it is not ideological.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that China is the only major economy recorded this year.In contrast, the U.S. epidemic has intensified, the economic atrophy is severe, and the gap between the GDP of China and the United States has accelerated and narrowed, which will have an impact on international political and economic conditions.China has the opportunity to become a locomotive that drives the global economic recovery. However, from a different perspective, the peripheral demand is weak, and it is also a major obstacle to China's regaining export driving force.Recent data shows that Hong Kong's economy seems to have signs of bottoms. Of course, the Mainland's economic recovery is of course a good thing for Hong Kong. However, the haze of politics is not scattered, and Hong Kong people are not confident in prospects. The situation is not easy to reverse.

Mainland's stock market is bullish

Investment in China

The Mainland epidemic was eased, and the economic activities were normal. At the beginning of last month, the epidemic situation in Fengtai District, Beijing was generally controlled, and the economic recovery momentum was not affected.In June, the Mainland's service and manufacturing PMI (purchasing manager index) rose doubles. The level of 55.7 in the comprehensive PMI was the highest since December 2010.In the first quarter of China, GDP was affected by the epidemic and fell 6.8%.Looking at the second season of GDP data released next week, the mainland and foreign economic analysts generally estimate that the number will be positive from negative to positive.

Looking around the major global economies, the Chinese economy shows a solo.Earlier IMF further lowered the global economic forecast in 2020, from the original shrinking by 3%to the shrinking 4.9%. As the world's largest economy, the United States is expected to shrink by 8%.10.2%.The Indian epidemic has deteriorated, and the predictions of economic growth have also been rising from positive. Only China is still expected to record annual growth, about 1%.The Chinese economy has achieved a V -shaped rebound, which is the views of many investors and economists at home and abroad.Foreign capital continues to flow, the mainland stock market is bullish, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index breaks through the decline since the 2015 stock market disaster, a 5 -year high.Yesterday, the mainland stock market rose by nearly 6%, driving the investment atmosphere in the area. The Hong Kong Hang Seng Index closing the market has risen by nearly a thousand points, and the stock markets in Japan and other places have also seen a new high in the past month.It is true that the global economy has entered an unclear period and the market has changed into trouble. However, many analysis believes that in the future, funds will continue to flow into the Mainland.

The struggle between China and the United States is now, and in recent months, it has spread to the financial field. First, there is a US federal government retirement fund calling for a suspension of investment in Chinese enterprises.As the latest analysis of the U.S. Think Tank Peter Sen International Economic Research Institute, the global financial market is closely linked, and the White House forced Sino -stock shares to withdraw from the US market and cannot crack down on China's growth. There are still many ways to financing Chinese companies in the global market. US private equity fundsStill investing in Chinese -funded enterprises, Chinese stocks are listed in Hong Kong, and American investors can also invest in ocean.

International investors are profitable, considering risks and returns, and do not talk about ideology; the central banks of developed countries have quantified loose money printing to save the market.For international investors, the risks brought about by China -US wrestling need to be considered, but the world's major economies with a stable epidemic and good economic momentum at the moment, the world is the first to push China.In the past few months, Beijing has accelerated the pace of opening markets and relaxed foreign regulations. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanni and American Express and other American banks have expanded their investment and expanding business in China in recent months.Although Washington wants to expand the front of China to the financial field, the current economic reality is that US financial institutions are becoming more and more active in China.The Institute of Peterson's Institute believes that China -US Finance is unlikely, and this is the reason.

Sino -US GDP gap narrows

Washington is facing the pressure of catching up

In recent months, China's relationship with the West has become nervous because of the epidemic and Hong Kong issues. However, on the other side, China is also an indispensable force that drives the global economic recovery.Taking the automotive industry as an example, China as the world's largest automotive market, in recent months, automobile sales have rebounded, becoming the hope of many national car companies.Under the haze of the epidemic, China decided to continue the International Import Expo this year, and exporters of many countries also regarded it as timely rain.Multi -western countries are anxious to revive the economy. Due to the consideration of realistic interests, they may not want to keep up with the pace of the United States and make trouble with China.In the United States, many politicians and business people expect that the economy can rebound in V -shaped, but the recent worsening of the US epidemic has deteriorated. Duozhou re -tightened the restrictions on epidemic prevention, but it will pay attention to whether the American economy atrophy will increase.The China -US economy has risen and the gap between the two countries may be significantly closer. Washington feels the pressure of China to catch up from the rear. In order to maintain the status of the world's brother, it will have a more intense suppression of Chinese measures.Also wait and see.

In the past year, the Hong Kong economy has been hit by the Sino -US trade war, anti -repair storms, and epidemics, and has fallen into a deep decline. However, when viewing recent data, the economy seems to have a signs of bottom.Hong Kong's PMI rose to 49.6 in June, the highest since April 2018, and the numbers were close to 50, which reflected that the business environment gradually relaxed with epidemic prevention measures and gradually stabilized.In addition to the failure of the tourism industry, the situation of the retail industry and the service industry have improved. The government has begun to send 10,000 money to the whole people, which is also helpful to stimulate the consumer city road.In the future, whether the economic trend of Hong Kong is a U -shaped rebound or a continuous low position, it still needs to be seen at this stage.The V -shaped rebound in the Mainland's economy must be a good thing for the Hong Kong economy. However, the current concerns of Hong Kong people's prospects are mainly political issues rather than economic issues. Economic regression is undoubtedly happy, but how to deal with political confidence is also very important.