Wangbao Society Review

After the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect, Taiwan's public opinion cares about the issue of long -arms jurisdiction in the mainland. Those who have supported Hong Kong independence or advocate Taiwan independence will be arrested if they are regarded as violating the Hong Kong National Security Law in the future or boarding Hong Kong aircraft.Although there are anti -China operating ingredients behind this question, it also points out the concerns and fear of the people of Taiwan. It is regarded as a freedom of speech in Taiwan and may be regarded as a touch in Hong Kong.Taiwan's public opinion may have deeper doubts and resistance to one country, two systems.

However, for Beijing, the Hong Kong National Security Law is the guardian cornerstone of one country and two systems, especially many mainland media and scholars have repeatedly emphasized that the National Security Law marks the official opening process of Hong Kong.This statement is worthy of fun. Why do Beijing emphasize the second return?The implication is that the first return in 1997 did not do well, or there was a big problem, so it was necessary to return.

The mainland has always used the experience of Hong Kong as a publicity template to Taiwan, hoping to have a positive demonstration effect on the one country, two systems, but in violation of their wishes. The mainstream public opinion in Taiwan is getting farther and farther.Beijing scholars and official public opinion admitted that the post -97th policy of governing the port has made mistakes, the main reason is that they did not do a good job of social integration.Hong Kong's error experience should be enlightened for cross -strait relations.The two sides of the strait should be used in Hong Kong as a mirror, and the social integration should be matched with the social integration.

Before the return of Hong Kong, I was not ready to integrate the two places. After the return, Beijing used well water to practice the highest policy of one country and two systems. Hong Kong people also hoped to exclude Beijing's intervention in government affairs.In turn, the two systems of Lugang have deteriorated from each other into opposition, and finally have to be solved by severe punishment.This shows a profound truth. If the national policy is not prepared before the national unity, it has a proper and effective plan for system integration issues.Essence

After the Sino -British joint statement in 1984, Hong Kong's return entered the countdown, which was an irreversible process with time pressure.At that time, the economic strength and international influence of the mainland were very weak. For the prosperous and wealthy oriental pearls under Hong Kong and English, they almost voted to look up and worship. In addition, the mainland had just stepped out of the Cultural Revolution.Law elite, in fact, the return path of Hong Kong and the two -system Hong Kong plan has no experience, nor did they do full research and planning.

The situation on both sides of the strait is completely different.First of all, there is no timetable on both sides of the strait, and there is no real countdown time limit. The mainland should have sufficient determination and patience to persuade and fight for the hearts of Taiwanese.Secondly, compared with 40 years ago, the mainland was not Wuxia Amon. It not only had a strong national strength as a backing, but also governing talents in all aspects, the fields of legal and government research, and studying elite generations.The roadmap, make a good pre -system design in advance, and fully prepare for the stable and excessive stability after reunification.

The most important and important thing is that the return of Hong Kong is a solution to China -British negotiations, sovereignty and diplomatic issues. In mainland China, the official saying is to exercise sovereignty on Hong Kong. The essence of cross -strait relations is to end political confrontation and create a unified China together.According to the constitution between the two sides, the two sides of the strait are in the pre -stages of the country under the country below China.The Republic of China government authorized by 23 million Taiwan people on behalf of the entire Chinese government to exercise sovereignty over Taiwan.

This is the status quo of the two sides of the country before the unity of the country. The DPP cannot be sneaked into Taiwan independence discussions, and the CCP cannot see the status quo, and the Kuomintang cannot lose the goal of pursuing unification.The current situation on both sides of the strait is one country, two systems, but we should pursue a good system.Some people will misunderstand the meaning of the good system, thinking that the good system is one system, that is, the unification of the Three People's Principles.In fact, as long as it is a good system, whether it is one, two systems, or multiple systems, it can achieve good governance.

Obviously, in the 23 -year -old practical experience of Hong Kong, although a lot of results have achieved a lot of results, it is still not a good system.The peace reunification on both sides of the strait should be aimed at a good system of one country. In the historical practice of cross -strait governments and people to construct a good system, the spiritual fit is gradually achieved. Only such a national unity can truly rule long, and the Chinese nation can revive.