In terms of development model, the West believes that the success of China is the challenge of the Chinese model to the Western model. The author believes that this is actually unconfident, and the stagnation is not to keep pace with the times.The western world must be deeply clear that there are many disadvantages and deficiencies that are simply the national system with private capitalism as the core. It is not as unchanged and stopped as it is now a few decades later.The western national system can also be continuously improved, and the national model of capitalism will also improve with human development.

The competition between China and the United States will continue for a century. The author will recently systematically discuss and suggest how China should carry out competition in this century -old China and the United States.Following July 3rd, I published a series of articles in the Lianhe Zaobao's first article in the first Chinese and American powers in the United States. Today, it is a regular election of the United States. Today is the second article of the series: Tomorrow of Capitalism.

The author believes that the tomorrow of capitalism will be compatible with more socialism.

First, from the extensive scale of precision poverty alleviation, it depends on the socialist nature of the Chinese national system.

The author was born in a national poor county -level poverty -stricken county in Jiangxi MDASH; MDash; Yu Qian County.When you go home at the Spring Festival every year, you will visit your relatives and friends.My family is a peasant family who repaired the earth in the eighteenth generation. A relative at home. As of today, many farmers are still.My grandmother, Erji, a few uncle, and uncle are all poor households in the village.Some are lack of labor in the family, some are poverty due to illness, some are old and weak, and the reasons for poor poverty are different, but every family has a difficult scripture.I am a village baby who came out of the key high school in our county. I also found that many middle schools who stayed in my hometown and classmates are now poverty alleviation cadres. I can help a certain family and a household.Visit the photos of the poor households.

The day before yesterday, I saw a high school classmate's poverty alleviation results: By the end of 2019, the county's 138 poverty -stricken villages in the county all withdrawn, 31443 households 120,544 poor people out of poverty, and the per capita disposable income of farmers increased from 6826 yuan in 2014 to11653 yuan.Our county is a poor county applied for poverty alleviation in 2018, and the third batch of poverty -stricken counties in the province to exit poverty alleviation.Digging the resources of the lake area to help the poor increase income.The characteristics of the lake area are many water, many fields, and many deserted land.To this end, we use the water surface and Liangtian to vigorously develop poverty alleviation industries such as high -quality rice, coriander planting, greenhouse vegetables, rice and shrimp co -production, special aquatic products and lake photovoltaic power generation;Waiting for the planting and mushroom industries of the forest and fruit industry to ensure that the county's poor households have more than two poverty alleviation industries.We implement poverty alleviation in the planting industry of mushrooms, driving 8916 poor households to increase their income.Planting more than 14,000 acres of horse pomelo, driving more than 17,000 poor households to increase their income.At the same time, vigorously implement employment poverty alleviation projects.Actively help poor households provide employment positions, organize 90 employment training, and train 5,642 poor households.For the poor households, 29 poverty alleviation workshops were developed in the county, 3,821 public welfare positions were developed, and 3,312 poor laborers were arranged.Fully excavate the ecological tourism resources of Poyang Lake, and create a 10,000 acres of Huahai, Kangshan Zhongyi Cultural Park, Poyang Lake tourist attraction and rural tourist attractions.Adhere to the main attacking industry, build three industrial parks including high -tech industrial parks, ecological food industry parks, and Shuangchuang Industrial Park, so that some children of poor households will employment at their doorsteps and achieve the goal of one -person employment family poverty alleviation.Wu Riwang and other poor households in Shengli Village, Datang Township, Datang Township in our county, at the scenic spot at the door of the house, Daming Lake 10,000 acres of Huahai is a business worker, with an annual income of more than 32,000 yuan.

My family is beside Poyang Lake, and the water behind the village is the water surface in the northeast corner of Poyang Lake.The Poyang Lake ecological tourism resources mentioned here have created Daming Lake 10,000 acres of Huahai and Kangshan Zhongyi Cultural Park.The rural Poyang Lake Tourist Scenic Area was mentioned by my parents. The village where my parents had previously built the village in the village in the past year.One of my uncle is now a grower for the poverty alleviation of mushrooms in our village mushrooms.The daughter of my cousin, because the family could not afford to school, was arranged for the poverty alleviation cadres to go to the provincial capital Nanchang's technical school.

The reason why these stories I saw in the above myself, I want to use a small story of various personal experiences to make everyone more intuitive to feel what is happening in China's poverty alleviation.

Sometimes, I wondered, is there such precision poverty alleviation in the United States?How does the US government make them get rid of poverty, see hope, and help their survival, life, education, medical care and pursuit of better tomorrow?

Government of a country can choose to do all kinds of things for all people, or you can choose not to do all kinds of things you should do.What is the government in this country, what are you pushing, and what are you working hard?It really depends on the country's national system.

Different national systems can bred different national ideals and national decisions.The scale of precision poverty alleviation in China is indeed the national ideals and national decisions raised by the country's country. It is also very resolute, systematic, complete, and fixed.In recent years, China's poverty alleviation work has always been a major tackling matte that Chinese leaders have specially cared about. The deputy prime minister of the State Council of the State Council, who is the same as me, was arrested.Hu Chunhua is also a poor child from the countryside. I remember that I have seen an article that he said that when he arrived in middle school, he often had no shoes to go to school.I think poverty alleviation in China is a great arrangement to give it to a person who was once really poor.

Precision poverty alleviation: It is the symmetry of extensive poverty alleviation. It is aimed at the use of scientific and effective procedures to implement precise identification, accurate assistance, and accurate management of poverty alleviation targets for the environment of different poverty -stricken areas and different poor farmers.Generally speaking, precision poverty alleviation is mainly for poor residents, who will support who is poor.

The Chinese government's efforts to promote the poverty alleviation of poverty alleviation, relocated in different places, poverty alleviation of employment education, and various measures for low guarantee and low guarantee.A society, the lowest poor class, the government can work hard to change their future and expectations for the future. It is a civilized society and the people's government should do.This unprecedented excessive scale of precision poverty alleviation mdash; mdash; showing the huge superiority of the socialist nature of the Chinese national system.

It is reported that the Chinese government's plans are roughly divided into two strategic mdash; mdash; national policy and local intervention.At the national level, policies revolves around infrastructure expenditures.The government reached $ 19 billion in 2019 alone for various projects and plans across the country.Government data show that in 2018, China's new reconstruction roads exceeded 200,000 kilometers, and the proportion of broadband broadband in poor villages reached 94%.According to official media reports, as of the beginning of 2019, dozens of state -owned enterprises have joined the operation and invested more than 30 billion yuan in poverty alleviation projects.The great efforts of China's poverty alleviation are worthy of recognition.In just decades, 800 million people in China have got rid of poverty, which has greatly reduced the number of global poverty.

If a capitalist country like the United States feels that precision poverty alleviation in the scale of the country like China is not the advantage of the national system. I want to suggest that the United States also pushes a nationwide precision poverty alleviation in China.Is it implemented?I think the United States will not deny that they also have many poor people.However, there are a lot of capitalist characteristics in the treatment of patients with the new crown epidemic. I don't want to expect precise poverty alleviation like China.

From China's extensive scale of precision poverty alleviation, it can indeed be seen that nationalism can allow the country and the government to focus on the people's focus on the society, and to carry out all work around the interests of all people, such as precision poverty alleviation villages to revitalize the country to support national medical education.Waiting for the cause of the country to get a great level of national population base level.

2. Socialism and capitalism are not incompatible with opposition. Private -based private enterprise models can thrive in any country system.

Private -based private enterprise models are indeed the best release of the wisdom of all nationals and promoting the efforts of the whole people to create the maximum output of the maximum wealth.IfTo understand this fact from the perspective of human nature, it will be easy to understand the world.This fact allows the private enterprise model to have very strong vitality.

Western capitalist countries have developed for hundreds of years with such private ownership corporate models, creating huge scientific and technological progress and material wealth.Compared with the West, China's private ownership enterprise model can be said to be a student and a latecomer.The state chaos, which was liberated for decades before 1949. The development of private ownership corporate development was difficult due to strategic time.Nearly thirty years before the founding of the Chinese founding of the Cultural Revolution, the development of private ownership of the enterprise owned by private ownership was banned.

China's current private enterprises can be said to have developed from the reform and opening up promoted by Deng Xiaoping. It is 40 years to fulfill the full calculation today.It can be seen that Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent, and Evergrande are born gradually after reform and opening up.All private enterprises in China have no life span for more than 40 years.Most large private enterprises are corporate age from ten to 30 years.

However, it can be seen that the quality and speed of private enterprises in China for less than 40 years must not be despised.China's private economy is an important part of the socialist market economy. It plays an irreplaceable important role in stable growth, promoting innovation and increasing employment, and improving people's livelihood.Since 2012, private investment has accounted for more than 60%of the national fixed asset investment. Private enterprises have paid more than 50%of taxes with nearly 40%of resources, creating more than 60%of GDPs, contributing more than 70%or moreTechnological innovation and new product development provides more than 80%of urban employment positions and more than 90%of new employment positions.

You can use several sets of data to explain the speed and quality of the development of Chinese private enterprises: the United Nations ’s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) announced the 2018 global enterprise patent application data. In this dataEnterprises with the most patent applications in the world.Francis Gao Rui, director of the World Intellectual Property Organization, lamented: The number of patent applications for a company in Huawei accounted for 2.1% of the world's total applications and 10.1% of China.In 2019, Huawei's annual revenue reached 858.8 billion yuan, with R & D costs of 131.7 billion yuan.Tencent's 2019 revenue was 377.289 billion yuan in 2019, and the annual net profit was 93.31 billion yuan.Ali Group's revenue in 2019 was 376.844 billion yuan.

If compared with major private enterprises in China and major private enterprises in China, it is too limited from the perspective of income profit -making companies.It should also compare its development time.The Boeing Company is a global leader in the aerospace industry and one of the largest civilian and military aircraft manufacturers in the world. He was founded on July 15, 1916 and has more than 100 years.Halliburtoncompany is one of the largest suppliers in the world to provide products and services to the energy industry. It was established in 1919 and has been 100 years.Dupont is a global company based on scientific research. It was established in 1802 for more than 200 years.

It can be seen that comparison of the development duration of Sino -US companies in the world's top 500. Chinese companies can be regarded as emerging enterprises in American companies.Because almost only ten or three decades of development experience.

But this is terrible.This comparison can see how much it is easier to give birth to a huge volume in China.At the same time, it is not just big, but also very rich in technological innovation.

Therefore, for some time, the development of private enterprises in China will be greatly likely to get rid of American companies.Today's comparison is almost the same, not other problems, but only the development time is still short.

It can be seen from the end of the development of private enterprises with Chinese characteristics: Socialism and capitalism are not incompatible with opposition, and private enterprise models based on private ownership can thrive in any country system.

Third, the future of human beings will not only have two national systems: socialism and capitalism.Tomorrow of capitalism will be compatible with more socialism.

The author believes that the characteristic socialism of China is based on public ownership and a variety of ownership such as private ownership. In fact, it effectively combines the advantages of national socialism and western private capitalism.1. State socialism, allowing the country and the government to focus on the people as the center, and carry out all work around the interests of all people.promote.2. Private -owned private enterprise models can fully release the wisdom of all nationals and promote the best of the entire people to create the maximum output of the maximum wealth. Enterprises like Huawei Alibaba Tencent as well as European and American companies can also succeed in China.3. The state -based national enterprise model will allow national strategic industries such as strategic industries, national defense industries, and high -end industries to promote the development of national strategic industries such as high -speed rail shipbound space and one stars.The power of the country supports promotion.

This national socialism, private ownership private enterprise models, state -owned enterprise models, and national -owned system -based national enterprise models, the combination of the three will be greatly likely to become the mainstream trend of the development of the world's national system.The capitalist model of simple private ownership in Western Europe and the United States will gradually evolve towards this three -combined model trend.That is, the tomorrow of capitalism will be compatible with more socialism.

The simple private capitalism in the United States and other Western countries can be seen from the development of these years that many aspects of its countries are not enough and lack of, which is essentially lacking the nature of socialism.The improvement of its national system will move towards the focus of the people and the government as the focus of the people, and the direction of all the work of all people's interests.

In this epidemic, some Western countries have instantly attributed private hospitals as state -owned.The Spanish National Daily and ABC reported on March 16 that the Spanish Minister of Health Salvado Middot; Salvador Illa held a joint press conference with ministers of the three departments of defense, transportation and internal affairs on the evening of March 15 to announce the medical system in SpainState -owned, all private medical configurations will be placed under the management of the Spanish national health system.I think many Western countries have seen the huge benefits of nationalization of hospitals.For many years, the US high -speed rail has not been able to build a high -speed rail, cross -regional land acquisition and demolition, funds, etc., and various issues cannot be resolved.The President of the United States talked about the country's roads, and a series of civilized production industries such as airports and subways stagnated.

National Socialist National Hospital and State Enterprise and Institutions. Indeed, they have great national forces when they are pushing national affordable work and the development of national strategic national defense high -end industries.Of course, these industries do not exclude the power supplement of private enterprises. However, during development, the state can rely on the resources controlled by the state to lead to promotion. The state of the state of these resources is the leading force of the country's leading power to operate major countries.The main force.

However, in Western countries like the United States, their companies are private, and their own interests are the first priority.The state sometimes does not conduct these enterprises, and enterprises have no obligation to dedicate themselves for free, otherwise they are plundering private property.However, the United States also has national security work, and it is also the development of high -end industries with national strategic strategic.When these tasks are not promoted and commanded in the country, the efficiency and quality of its promotion are naturally greatly reduced.I think the status and facts of these simple private capitalist systems in the West, western countries led by the United States have deeply recognized and removed the root cause of the problem.

The western world should be deeply clear that there are many disadvantages and deficiencies that are simply the national system with private capitalism as the core. It is not as unchanged and stopped as it is now a few decades later.The western national system can also be continuously improved. The national model of capitalism will also be developed with human developmentof.

In addition, it is important to emphasize: what kind of doctrine of a country, and the single party system, and the multi -party governing governance does not have much to involve.Single -party countries, since the single party is in power, has a very large national development direction decision -making power, you can choose to take any kind of doctrine.And multi -party governing countries are not only private capitalism. It is not difficult to have a more socialist nature in the United States and other Western countries today.Did you do it?What is surprising to the Boeing localization in the United States one day?

Author: Peng Shengyu (Strategic Researcher)