United News Network

In the Southeast Satellite TV case, the Tsai Ing -wen government quickly cut into chaos. The two reporters left the country in the shortest time and did not give any space at all.Although the current civil gas is available in the people's anti -China and hatred, the administrative unit is also evaluated. This method can obtain most public opinion support, but the public opinion and the populist are often only separated from the front line, and it is related to the most sensitive nerves on both sides of the strait. The government is dealing with this.In the case, isn't there a more gentle and mellow approach?

During the teaching of Chen Mingtong, the chairman of the Taiwan MAC, the concept of hostile spirals always mentioned in the international relations class.This is the two parties that were originally contradictory. If one party first stimulated the other, it would inevitably trigger the other party's greater hostility. Such a vicious circle continued, which eventually led to the increasing situation of the situation.

Looking back, the cross -strait relations after the Cai government came to power into unprecedented freezing points. The tension between the two sides was providing a hotbed of hostile spiral.Some media are also sanctioned in the United States every time, which can inevitably make people worry that Lu Fang will have more radical countermeasures against Taiwan under multiple stimulus.

Relying on the public opinion to fight against the Chinese cards, it also reflects Su Zhenchang's attitude towards the matter. It just happens to have a good speech and speak high toes.In the case, no one can say clearly, and only brought it lightly with the reasons for the application in the country.

It is reasonable if the two reporters really step on the Guoan Red Line, and it is reasonable to leave within a time limit. However, at the same time, the government should also explain to the people the full picture of the case.Do you have the actions of a democratic country?

It is the easiest but most dangerous thing to carry the boat to the boat to cover the boat.This time, the Cai government did not hesitate to raise the decibels and the opposite shore, which not only intensified cross -strait relations, but also may further make public opinion become civilian, and fall into the vortex of the abduction of this force in the future.The election has ended, and the votes urged by cross -strait relations are also pocked. The Tsai government, which is fully governed again, is time to think about what kind of cross -strait relations are the DPP's pursuit.