Ming Pao News Agency

The Guoan Law of the Hong Kong District came into effect in Hong Kong. On July 1 of yesterday, the streets of Hong Kong Island were re -became a battlefield. At least 10 people were accused of being arrested in violation of the Hong Kong District Guoan Law.The National Security Law of the Port District is essential to maintain a red line in a country, to give the authorities a considerable power, and it is important to implement the intensity and proportion.The Central Government reiterated that the National Security Law of the Port District is to prevent, stop and punish the country's crimes that harm national security. They are targeted at very small pickers, not the entire opposition camp.Lifetime no longer.One country, two systems must be stable and far away. The central government needs to gradually regain healthy interaction with Hong Kong. How the authorities use the power given by the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District, which will have a great impact on the trust of stabilizing people's heart reconstruction.To maintain national security power, you must also be cautious.

July on the streets of Juyi

Guoan law enforcement standards to be observed

What a long influence of the Guoan Law of the Hong Kong District on Hong Kong still has to wait and see. However, the day after the implementation of the law, the situation of the Hong Kong Island area is not calm. There are tear smoke again in the area of Wan Chai and Causeway Bay.The slogan of calling Hong Kong, there are also so -called blue merchants being destroyed. The police once dispatched the water cannon truck to dispel the traffic jams and arrested about 370 people. Among them, 10 of them were carried or displayed or displayed in the Hong Kong area.Law.

Whether to wave the Hong Kong independence banner violates the National Security Law of the Port Area, and local legal experts have different opinions. Some people think that it cannot be generalized. It depends on the specific cases and whether it involves organizational, planning, and implementation of related crimes.Regarding the future calling Guangfu Hong Kong, whether the Times Revolution will illegally, Zheng Ruohuan, the director of the law of law, said that he cannot determine whether he is guilty by calling individual slogans.Whether it is objectively understood as advocating Hong Kong independence.The legal provisions mentioned that the four major crimes must have a criminal intention, and it must be proved to be convicted. Most cases are under the jurisdiction of Hong Kong and follow the law of Hong Kong.The parties are not clear.Yesterday, the police quoted the law enforcement of the Guoan Law in the Hong Kong area for the first time. Whether the scale was wide is appropriate. It also depends on how the judicial organs will deal with it in the future.

Let's talk about the power of the SAR government first.According to the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District, the National Security Council, which is the chairman of the Chief Executive, has decided not to be reviewed by judicial review. Its work is not intervened by any other institutions, organizations and individuals in the special zone.EssenceAt the same time, the law also shows that there are many power in the first special, including the chief judge of the State Security Commission of the Port District and the Court of Final Audit, and specify several judges to be included in the list of national security cases, and approved people who have reasonable suspicion involving national security crimes.Intercept communication and secret monitoring.In terms of the Central State Security Office in Hong Kong, the laws that the laws agency must abide by the national and special zone laws and accept the supervision of the national supervision organs in accordance with the law., Hong Kong Government must provide convenience and cooperation for the executive position of the office.

In terms of peace, the Western intelligence agencies also have great power. Some anti -terrorist intelligence departments are actually limited in secret monitoring and interception of communications.In any case, the power of the SAR government and the national security organs in the National Security Law of the Port District is indeed very great. The authorities must use power and must be cautious.Although the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District clearly stipulates that the Hong Kong people have the right to enjoy the freedom of the Hong Kong people in accordance with the Basic Law and various international conventions, the text of the law is dead, and the executor is born.It is the most concerned issue for many Hong Kong people.

Legislative false imagination of Panfan people

Shocking should not be available in ordinary people

Zhang Xiaoming, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office, believes that Hong Kong deviates from the correct track of one country, two systems, and formulating the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District to correct and get closer to one country. It is not to change one country and two systems.From the perspective of the central government, the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District has drawn the red line to maintain a country, but many Hong Kong people are worried that the laws are too heavy and the intensity is too strong in the direction of a country, which leads to the overwhelming two systems in one country, even if the two systems overwhelm, even if the two systems are overwhelming, even if the two systems are overwhelmed, evenThe original purpose of the law is as the central government said, but just wants to deter Hong Kong's independence, violent elements and external forces, but the actual implementation effect also makes ordinary people feel deterrent.

The central government reserves jurisdiction and cope with a few criminal cases that seriously endangers Guoan, and caused some people to worry about the delivery in Hong Kong.Central officials hope to ease the concerns of all sectors of Hong Kong about legislation. Shen Chunyao, director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, emphasized that the central government is also reluctant to see difficult situations and major reality threats, and exercise jurisdiction of the case.Zhang Xiaoming mentioned that the formulation of the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District is definitely not faked in the Fanmin Television, and the legislation is only to combat very few criminals, not the entire opposition camp, and not to disqualify the qualifications for candidates for the Legislative Council election in September.Zhang Xiaoming believes that time and facts will prove everything, and all kinds of doubts and fears will become black over time.If this is the best, but there is a problem of trust in the Mainland and Hong Kong, and the frozen three feet is not a day of cold. If you want to regain the healthy interaction, you can't do without the big things and the wisdom.Authorities exercise the degree of restraint of national security rights, facilitate ease of tension, and gradually rebuild trust.