Da Ud Middot; Kutab

Since the end of World War II, the international community has always pursued a simple but powerful principle: no matter how powerful any country, no matter how powerful, it is not allowed to seize the land of neighboring countries with force.When Argentina invaded the French Islands in 1982, there was almost no sound in the world, opposing the military intervention of the United Kingdom to regain its territory.When Iraq occupied Kuwait in 1990, the United Nations authorized for military operations to expel the Iraqi army.In addition, when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, the United Nations implemented severe sanctions on it to this day.

In the past 53 years, this principle has always been the sustenance of the Palestinian people.In 1967, this principle was included in the preface to the resolution of the United Nations Security Council No. 242.The resolution determined the roadmap between Israel and Palestine, and further reiterated that it was not allowed to obtain territory through war.Although the life under occupation has not been accepted by the Palestinian people, they can tolerate because they will eventually defeat power with justice; and Israel's unacceptable occupation will eventually end.

In addition, unlike the Faken, Kuwait, or Ukraine, the Palestinians show great flexibility when trying to negotiate with Israel's acceptable solutions.However, this kind of goodwill is not only not rewarded, but the Palestinian people proposed by the Palestinians (land of the same area and quality) plan were also distorted by Israeli decision makers to legalize theft of Palestine's occupied land.

Today, Israel is annexing most of the west coast.Of course, Israel will never be so unconvinced with its own strength.They are using US President Trump to popularize the gaps brought by the January Peace Plan of Kushner's false January Peace.The Israelites conceive and proposed by Americans that the plan will be occupied by the blockbuster, including the key strategic Jordan Valley, and hand over to Israel; the Palestinians will be thrown in the desert.

Although Americans said that they can only accept or completely reject their vision, but they are charged with a number of corruption, and the Israeli Prime Minister Niushu, who is facing court trials, is also willing to income any political semi -provided by Trump's revenue.In the pocket.Israel, which is unconditionally supported by the world's first superpowers, can now plunder the land without considering that there is no need to consider the past with the Palestinians, Jordan or the Egyptians, let alone the other countries' opposition.

To be sure, at the second summit of the Daiwi Camp in 2000 in 2000, Palestinian President Alafat accepted the basic concept of land exchange;Must be equal.This year, Palestinian President Abbas notified the Quartet (the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia) that as long as they can truly establish an independent Palestinian State, the Palestinians recognize that they need to fine -tune the border.

The Palestinians have accepted it. In 1967, the Green Line was set on the other side of the Green Line and some of the most populous Jewish illegal settlements built on the Palestinian land can be merged into Israel in exchange for the opening of the land corridor connecting the Gaza and the West Bank.The problem is that the Israelites and some US officials often distort this position, claiming that the Palestinians have refused to propose peace and are unwilling to participate in the negotiations.This is by no means.

As the former US Secretary of State Kerry explained in April 2014, the Israelis and the Palestinians have been deadlocked in recent years, mainly because Israel opened a green light for the establishment of a new settlement point for the Palestinian territory.In addition, when the United States moved its ambassador from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 2018 (this move violated the UN Security Council resolution), Palestine's leaders resisted the negotiations initiated by the Trump administration, which publicly supported Israel, although they were stillOpen for multilateral negotiations.

In fact, the Palestinians have stated that they will participate in negotiations initiated by the Quartet-Plus organization, which can also include American allies such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Japan.Russia seized this opportunity and invited the Palestinians and Israelis to hold talks in Moscow, but was repeatedly rejected by Neyahu.

In addition, in June this year, Palestinian officials submitted a four -page opposition proposal for the Trump plan.In this proposal, they agreed to accept the border of non -military affairs Palestinian.However, the pro -Israel eagle inside the White House turned a blind eye to the above proposal.

Israeli officials who are eager to annex the Palestinian territory are justified to justify their illegal behavior as an excuse for their pretexts just as excuses for the Trump administration's plan.However, even the designer of the plan, naive Kushner, rejected this unilateral transfer idea.After all, the purpose of negotiation is to promote concessions.If the negotiations have not started, one of them gets what it wants. What is the significance of such a negotiation process?

Such unilateralism is neither fair nor fair; it is also okay.The reason why peace can be achieved and legalized is not because political leaders (maybe under coercion) have signed some documents, but because the affected people support the associated clauses.Without extensive support, peace will not last.

Neutanahu's attempt to unilaterally annexes the Palestinians by the occupied land, and will only create conditions for more bleeding, anger and pain.No wonder the vast majority of American Jewish leaders, most members of the United States, Biden, President's presidential candidate, and hundreds of Israeli foreign policies and security experts, collectively opposed the reckless actions of the Neihuhu government.

The current situation requires to re -negotiate on the basis of clear stipulation and the conditions agreed between the two parties, in order to achieve solutions that both parties can accept the present and future.In addition, taking unilateral action will only make the hope of peace even more slim.

Author Daoud Kuttab is a highly award -winning Palestinian reporter, a former Professor of Ferris Journalism of Princeton University.

English Title: Israels Trumpian Unilateralism

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020