Source: Hong Kong 01

Although it has been nearly eight or 90 years since the enthusiastic age, the polar political ideas have not faded due to the improvement of material life.Just like the racial riots that were suspected of being triggered by white police officers violently by white police officers in the United States in recent months, the African -American man GeorgeFlayd, the United States, has a racist attitude of racialism, which not only stimulates the local self -reliance.After the Los Angeles riots in 1992, the worst social turmoil was also provoked. At the same time, it also provoked the nerves of anarchist and its organization Antifa, so that they stood to the front line of the social movement again, becoming the reactionary force of the right -handed trend.

Freud was suspected of being killed by the police on May 25, and the people of the city quickly spread to the United States.The parade and rally, and then evolved into riots such as arson, torture and robbery, forcing the authorities to try to stabilize the situation with a curfew, but in the end, it was also in vain.Unfortunately, Trump, the head of a country, not only failed to reflect on the root of racial riots, but also in turn incite the masses to oppose it to cover up his incompetence and anxiety.

In order to find a sinful lamb, Trump said on May 31 that he was ready to list the anti -fascist and anarchist organization Antifa as "domestic terrorist organizations", and U.S. Attorney General Williambarr was alsoIn the same day's statement, followed by the will of the chief, and the violence of violence that "Antifa and other groups incited and planned were domestic terrorism without putting forward exact evidence, so it should be dealt with accordingly."However, Trump and Balt's remarks not only have not been widespread and respond, but some senior officials of the Ministry of Justice pointed out that the United States "has no legal authorization to list domestic organizations as terrorist organizations."Disputes of the first amendment of the Constitution.

Since the 19th century French economist Pierre-Josephproudhon brought the concept of "anarchism", the word "Anarchy" also followed. IfWangwen Shengyi understands that its negative labels and observation are residual.But Trump and Balt's allegations are also exaggerated.The US Liberty -let online media SALON quoted the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) on June 3 that the authorities had no intelligence to prove the role of Antifa in riots, but warned that there were extremely right -wing social media."And" automated weapons to deal with demonstrators. "

Take advantage of the situation in the anti -autocratic movement

Although Antifa is not a "terrorist organization" in Trump's mouth, we must clarify "The Antifa movement "unsatisfactory concept, organizational method, and actions to facilitate discussions, nor as simple as the last century.In the early years, no governmentism was in the wind in the alternation of autocracy and liberalism. The ideal country blueprint described by Mikhailbakunin, the father of Russia, is the "anarchy state" of no one to control others to control others.It has changed its historical direction, and "PropagandaoftheDeed" has also become the guiding ideology of anarchist. It advocates violence to symbolic figures that hinder the revolution, enhance the effects of propaganda concepts, catalyze and incite the masses to support the revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary revolutionEssence

At the end of the nineteenth century, Alexander II wanted to lead the Russian reform of serfs and embarked on the road of modernization.Anarchist organizations took advantage of the situation, and the left -wing extremist opinion party (наро? Днаяво? Ля) repeatedly assassinated Alexander II, which represents the autocratic, oppression and exploitation of the old era, and finally broke his legs in 1881 to hurt him.Directly.After the death of Alexander II, the Public Opinion Party continued to plan and execute the assassination of generals and governors.

Even though Antifa's "ancestor" belongs to anarchism, but different time and space and social environment factors have made contemporary sports organizers different from the Political Party of Tsarist Russia.

On the source of words, the word Antifa is borrowed from the anti -Nazi movement initiated by the German Communist Party in 1932, that is, the abbreviation of German "Antifaschistisch".However, the current Antifa compete is not an autocraticism, but a new Nazi, new fascism, white supremacy and racism. If it is classified in today's political terms, it will oppose the rise of "alternative right wings".

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) interview, although members of the Antifa secret group in Oregon have different political backgrounds, they unanimously oppose fascism and have anti -government tendencies, and they participate in the participationThe purpose of exercise is to pervade authoritarianism in the US government.Therefore, Antifa claims to launch "a movement that truly isolates us from Trump's policy", which is "not only designed to resist the federal government, but to resist the move that may lead to fascism."

Antifa and alternative right -wing potential water and fire

Antifa in 2017 at the right -wing rally held in Portland, Oregon and Berkeley, CaliforniaCrusted the window and threw gasoline bombs to law enforcement officers to prevent Miloyiannopoulos, a political commentator who held the right political opinion.

In addition to using gasoline bombs, Antifa's strategy of hindering the right rally also includes shouting, group chain, or personal information about public political opponents in social media.Even though anti -fascists occasionally have the effect of "promotion" because of their violence, many gentle Antifa supporters will also spread their political concepts with posters, speeches and parade assemblies.It must be emphasized that although many Antifa supporters despise the use of violence and weapons, they also like to use "self -defense" to rationalize violence.

Equipping the political concepts and means to compete, the supporters of Antifa are not completely anarchist.Because the people participating in Antifa are only for the common points such as anti -fascism and racism, this allows the movement not only to absorb socialists, anarchist, communists and anti -funded principals, but also many feminists.Dissatisfied with the Trump administration's immigration, healthcare, abortion rights and other policies, became a member of Antifa. As the situation, the situation was like "Refusefascism", Sunsrataylor said that women participating in Antifa would respond to """Fighting them".

This also means that Antifa is not an organization launched from top to bottom from top to bottom, but a group of unsecured and spontaneous movement participants who oppose fascism.

Social inequality is extreme thoughts

Anarchism has gone through the suppression of the autocratic monarch and the baptism of the two world wars, and the post -war post -warThe increasingly rich material world has greatly reduced the attractiveness of this political trend, and has become the most ignored group in the left movement.The abandonment of people is re -injected into the energy of the movement with the change of the political and economic environment of society.

In the unwilling beliefs and ideal countries they imagined, society will no longer have the "authority" that the government, law, police, or other people obey others from top to bottom.But will there be no authoritative society, will it usher in chaos and disorder?At the end of the nineteenth century, Alexanderberkman, an unmanitist initiator who had to avoid Russia and moved to the United States, wrote in his book ABC: "Anarchism means you should be free. No one can slavery you, Leading you, robbing you may (willing) to impose (willing) to you ... This means that you should have the opportunity to choose the life you want to live, and live in the absence of unmanned intervention ... In short, anarchyDoctrine means that in a society, all men and women are free, and everyone enjoys orderlyAnd wise life."

However, we must understand where an uncultivator's desire for" Eden "comes from, and cannot look at the past from the current historical perspective.The source of social oppression, especially the criticism system, legal system, and government system.

As the analysis of socialism's prevalence of capitalism, Beckman pointed out that since the industrial revolutionClass sells its labor to the employer class.Workers build factories, manufacturing machinery and tools, production products.However, employers retain the profits of factories, machinery, tools and products in their own hands, and workers only get salary. "Although this analysis is exactly the same as that of Marx's labor alienation, that is, the workers will not only fail to get the finished product after labor.Private property rights, but only the distribution salary (that is, the value of the finished product) as a labor return, but the anarchist not only describes the labor alienation as "exploitation", but is often used by Pru Dong's "the property of the richIt is theft.

Even though there is no governmentist and socialists who want to reverse the uneven wealth under capitalism, the former not only regards the government's organization for transition to socialism, but believes that the government believes that the government is the government.It is the "accomplice" of capitalism. Beckman pointed out that capitalism makes "the land created by no one becomes the landlord ... the railway built by the workers belongs to the railway tycoon ... All these monopolists and capitalists have the right to gain profits from farmers' profits from farmersBecause they can use railways and other facilities, they will be given to you. "However, the government not only failed to balance or corrects the predatory mechanism of capitalism.The robbery is legalized and maintained; the government uses some people to assist and protect the capitalist robbery. "Therefore, in traditional anarchic, the government not only should be abolished, but also the" parasite "of capitalist symbiosis.

It is true that the social environment we are in the period of Tsarist Russia is no longer the agricultural society of Tsarist Russia, and the material life brought by capitalism in the past century has made a leap forward, which has made people willing to give up the violent violence, and gradually gradually gradually.Pursuing a better life and historical final station. However, Antifa can "get fame" in the American commotion in recent months and become Trump's "eye nail", which is enough to prove that anarchist does not want to overthrow the entire system, and its critical perspectiveThere are still attractions.

Even though the fuse of the riots is a police officer, but more importantly, how the mass and anger behind this racial riots accumulate and burn.In terms of uneven economic distribution, the impact of the financial tsunami in 2008, like a pot of cold water poured on the head of capitalist supporters -greedy market speculators packaged the "secondary" composed of non -performing loans into financial derivatives to collect money,With the cooperation of irresponsible rating agencies to cover up their investment risks and create false prosperity, the century financial crisis was eventually caused by the burst of bubbles in the US property market.The Wall Street, which is fired and fired, and the Wall Street ignites self -immolation, but the authorities use the taxpayer's money to save these "culprits" on the grounds of "big enough to be unable to fall".After the economy's heavy blow. When the Federal Reserve borrowed the haze of the financial tsunami, the public not only did not share the fruit of the economic recovery, but also did not see the actual salary.Cost. Therefore, even though the United States was not in the industrialization period of Berkman today, capitalism and the government suspected to be "combined" as the target range for economic exploitation, but the factory was transferred to the financial market.

African -American Americans have been in inequality for many years, and have common demands for race equality with anarchist.According to the Washington Post statistics, 1,004 people were shot and killed in the United States last year, of which 235 were blacks, accounting for 23%of the total; data from the American Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) showed that the black community was the most new crown pneumonia.The group accounted for 23%of the cases of more than 100,000 deaths, but the two were far more than the black people accounted for about 13%of the country's population.Although this can be blamed for the incomplete medical system, the far -reaching reason is that African Americans are not as good as other ethnic groups in social, economic status and opportunities.

Even if there is no governmentism in the social turmoil, the development of a century has proven that this extreme political thought can only become niche faiths due to its inherent lack.Like the ideal British novelist Georgeorwell, who was ideal in the last century, recalled a book to Catonia, and the real -time and ideological struggle of realistic politics was simply different from the Utopia that he conceived.Furthermore, anarchist ignores that the symbiosis relationship between power and oppression not only exists in the opposition between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, but also hides in the relationship between father and son and marriage, becoming an indispensable connection in interpersonal relationships.

Therefore, the 21st century of no governmentism is just as the well -known American scholar NOAMCHOMSKY refers to "the radical skepticism of rule, authority and hierarchical structure in human life", ", It has no longer broken away from all organizations, pursuing mutual help, mutual help, and spontaneous political order as its goal.?