Current affairs perspective

U.S. President Trump signed the 2020 Vita Human Rights Policy Act on June 17, making a bill related to Muslims formally a US law.This is the only law in the world that we are specially formulated by the human rights of Muslim ethnic minorities in other countries in the world today.

There is no Muslim country government, nor a Arab state government, and has formulated such laws; and the United States has the background of Christian civilization.A country with a Christian civilization background forms a law specifically for the human rights of Muslims. This is Samuel Middot; Hunington is the world of civilized conflict of historical conclusions after the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.It has historical significance.

From the former national security adviser John Middot; John Bolton, it can be known that Trump's position on the human rights issue of Muslims is not consistent, and even the compelling anti -human rights remarks.Compared with Muslim human rights, he is more concerned about Sino -US trade issues and his election this year.But this makes the whole thing more meaningful.Because this shows that the law formulation is not the wishes of the US president, but reflects the attitude of the entire American society and political system, on the issue of Muslim human rights.

The bill is the result of several years of political operation in Washington.In September 2019, the US Senate passed the 2019 Vita Human Rights Policy Act.In December 2019, the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress used 407 to agree with a voting result, which was overwhelming through a stronger version of the bill than the Senate.This shows that American politics and two parties have a high consensus on the bill.The Speaker of the House of Representatives and Democrats of the United States House of Representatives Perosi said the infringement of Muslim human rights is an insult to conscience around the world, and the United States is watching, and we will not remain silent.

At this time, the Palestinian issue was still there, and the war of counter -terrorism war was not.It is also shown by Ma Haiyun's title in the Muslims in the article published by Ma Haiyun in the United Morning Post. This is the weakness of the United States.The Western army and capital are also full of the Muslim world, which seems to be the civilized conflict of Huntington.It seems that the entanglement of two different religions is still a problem that must be solved by rebuilding the world order.But this metaphysical and political methodology, the imagination of civilized conflict, has not been able to stand in front of real issues.

The United States noticed that it maintained the biggest problem of the world order after World War II and was not in the Muslim world.On the Palestinian issue, the Arab autocratic regime not only does not challenge it, but is an ally who helps it solve the problem.Anti -American Cayida organization, because of Osama Middot; Middot; Laden's death, was yesterday yellow.Some emerging armed organizations and political forces are also vulnerable, and the status quo can be maintained in the Middle East.In Europe, its successful integrated region construction, and the multilateral security framework of the North Atlantic Convention, now seem to be stable as a rock.

The most unstable is the Asia Pacific.With the rise of China's reform and opening up, the impact of China's capital on Asian countries has increased, and it has shaken the strategic defense lines of bilateral alliances in the United States, Japan, South Korea, and South Asia, and constitutes the biggest challenge of the world's post -World War II in the United States and its maintenance.The United States had to withdraw from the war from Afghanistan and Iraq, and used the army and capital to promote the Asia -Pacific rebalancing strategy proposed by former US defense Panetta in 2012.

There is no reason to fight a war with Iran at this time.The conflict between the so -called Islamic civilization and Christian civilization is now unrealistic.The Coronatte problem, like a catalyst, promoted it to return to the Cold War from the conflict of civilization (the author in the joint morning newspaper's article on October 4, 2019), which exacerbates the US -China confrontation.

The concept of terrorism has been extended to white Christians since the New Zealand slaughtering Muslim incident (see the author's article on March 18, 2019 in Lianhe Zaobao).Recently, the United States' anti -racist black people's rights movement, the United States has determined that Antifa is a terrorist organization.The political context of counter -terrorism has undergone fundamental changes.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Congress, the CPPCC, and the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Government, when opposing the bill, emphasized that it was a counter -terrorism and de -de -existing measures, indicating that it was still in the era of the war of September 1st and the Anti -terrorism war.And adapt to the new environment.

Terrorism is no longer a pitch to be able to deal with Muslim ethnic minority issues that can be recognized by the international community.In recent years, China's policy on Muslims is offset the political capital and influence accumulated in the Asian -African Muslim world in 70 years; and the United States is replacing it.

This time the White House signed a bill for Muslim human rights, which officially overturned civilized conflict, comprehensively moved towards the Asia -Pacific rebalancing strategy, and returned to the reconstruction of the world order of the Cold War thinking.

The author is Chinese Islamic Aya
