Garnesh: It is some unstoppable trends that threaten US -Europe relations, not just Trump.Those who cherish this relationship should not be stupid enough to look forward to saving Biden.

The United States' commitment to Europe is noble, and it lasts a person's life length, and it is very successful.But this does not affect the commitment a bit weird.For example, after 30 years of disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States is still in the German garrison MDASH; MDASH; now Germany is not only wealthy, but also in recent situations, Germany is more stable than its nominal protection country.

One explanation is that Russia is still a force that needs deterrent.Another explanation is that Europe is a springboard for the United States in the Middle East and other regions.The previous explanation did not explain why Americans who were across an ocean were responsible for most of the deterrent tasks.The problem of the second interpretation is that it can continue infinitely.

If the European continent is now strategic importance, when will this situation end?The meaning of this statement is that the United States will always play a certain role here.It is not just the United States priority. It will be surprised by the distorted effects of the United States and its states in the country.Not only European federalists can not only notice it, which hinders the development of the European continent.

In other words, despite the Donald Trump's opposition to the status quo is indeed because of Xiaojia Ziqi (the US president who can never change the landlord's thinking declared that Germany owed military expenses), we should not ignore the more wise opposition to the status quo.reason.

The Atlantic League should not expect his future to be safe after Trump stepped down.This relationship is threatened by some unstoppable trends mdash; MDASH; not just a president of a disruption.Those who cherish this relationship should not be stupid enough to look forward to the Democratic presidential candidate Qiao Bull; Joe Biden can save it.

The most described in these trends is the strategy of turning to Asia in the United States (given that the United States bombarded Sumatra a century before the capture of Normandy, it can also be said to return to Asia).Biden has played an important role in the US government who started this process and played an important role.In 2013, his boss Barak; Barack Obama sent him out to consolidate this strategy.Seven years later, the famous multi -language candidate did not find much about Europe in the campaign.Speaking of China, although he is contradictory, his mouth is suspended.

Moreover, this is a Democrat, an institutionalist, and a person who participated in the Cross -Atlantic Summit all year round.Republicans' thoughts were more obvious to Asia.Indeed, 22 Republican parliament members wrote a joint letter to oppose the proposal of the Trump's presence from the German army.However, there were a total of 197 Republicans in the House of Representatives.Even with the issue of withdrawal, it did not reflect that Washington focused on China today.

Another trend that Biden will not stop is that the population characteristics of the United States themselves have changed.The middle age of the American population is 38 years old, and they have no memory of the Cold War, let alone two world wars that constitute the emotional foundation of the Atlantic Alliance.The United States founded NATO in 1948. At that time, most Americans's hometown was Europe. Compared with that year, Americans are now more likely to have Asian or Latin American descent.The Northern Atlantic Convention on the Atlantic League announced that one of the foundations of the unity of the alliance is the common tradition.This sentence is even more strange every year.

Re -refusing the values that truly condensed the Atlantic Alliance, it is not used.In 1948, democracy, personal freedom and rule of law (re -cited the North Atlantic Convention again) were rare features, enough to define countries with them.Late to the 1970s, most countries around the world were authoritarian countries.A few free countries naturally hug the group for safety.Now, even if there have been some changes recently, most countries are democratic countries to varying degrees.Other countries have shifted from the authoritarian system to at least a hybrid system.

The popularity of North Atlantic governance is what happened in the world during my life.But it lost the need for alliances to form an alliance.If the values of the Atlantic Alliance have spread to the world, its enemies no longer exist, and its tradition is becoming more and more complicated, then what it is worried about is far more than Trump.

There is no doubt that if Bayeng enters the White House, the US government will cooperate with Europe in terms of climate change and ease trade differences.It will not suppress the EU (EU) as a heresy that threatens nation -states.

However, in addition to this gratifying relationship, the United States and Europe will not become closer.Their relationships have returned to the stage of the late 19th century, when the United States and Europe had no connection except personnel except for the flow of goods.Although this separation and blame in Trump can make people feel better, he just pushed the bad processes of existence one more step forward.

It is said that Trump's withdrawal from Germany will make Western enemies happy.This is true.But the country that acts seriously will not just confirm what the enemy is happy, and then do the opposite thing.To survive, the Atlantic League needs to be deeper than this.Choosing a new American leader cannot give such a reason.

Translator/He Li