License: In a digital society, once the face information is collected, it may be saved forever.With the passage of time and information controller, the risks of facial information were leaked and abused.

Recently, Hangzhou Guo Bing, known as the first case of domestic face recognition, opened a case in Hangzhou Wildlife World Co., Ltd.Guo Bing is a member of the annual card of the Wildlife World. In October 2019, he received a SMS notification: the park's annual card system has been upgraded to face recognition into the park. The original fingerprint recognition has been canceled.It will not be able to enter the park normally.Guo Bing believes that the personal sensitive information of the facial information is to modify the service terms unilaterally in the world of wild animals, and requires the refund of the annual card fee.After the negotiation was unsuccessful, Guo Bing complained to the court to the court.In fact, this is by no means alone.From the Beijing Metro face security inspection to the monitoring records of students' classroom dynamics, the face recognition has frequently caused controversy in the past year.On the other end of public opinion is the rapid development of face recognition.From 2015 to 2019, the number of patent applications for face recognition and video surveillance soared from 1,000 to 3,000, of which three -quarters were in China.The MarketsandMarkets consulting company predicts that by 2024, the global facial recognition market will reach $ 7 billion.The departure of industry, technology, and public opinion has raised a serious question: What is the legitimacy of human face recognition?

When we talk about face recognition, what are we worried about?

Faces are not the secrets of everyone's secrets. In fact, our appearance plays a pivotal role in social relations and personality development.Because of this, in China, masters are often closely related to negative impressions such as unwillingness and dangerous people.The publicity of the face in the public space.In this case, why are we worried about face recognition?

First of all, you can think of, face recognition may endanger the important gifts of modern society, mdash; mdash; strangeness and the anonymity behind it.If everyone in the traditional society lives in a group of acquaintances with a sound of chickens and dogs, then modern society is a stranger country composed of countless atomic individuals.American jurist Friedman portrayed this strangeness like this: when we walk on the street, strangers protect us, such as police; or threatening us, such as crime.Strangers extinguish our fire, strangers educate our children, build our house, and invest in our money.Strangers tell us the news in the world in the radio, television or newspaper.When we travel by bus, train or plane, our lives are in the hands of strangers.If we have to go to the hospital, strangers cut our bodies, clean us, care for us, kill us or cure us.If we die, strangers will bury us.In a stranger society, individuals are actually invisible. Although he has no hidden appearance, whereabouts, and remarks, he still thinks that others should be blind or hear.In public spaces such as the subway, restaurants, streets, elevator rooms, etc., the politeness between people is not concerned about people.

This strangeness, when it is young, it enables individuals to enjoy negative freedom that does not interfere, thereby showing and developing its own unique personality. In the big, it guarantees the tolerance and diversity of society, making the appearance differently different from the appearance.(Such as ethnic minorities, foreigners, disabled people) or behavior of acts from the rebels from discrimination.Even if German sociologist Aming Bull; what Nascei said, society can withstand the inequality and unfairness caused by social transformation, because it depends on invisible, not visible;Instead of intimacy; dependency distance, not close, in this regard, social unity is based on strangeness.

The strangeness relies on individual hidden.If the order is lost and anonymous identity is open, modern society will be at stake.In the United States, the legal protection of strange and anonymous laws can be traced back to the discussion of the US Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist in 1972. He argued that it was a good place to stop the police car in a business in order to investigate a case.At the door of the bar parking lot, the time to stay every day is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.During this time, the police recorded every vehicle number in and out of the parking lot hellip; hellip; if some people just entered and exited the parking lot during this period of time, but did not patronize the bar, if some citizens thought their names, their namesIt has been recorded by the police and may be used for the reference of future case surveys. Then I believe that these citizens must have reason to worry about Hellip; Hellip; government law enforcement officers should not take any surveillance operations at all.Indeed, the behavior of citizens to the bar is not a hidden behavior, but he still does not want to be monitored and identified.In the subsequent development, this anonymous right in public places is gradually incorporated into privacy and is protected by the fourth amendment to the US Constitution.

Obviously, the increasing number of cameras and face recognition through algorithms and big data have made people go from anonymous to showing their names, but the sense of intimacy and security of acquaintance society has not returned.On the contrary, the sense of threat will even increase.We can imagine that a community without police may of course be dangerous, but there are police communities everywhere, which may be more dangerous.

The danger of face recognition is not limited to this.In traditional society, people's memories of strangers are often burned after reading, and in the contemporary contemporary of digital survival, the face information that is difficult to change may be saved forever.With the passage of time and information controller, the risks of facial information were leaked and abused.At the same time, the application scenarios of face recognition are continuously expanded, from offline to public travel. From e -commerce to smart parks, face information has become part of digital identity and virtual personality.The risk of losses, personal or opportunities caused by forgery also increased day by day.

Two kinds of face recognition, two prescriptions

Face recognition corresponds to two correlated but different scenarios for individual anonymous threats and possible violations of individual digital identity.The former mainly exists in the face monitoring of public places: In order to maintain public safety and social welfare, the government uses face recognition to track criminals or find missing persons at stations, streets, and stadiums.The use of the eyes of the Las Vegas Casino to prevent the eyes of the air from being blacklisted is a typical example.The latter mainly exists in the face verification of the access system, covering various identity authentication such as face -to -face replacement tickets, as a password, unlocking device, and hotel check -in.With a visual expression, the purpose of face monitoring is to know who you are, and the purpose of face verification is to know you are you.

Different symptoms, the prescription is naturally different.

Once the face monitoring is used, it has a negative impact on the anonymity of modern society. The spatial characteristics of public places and the object characteristics of unspecified people make the individual's face -to -face monitoring.Because of this, all countries are cautious about face monitoring of public space.In December 2019, the EU artificial intelligence white paper (draft) stated that face recognition technology in public places will be banned for 3 to 5 years. Although the European Commission finally deletes the face recognition technology ban, it is used to use the face.The remote biometric system such as monitoring has strict restrictions.In the United States, in May 2019, San Francisco became the first city to prohibit police and other government agencies from using facial monitoring. Subsequently, Samersville, Auckland and San Diego in Massachusetts also actively followed.In June of this year, in the context of the Minnespolis police killing George Bull; George Floyd triggers national protests, IBM, Amazon, and Microsoft have successively announced the suspension of face recognition technology used for monitoring.Amazon's suspension period is one year, and Microsoft said that the suspension period was indefinite before the law was introduced.

Because of his position, the legitimacy of the face monitoringThe boundary should try to shrink as much as possible.In addition to further clarifying the principle of proportional authorization of law and non -necessary monitoring, it should also enhance the transparency of face recognition technology from the operational level.For example, clearly identify the location of all monitoring equipment, explain the establishment of authorities and contact information in a short text, and supplement the two -dimensional code and privacy policy links to help the public get detailed information at any time and facilitate subsequent supervision and relief.

Unlike face monitoring and threatening, face verification is often neutral.Not only has it authorized by users, but also improves services, and even itself is part of the service, such as face entertainment or medical services for blind people.Another reality example is to bypass the regulatory issue for children's identity information, Tencent Games uses face verification to identify users suspected of minors.However, face verification is still facing the challenge of protecting face information mdash; mdash; this sensitive personal information challenge.Here, we may wish to build its legitimate enchantment with the consent of informed consent, free choice, and security guarantee.

The informed consent here requires the purpose of collecting the purpose of the collection of face information, the method of use, and the time limit for the preservation period, and inform the user alone and clearly, and obtain it instead of an implied consent;Selected plans, users have the right to choose and change their identity verification methods according to their wishes. In some special occasions, such as services to prevent children who use their parents or have major rights and interests of users, users can require users to use other fingerprints such as fingerprints.As a replacement.Finally, security guarantee requires a comprehensive risk assessment of the face verification system beforehand, including the impact of privacy, potential errors, unfair discrimination, susceptibility, risk of hackers and cyber attacks, and prove that choose peopleThe rationality of face verification technology.In this regard, this risk assessment is like a threshold, and the income must be greater than the cost, and the face verification can enter the room.Or take Tencent's prevention of children to play games as a parent. Not all user visits need to be verified. Only adult accounts that are highly suspected of minor game behavior are determined.Face verification of the effect of the effect of double -edged sword.On the other hand, after the incident and after the incident, the relevant agencies should follow the privacy principles of design to embed the protection of personal information into the operating process, and to deploy a reserve system for artificial participation to solve abnormal and data security issues.

People are always afraid of strange technology.But to defeat the devil, you must understand the devil.After understanding it, I realized that the devil was in the details, and so is the face recognition.Only in different scenarios to distinguish between its risks, can we better control it and domesticative it, so that it will never be separated from technology.

(This article only represents the author's own point of view, responsible editor: Yan Man [email protected])