Zheng Hao

The relationship between China and the United States is on the edge of substantial changes.A few days ago, at the Secretary -General and Director of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yang Jiechi, the Secretary -General of the CPC Central Committee, and the US Secretary of State Pompeo, which attracted great attention from the outside world.However, whether the talks play a role in cliffs, there are divergent opinions.Obviously, how to save the worse relationship between the two countries through dialogue is greater urgent.

Judging from the press release after the conversation between the two, China ’s discussion is a constructive dialogue, but the constructive reflection of the specific aspects of the press release does not explain in detail in the press release.Generally speaking, the word constructive in Chinese diplomatic resignation is that the lowest level means that as long as it is not confront, any contact, dialogue, negotiation, etc. can be understood as constructive.Because the United States is not detailed in the talks about this talk, it is difficult to judge how important Sino -US dialogue can have a great impact on reversing the tension between the two countries.

The author believes that Sino -US relations have the most complicated and difficult problems in the past 40 years of self -established diplomatic relations. In addition to structural contradictions, the confrontation between China and the United States has evolved into a full -scale and multi -level confrontation;It also has a more uncertain impact on Sino -US relations in the future.

Historically, although the contradictions and differences in China and the United States are endless, it is basically reflected in a certain period, a (or a few) problems, and even sharp.However, since entering the Trump era, the contradiction between China and the United States involves almost all aspects. Economic and trade, investment, Taiwan -related Tibet -related Hong Kong -related issues, human rights, cultural exchanges, South China Sea issues, network security, 5G technology, Belt and Belt, One BeltAlong the way, as long as China and the United States have contacts and re -overlap, almost all have confrontation.It is no wonder that Sino -US relations are currently worse than the US -Soviet relations during the Cold War, and it is even close to the critical point of positive conflicts.

In fact, saving Sino -US relations not only requires soul medicine, but also urgently need strong heart and sedatives.But unfortunately, when both sides constantly emphasized the position and the red line of the bottom line, it is expected that the relationship between the two countries will emerge soon, which is neither realistic nor possible.For example, shortly after the conversation between Yang Peng Xia and the Wakales, President Trump warned on Twitter, saying that Sino -US completely decoupled is still one of the policy options. This is obviously threatening China, and it seems that Yang Peng Hawaii dialogueThe relationship between the two countries will still be in crisis.

The author has repeatedly emphasized that China does not need to doubt what the United States can do, but must make any psychological preparations for the United States.The experience of over the past four years has told the world: as long as Trump insists on what he wants to do, he has done it; as long as he plans to do, most of them have done it.

This is not only China, but also the reality that the world is facing together.The American way of doing the United States in Trump has completely different from the so -called ruling method in the previous so -called system; to some extent, Trump’s only internal affairs and foreign policy of the United States first concept are huge.Change has great disruptability, destructive and non -reversal.

Of course, the comprehensive confrontation of Sino -US relations is difficult to dialogue with one dialogue, and all problems are resolved and all problems are solved.However, this time Yang Peng Hawaiian dialogue was obviously difficult to see both China and the United States, and had formed a consensus or signs of synchronous brakes.

At present, the United States is in a period of domestic epidemic, anti -racial discrimination protests, and a period of economic restarting triple pressure; especially in the United States election.To be sure, in the future, from the White House to Congress, from the State Council to the Pentagon, from the administrative department to the intelligence department, the situation of conservative forces will not change;It will change, and the policy on China will still adhere to the so -called regression principles of Return to Principled Realism will not change.

Where does Sino -US relations go?There is no timetable, just like the deterioration of Sino -US relations without any signs of cliffs.

The author is a senior current affairs commentator of Phoenix Satellite TV

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