At 0:46 on June 22,@6 6 6 posted on Weibo, and the Indian Army in the Indian -Indian border area has been given lsquo; completely rsquo; freedom of action, including the expression of using guns in special circumstances.Calling on the Indian army to maintain a soberness, the elites of India also maintained rationality, and co -control the Chinese side to control the border disputes most in line with India's interests.

The full text of Weibo is as follows:

Indian media said that the Indian army in the China -India border area has been given complete freedom of action, including the use of guns under special circumstances.If it is true, this seriously violates the establishment of trust measures for the establishment of trust measures in the military field of the real -line region of the China -India border.Although the China -India border area is nervous from time to time, the two countries have not fired each other for decades.If the Indian army will shoot at the Chinese soldiers in the future, the border areas of the two countries will completely become another face.

Lao Hu must warn India's nationalists that if their troops can't even fight Chinese soldiers, guns and other military weapons will not help them.Because China's military power is much more powerful than India.

Some Indians arrogantly believed that the Indian Army was modern and could defeat the PLA, and they could report avenge in 1962.I want to tell them that in 1962, China and India's economic strength was not much different. Today, China's GDP is about 5 times that of India, and China's military expenses are estimated to be more than three times that of India.If the Indian army is upgraded to the border conflict with China and makes it a war, it can only touch the egg with eggs.