01 Viewpoint

It is less than half a year since the end of the US election at the end of the year. The presidential candidate has been settled, and the former vice president Biden challenged the current President Trump.With the loss of control of the new American coronary virus epidemic, and the large -scale riots and demonstrations of anti -racism and anti -police violence across the country, Trump's handling techniques have been questioned and the people are looking down.The polls at the beginning of the United States CNN (CNN) showed that Biden -people was thrown away from Trump's 14 hundred percentage points, which greatly rebounded the Trump camp.Other polls show that there is a two -digit gap between Biden and Trump, which has made the Republican Party keep the White House in the coming year.

In addition to the Presidential War in the upper part of the votes, the two courts of the parliament in the middle of the votes are also very compact.Although the Republican Party in the mid -2018 election lost the House of Representatives, the majority of the Senate's seats were still retained, which caused Trump's impeachment case to be collapsed in the Senate without bleaching.However, as Trump's people look at Diaoling, the Republican Senate control is also dangerous.A place that was missing by the heavyweight senator John McCain's brain cancer, which was missing, was originally a sway state that was attacked by the Democratic Party. At present, the Republican Party's momentum, the opportunity of Martha Mcsally has increased greatlyEssence

As for the Senator of the Northeast in 1997, Susan Collins, who claims to be a gentle school in the Republican Party, appointed the nominated hearing of the Supreme Court of Supreme Court in Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.Cavano was under pressure from the sexual assault scandal.Although Collins claimed to believe in the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford in Congress, the voting eventually voted for votes, causing extreme dissatisfaction with Democrats and Liberals.It is not known whether Collins will be repaid by voters' ticket debts.If the state of Maine falls into the Democratic Party, the Republican advantage will narrow to only one seat in the Senate.

Republican internal sense crisis

However, Democrats are not rising.In 2017, the current Doug Jones was caught in a number of sex scandals such as Roy Moore, a Republican opponent Roy Moore.Miracle.However, in recent years, John Hickenlooper, a former governor of Colorado, came out of the mountain, Cory Gardner.Coupled with the continuous decline in Trump's people, even Hongzhou Montana, North Carolina, and even Aiwa have unstable seats.

A few days ago, Mitch McConnell, a majority leader of the Republican Senate, was asked if he was out of control if he lost his control of the Senate. McConnell asserted that even the Republican Party in Washington had also felt the crisis.McConal is open to the House of Police's Police Act in the House of Representatives. Although Trump once raised the demonstrator as a thug, Trump ordered the use of LaFayette to dispel the White House.Square) demonstrators even threatened to be chaotic and had to sign the administrative order to reform the police force.

The Democratic Party is very good at the situation of the Presidential and Capitol, and naturally places its focus on the left -wing progressive factions in the party.In the mid-party election in the mid-party election in the mid-party election, in the 14th constituency of New York State, he was defeated by the tenth session. The Democratic Party of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Democratic Party, Joe Crowley, and the alarming Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.Become a supernova of politics that is unknown.Corders' progressist political platform is contrary to the mainstream Democratic Party's pro -business route. Therefore, it has repeatedly made it public with the Democratic House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.

This year's Cordus ushered in the challenge of former reporter Michelle Caruso-Cabrera. Behind it, David Solomon, CEO of Goldman Sachs, and Stephen Schwarzman, chief executive chief of private equity giant Blackstone Group,Wait, the blessing of many Wall Street Banks and the chain giant companies.However, even if there is a big chaebol, the $ 2 million campaign funds raised by Kablara are far less than the average of US $ 200 in Cordus, with a small crowdfunding of US $ 10.5 million.The confrontation between the pro -business -based system and the left -wing progressive group was almost the repetition of the President's primaries to the Sanders drama.

Social sores and holes

Progressive clubs are not only observed, and they have sent ethnic minorities and female candidates across the country to challenge the current Democratic members of the Democratic Party.The focus is on the 17th constituency of New York State as a member of the Republic of China for more than 30 years. He is in charge of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives.Principal Jamaal Bowman.And polls show that Baowen, who played as an amateur, is leading the top ten hundred percentage points of the heavyweight person.In order to teach Engel's election, the former New York State Senator and Secretary of State Hillary expressed their support to support Engel, which made the preliminary selection more war atmosphere.

When it was influenced by riots and demonstrations in New York City, Engel, who had not appeared for a long time, finally appeared on the streets of Bronx, but admitted to the district's leader that if he had no primary election, he didn't care about the local situation at all, causing the public to criticize the public.EssenceIt just reflects that the Democratic Party's establishment of Engel, and the cloud elite class such as Hillary, which still supports the support after this time, is out of place with the suffering of people's livelihood in the community.And when it gets endless funding from Goldman Sachs and Blackstone like Kablara, it is natural that his mind gradually moved from the south to Mankton's Wall Street from the south of the service.

The four -year disaster -style rule in the United States is already a lot of holes, and former national security adviser John Bolton is in the new book room: White House Memoirs Demonstrate Trump Scar, how is this political deep water bomb?The end of the election at the end of the year is still unknown.However, even if the Democratic Party really takes the control of the White House and the two hospitals, if it is once again intoxicated with the paper drunk gold fans of money and power, forgetting the deep water of the ethnic minorities and the low -class water in this epidemic and demonstration.Kick out of the White House, another more intense populist anger counterattack, it will only be a matter of time.