The Hong Kong Ming Pao's review article pointed out that China and the United States have been raging under the global epidemic, and they have never stopped scolding.On the 17th of this month, the highest -level officials of the two countries suddenly appeared in Hawaii for 7 hours. Although the meeting had no formal results, officials responsible for trade in the two countries immediately released a goodwill and hoped to implement the trade agreement.However, US President Trump immediately turned his gun head, saying that the full decoupling of the United States was also an option.Sino -US relations are affected by the factors of the United States in the short term. Of course, it is normal like roller coasters. In the long run, it seems inevitable.

Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of Diplomacy, met with US Secretary of State Pompeo. The US media claimed that it was Beijing's proposal, but the Chinese side did not say.The herd of diplomatic operations is unknown, but either party does not think that there is such a need, nor will it fly to Hawaii.

The closed door meeting placed Longmen to publicly fight against Xianzhangzhang

After the meeting, the two sides said their own words. The United States said that it reiterated the major interests of the United States and interacted with the comprehensive and mutual benefit of business, security and diplomacy between the two countries. It also emphasized that sharing information on the new crown epidemic requires high transparency.This kind of diplomatic resignation is purely unable to find a topic that can be said but has to say something.China said that this was a constructive dialogue and agreed to continue to maintain contact and communication to show a positive positive attitude, but did not disclose the original target and whether the expected purpose was achieved.However, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took the initiative to make a question when answering questions. The Chinese side explained in detail the positions involving issues involving Xinjiang, Taiwan and Hong Kong.Perhaps this can explain why the two sides spent 7 hours behind closed doors without the disclosure of the agenda.

Pompeo and Yang Jiechi have not seen each other since August last year. They only passed the phone. Now suddenly they have to clarify their respective positions face to face. It is speculated that the possible reason is that Trump has encountered trouble in the election.EssenceThe U.S. epidemic has not eased, and the fate of black people also swept the country, and Trump's response in these two aspects has lost people's hearts. Public opinion is behind the opponent's nearly 10 percentage points, and there are three new books published in the short term.Trump's niece and national security affairs consultant disclosed Trump's private life and public office, as if a heavy bomb, which was enough to make Trump tired.

National Security Consultant Bolton served in the White House for 18 months, assisted in the formulation of US foreign policy, accompanied Trump to attend almost every important occasion. In the upcoming book, he pointed out in detailed examples directly pointed out that Trump would have personal political interestsTalking with the national interests, many diplomatic decisions are essentially paving the way for him to run for re -election.In addition, Trump does not know that the British has international common sense jokes such as nuclear weapons and Finland is not a part of Russia. These breaking news has caused Trump to fall into the crisis of presidential status. According to the public relations strategy, the best way is to make up for diplomatic achievements.

For the relationship between the two big powers, the public relations methods can only be decorated with peace, and practice is the king.One day after the meeting of the Sino -US diplomacy officials, Trump signed the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act.There is no reason for China to assist the United States to suppress North Korea, and the mountains placed between China and the United States are not public relations.

Lytechizer said that it is impossible to decompose Trump said that China and the United States are still being decoupled as options

Although the original intention of Pompeo and Yang Jieye's meeting is not to solve the actual problem, trade officials between China and the United States know how to push the boat smoothly, and the US trading representative Leitzizawa stated at the parliamentary hearing that China keeps the promise of the first stage of trading agreement and thus thusIt has eased the dispute and believes that the two economic powers cannot be decoupled.Liu He, the deputy prime minister in charge of China -US negotiations, immediately reported his virtue and publicly stated that he should create conditions and atmosphere, eliminate interference, and jointly implement the first phase of economic and trade agreements.The economic and trade relations between China and the United States, Mo said that it is decoupled, and the global supply chain cannot be absent from any party, but it will not be maintained for several days on sunny days.

Bolton burst out inside, saying that Trump hopes that China will buy more agricultural products to cooperate with his votes for agricultural states.Tong Russia affects the allegations of Trump's election, which makes him scorched, and now there is another suspected Tongden, which is another crisis that Trump cannot bear. Therefore, Trump's tweet said: In different conditionsBelow, the United States must maintain a policy option that is decoupled from China.When Trump, who is impermanent and has the title of presidential trading, in turn, in turn, Xi Jinping is the greatest leader in Chinese history and depending on the change of election.

The four -year American election is a major affairs of American politics. However, treating China's increasingly strong attitude has become the consensus between the two parties.There may be small differences, but suppressing China is in line with the overall interests of the United States.Whether Trump's successful re -election will only affect the frequency and amplitude of the ups and downs of US -China relations. In the long run, the spiral of the relationship between the two countries' relations will be the change of the international pattern.