Ye Shengzhou: Since the focus of Kim Jong -un and the Labor Party is still economical and people's livelihood, then the United States, South Korea, China, and Russia do not have to be rushed to take the move, let alone the way.

Among the global heads of state, such as the rating of the head of the heads, Trump is definitely the first person, and Kim Jong -un is the second person.Although the country is small and energetic, forcibly supports the nuclear in illegally, and has a clever wrist, and firmly focuses on the attention of the mainstream media.At 14:50 on June 16th, North Korea fiercely bombed the North Korea -to -Korea Liaison Office building located in the Kaicheng Industrial Park, and once again on the hot search list of various countries.

Five causes of Fried Tower

── Surface reason.The fuse is May 31. On May 31, the northern parties scattered anti -North Korean leaflets in the military division line, slandering the most precious and sacred highest dignity (pressed: refers to Kim Jong -un).Statistics of North Korea, three times in 2019 and three issues in 2020, so it is determined that the Korean side will condon and take the opportunity to make trouble.

North Korea has accused South Korea accusing South Korea's believer abandoned and violating the Banmen Store declaration signed in April 2018. This is a fact.Article 2 of the Declaration stipulates that all hostile behaviors such as amplifier broadcasting and leaflet distribution are strictly prohibited in the military division line.

However, this is also a matter of large and small, small, small, and both sides have not strictly complied with the Pymunjo declaration of Pyongyang in September.The credit of North Korea and the Kim family has always been inferior. It is determined that Kim Jong -un has recently visited Shouho. The interview with the appointment at the end of 2018 has been determined to commemorate the 3bull in 2019; the 100th anniversary of the 1 movement is also yellow.There are joint military exercises in the United States and South Korea, and North Korea also has military exercises. He has repeatedly showed off his force. Kim Jong -un has repeatedly guided the development and test of super artillery on the spot.

── Psychological reason.Trump is a political amateur and has obvious personality defects. It is too vanity to show off. He has thought of the Nobel Peace Prize that Obama has won. He has not accepted the correct suggestions of the consultants.The starting start is too fast, and the appetite of Kim Jong -un.

So Kim Jong -un misled the situation and national strength. The river had been dismantled before the river had been dismantled. He thought he could throw away South Korea, conducted peace talks with the United States, and reached a favorable agreement.On June 13, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Korea stated that North Korea ’s affairs, especially nuclear issues, were not qualified to talk or have no room for participation.

── Political reasons.From December 28th to 31st, 2019, when Kim Jong -un made a report on the 5th Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the North Korean Party, he clearly announced that we were about to take the impactful actual actions to completely discuss the people of our country so far to this day.The cost of pain and development that is still suffering.

Based on this, I speculate that North Korea has long had a plan to break through sanctions; eat persimmons to choose a soft pinch from South Korea, which is used to obstructing the breakthrough; the sudden new crown epidemic delays this conflict;North Korea will also easily find other explosive points for South Korea.

The bombed liaison office is just a symbol, and now paralysis has no substantial significance.Moreover, the maintenance and operation of the past two years have been paid 16.883 billion won (about 100 million yuan) in South Korea.In the future, the reconstruction will inevitably be the full payment of the injustice in South Korea. North Korea will not distress.If the Korean side eats one and one wisdom, it may wish to rebuild it on its own territory.

──In economic reasons.Global epidemic is popular, and countries are dangerous under the pressure.North Korea has superimposed the sanctions of the United States and the Security Council. The economy and people's livelihood are extremely difficult.Nowadays, the global economy is not good, and can only be eaten by eating old books, or searching for the property of North Korean power.

The DPRK announced that the bombing building is a prelude to the full bankruptcy of the North -South relations. In fact, it may not be.When Kim Jong -un made a report on the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Party, he proposed the revolutionary route of the positive breakthrough battle and explained that the main front of the front breakthrough battle was the economic front.

On June 7, Kim Jong -un presided over the Central Political Bureau of the Labor Party.The first sentence of the DPRK to follow the first sentence of the next day to follow our party's great positive breakthrough ideas, strategy, and practical program. The last paragraph also emphasizes the further consolidation of the independent economic foundation and potential.Positive road.

── The ultimate reason.Kim Jong -un was extremely afraid of his own security and political security.Without the support of nuclear weapons, with his age qualifications and North Korean national strength, he could hardly escape the fate of being pinched by Sino -US noodle dough.He strongly eager to self -defense and autonomy, and finally forcibly forcibly supported the nuclear.

Of course, he knew that North Korea had to nuclear as well as CVID. Although it was the earliest proposed in the United States in August 2003, the 10 sanctions resolutions of the Security Council reiterated and passed through all votes, which has already become the consensus of five nuclear powers and the international community.North Korea's strength is far from challenging, this is the knot.

North Korea believes that there is a self -defense right and a concession, and the United States should have more returns.However, in the eyes of the United States, other nuclear powers, and the international community, North Korea's illegal nuclear supporting nuclear nuclear and non -proliferation system and international political and security order must be made more concessions.Politics and diplomatic returns.

Valuable information

In the past two weeks, North Korea has continuously scolded the North North, Wen Zaiyin, and South Korea. The Chinese style Chinese have similar memories in the extreme left age.Although most articles are repeated and rough attacks, it is not useless.The author sorted out the relevant reports and articles on the official website of the North Korean Society, and summarized North Korea's attack strategy and rhythm:

──The qualitative Korean enemy is still an enemy.On June 5th, 8th, and 17th, Zhang Jinzhe, a spokesman for the Labor Party United Front Work Department, the DPRK -China Society comment, and the United Front Minister, at least three times to South Korea, and the enemy was still an enemy.Zhang Jinzhe also emphasized that North Korea will no longer communicate and cooperate with the South Korean side in the future, and everything between the two sides has been used as a spring dream.

On June 15th, Wen Zaiyin asked to send a special envoy composed of Zheng Yirong, the head of the National Security Office Zheng Yitong and the president of the National Intelligence Institute as soon as possible.Not only did the DPRK refuse, the North Korean Society also issued a manuscript to laugh at the panic, ridiculous, and ridiculous.

──Atie Wen Zaiyin and South Korea.Due to the strong constraints of the United States and the Security Council's sanctions resolutions, North Korea and South Korea's economic and trade cooperation only thunder and rain, such as the North Korea and South Korea United Highway Railway, King Kong Mountain Tourism Project, and restarting the Kaicheng Industrial Park.Even if the Security Council's sanctions resolution, in addition to humanitarian assistance in South Korea, other steps are tightly followed by the United States.On June 12, Zhang Jinzhe accused South Korea's nasal breath, looking around, and he couldn't do anything. He had no will and his ability to fulfill what he said and promised.

North Korea is aggressive and serial, trying to compress South Korea's substantial concessions.On June 8th, Jin Yingzhe, deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Labor Party, and the first deputy minister, Jin and Zheng, emphasized that they would comprehensively convert the work of the south to the enemy work and instructed to review the enemy's work plan at each stage;Thoroughly cut off all the communication links between the North Korea and South Korea's joint contact offices, the military, the communication test, and the head of state; the building was simply exploded on June 16.

On June 17, Kim and Zheng made a long talk, and finally showed the cards.No name for condemning Wen Zaiyin's video speeches on the 15th, he was nonsense, upside down black and white, shameless and sophistry, attacking his mental problems, no regrets, and no countermeasures. He asked him to commit to his sins, reflex, and prevent recurrence.The key is to complain that the project that can be done in South Korea has not been started; the US -South Korea alliance is better than the North -South South Agreement; the North -South relations have become a gamer in the United States.

──In the end of the finger at the United States.When Kim Jong -un made a report at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Party, he judged that Chari and the United States would have long stalemate and the United States had no intention of canceling hostile policies, improving relations or solving problems.

Two keywords appeared frequently on June 17.Seven attacks on Wen Zaiyin, of which five times expressed greatism, and two were beautiful and beautiful; four attacks Wen Zaiyin took the United States as the main son.For example, although he was looking at the master of the master, and his pitying of the dog, he extended his hand to the robbers who broke into his own?

On June 17, Trump announced that due to the risk of the existence and diffusion of fissionable substances on the Korean Peninsula, extended the state of emergency state (threat) for North Korea for another year, and in essence, the sanctions against the DPRK implemented in 2008 extended the sanctions on the DPRK and extended the 2008 Korean sanctions.One year.This is the strongest response to North Korea's rotation to oppress South Korea and test the American bottom line.

──Shamnity to China.On June 3rd, the International Department of the Labor Party accused Pompeo maliciously vilifying the Communist Party and socialism.On June 4th, the Korean Foreign Minister Li Shanquan met with the Chinese ambassador to the North Korea, Li Jinjun, and a signature article on the Labor Press on June 7. All supported China to exercise sovereignty as the Hong Kong State Security Law. It is believed that the Hong Kong issue belongs to the Chinese internal affairs.

──In Kim He is in charge of working in the south.North Korea deliberately heated the anti -DPRK leaflet incident, and Kim and Zheng made three conversations.Among them, the conversation on June 4 scolded the northern and the Korean government. The wording was extremely rough and powerful. The reader could interpret the real anger for her.There is another spicy side.

Talking on June 13, she announced that it was now a time with South Korea's knife, exercising the comrades of the chairman and the permissions given by the party and the country (by: implying her division of labor in the Politburo).Implement the next stage of action.It also hinted that there were two actions: in the near future, I will see the miserable scenes of the fragmented office of North -South joint contact offices that are not used in the future, and the right to exercise the enemy's actions to the North Korean People's Army General Staff.

── Strengthen the threat of preparing forces.Sure enough, synchronized with the Fried Building. On June 16, the General Staff of the Korean People's Army publicly published the next stage of the direction of the enemy military action plan, including re -deploying combat forces and posts on the front line, and promoting the warning level to the No. 1 combat system.Restore military training.On the same day, the North Korean Society commented on the threat, and the Korean side could be suffered more terrible threats than LSquo; Seoul Huohai theory.

This is preparing for war, not declaration of war; this is a mouth gun, not a artillery.Trump is good at extreme pressure, and the three generations of Jin are good at limit blackmail.Do you really have to make martial arts, will the DPRK plans to publicize the Korean military operations?

Kim Jong -un was savvy. He used artillery to burn Seoul into a sea of fire. The problem was that the subsequent retaliation of the U.S. and South Korea forces would also destroy his regime and country.On June 17, the South Korean Ministry of Defense issued a warning that once North Korea takes military operations, it will definitely pay the price.

Kim Heye was dismissed by alternate members of the Politburo for one year

On April 11, 2020, the Central Committee of the Labor Party held a meeting of the Politburo and issued a draft the next day.I found out that there were four issues of the Politburo Conference when they retrieved the draft.Alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee.

On October 7, 2017, Kim Jong -un presided over the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Labor Party, and he had been elected as a member of the Politburo for the Politburo.The question comes. When is Kim Jong -un's sister Kim Jong -un, Kim Jong -un, who is known as the North Korean princess, when is the alternate member of the Politburo for the Politburo?

The appointment and removal of the alternate members of the Politburo must have organizational procedures, so they continue to check the series of Kim Jong-un's series of Kim Jong -un in the column of the Supreme Leadership Revolutionary Activity Column of the DPRK.There are the following discoveries:

──The DPRK Society February 24, 2019.Kim Jong -un left Pyongyang on February 23, and went to Hanoi, Vietnam to hold a second summit with Trump.One of the accompanying persons, Jin and Zheng, an alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and the first deputy minister of the Party Central Committee.At that time, the princess was still a member of the Politburo.

──PhChizhong News Agency, April 10, 2019.The Labor Party Central Political Bureau's expansion meeting was held on April 9th. Obviously, this was the preparatory meeting of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Labor Party the next day.Among the eight pictures equipped by the Central News Agency, the third one is the full shot of the conference. Among them, the only woman sitting in the inner circle and bowing her head is Jin and Zheng.At that time, the princess was still a member of the Politburo.

──PhChizhong News Agency, April 11, 2019.Released the Bulletin of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers' Party. The third topic of the plenary session held on the 10th was organizational issues, removal and re -election members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Party Central Committee, members of the Politburo, members of the Politburo, and alternate members.Without listing the dismissal list, 7 members of the Politburo were selected, and there was no gold and Zheng.At that time, the princess was not promoted at least.

──The DPRK Society, April 26, 2019.On the 25th, Kim Jong -un and Putin held the first summit on the campus of the Farfen University of the Far Eastern University in the Russia. Only three people participated in the large -scale talks: Kim Jong -un, Li Ronghao, Foreign Affairs, and Cui Shanji, the first deputy of the province of Foreign Affairs.The most critical and most interesting and doubtful thing is that Jin and Zheng have not attended or accompanied.

Based on the role of her in the role of the Cultural Fair, the Xi Fang, and the Special Chamber, it is equivalent to the director and director of the Office of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.During the tree, wearing gloves, signature pens, Gai Guoxi, and security at the venue route in advance, Kim Jong -un was used to her meticulous care.

At the Pingchang Winter Olympics, the then member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Labor Party, the chairman of the permanent committee of the Supreme People's Conference, and the 90 -year -old Kim Yongnan and Wen Zaiyin talks. Before Jin and Zheng did not enter, he did not dare to sit.It can be seen that the princess is the most trustworthy person in North Korea.

──The DPRK Society, June 21, 2019.The Kim Jong -un couple welcomed the Chinese head of state to visit the DPRK in the Central Division of the Central Committee of the Labor Party on the 20th.The two couples are sitting, and other members of the Politburo are standing, including North Korean Prime Minister and Standing Committee of the Politburo.Kim Tengzheng participated in this event, but did not participate in a group photo. At that time, the princess was not an alternate member of the Political Bureau.

──The DPRK Society December 4, 2019.Kim Jong -un visited the revolutionary battlefield in the Baitou Mountain area. In addition to his wife Li Xuezhu, who accompanied him, there were also Xuan Songyue, deputy minister of the Labor Party Central Publicity and encouragement department, and former head of the North Korean Chishi Orchestra.At that time, the princess was not arranging and accompanied her brother's government affairs activities.


Kim Jong -un will accompany Kim Jong -un to Hanoi to attend the Tetan Second Association, and attended the Politburo Expansion Conference on April 9, 2019.After the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee on April 10, 2019, the exposure to the Fourth Plenary Session of the Central Committee was significantly reduced. It should be a small punishment after the Special Gold Second Society was broken.The Vice Chairman of the Labor Party's Central Committee, Li Yan, and Li Ronghao, the foreign affairs, were dismissed.

Kim and Kim Jong -un's front -stage role was taken over by Xuan Songyue.Behind the scenes, trust and role have not decreased. On April 11, 2020, she was re -elected as alternate members of the Politburo.

Kim Jong -un is overly obese, still likes food, and has a heavy addiction. There must be diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular, fatty liver, gout, arthritis and other high risks.It is expected to accelerate the cultivation of money and positive, or after two years, she is promoted to be a member of the Politburo, and the Politburo of the North Korean People's Army will be promoted to the Standing Committee of the Politburo 5 years later.In case he was healthy, Kim Jong and Zheng were the queen of administration until Kim Jong -un's son pro -government after adulthood.

Since the focus of Kim Jong -un and the Labor Party is still economical and people's livelihood, then the United States, South Korea, China, and Russia do not have to be rushed to take recruitment after the bombing building.May wish to stay in the country, continue to resist and save the economy, continue to watch North Korea's performance, how to dismantle South Korea and swords to the United States.

North Korea and South Korea's relations can not bomb both the starting point, nor can it be exploded.The Korean Peninsula is not cold or hot, not dying, but it is not broken, but it is slow to change, so as to drag bands and slowly, and it is the best choice for the interests of the United States, China, and Russia.

North Korea's military exercise also scared South Korea, and a maximum of a few short -range missiles was released.Kim Jong -un will no longer fire intercontinental missiles or fry nuclear weapons. There is no need for technical verification. He also knows that this red line is over. All his diplomatic achievements and efforts are all zero.In addition to the great right -wing in the United States, he did not hesitate to draft the 11th resolution of the Security Council's 11th upgrade sanctions. It was passed without suspense.His desire to relieve international sanctions is more far away, and the pain of the Korean people is more severe.

(Note: The author is an independent commentator, WeChat account: SSWYPL. This article only represents the author of the authorpoint.Responsible for the mailbox [email protected])