Early North to read

Han Yonghong

Under the severe epidemic, US President Trump insisted on the first presidential campaign conference since March of this Saturday, highlighting that he seemed to be a successful re -election pressure.Recently, many media polls showed that Trump's support lags behind Democratic opponents Biden due to incompetence and high domestic unemployment, and even some polls predict that Biden will be overwhelming.

Originally, the presidential election was an internal affairs of the United States, but as the largest country in the world, who as the US president and the leadership of the United States to implement the foreign policy can be described as far -reaching, so politics, elites and people in all countries in the world must care and worry.After experiencing the changes in the United States under the four years of Trump, many people expect the United States to usher in the new president, and foreign policy will start again.It is said that Europe has lost confidence in Trump. Its strategy is to slowly step MDASH; MDASH; delaying time to look at the new situation after the United States elected in November.

The performance of the United States in the epidemic has also prompted the European people to re -evaluate its world leadership, and the assessment of China's strength has disappeared.The joint survey released by the Pew Center and a non -profit institution in Germany in May shows that 37%of German interviewees believe that bilateral relations with the United States are the most important to Germany, and the most important respondents in Germany and China are 36%.EssenceIn the same survey last year, the two percentage were 50%and 36%, respectively.

So, does China's political academic elites hope that there will be no need to deal with Trump in the next four years to change to a president from the US Democratic Party and may be more pragmatic?

The answer is not so sure.

Some Chinese elites may rather continue to endure Trump because others want the Presidential Palace to change their paintings.First of all, although Trump launched a trade war in China and suppressing Huawei, it brought great trouble to China. However, China has supported the trade war and scientific and technological warfare, but it proves that Trump ’s coercion diplomatic means are ineffective.More importantly, the United States under the rule of Trump retreats everywhere, moving towards isolation, and is unwilling to maintain the international order established by the United States after World War II. Domestic governance is frequent.Create strategic opportunities for China.

Trump gave a speech at the West Point Military Academy last weekend that the U.S. military has no responsibility to resolve disputes in distant places. The United States is not a world police and may make some forces be happy.And the former US National Security Consultant Bolton broke the news this week that Trump directly pulled his reelection with negotiations with China, and personally asked the Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him re -election in the election.Elite's negative perception of Trump: selfishness, no sense of ideological issues, only paying attention to money and personal re -election, but such people leading the United States is not the worst result, because he is a symbol and pusher of the decline in the United States.Conversely, Biden's succession may be more dangerous, because he may be more reasonable and he will know how to unite allies to block China.

Chinese netizens' love for Trump is concentrated on the nickname of the founding of Sichuan.Sichuan Founding was born in 2017. The origin was that Trump said in an interview that the Korean Peninsula was originally part of China, which aroused a strong rebound in South Korea.

Subsequently, Trump launched a trade war, and his words and deeds caused damage to the reputation of the US democracy.Last month, the editor -in -chief of the Global Times Hu Xijin shouted to Trump in English in Twitter: Chinese people hope that you can be re -elected because you make the United States look particularly strange and recruitful;It brought a lot of funny news to the Chinese.Hu Xijin explained to Trump straightforwardly: The meaning of the founding of the country is to help build China.

As the Vice President of the Obama era, Biden also had a talk with China, seeking to cooperate with China on issues such as climate change.If he came to power, it is generally believed that Sino -US relations may have some transfers, and some cooperation in local areas, such as suspending the trade war, Biden will not withdraw from the WHO.However, Bayeng's stress on human rights and intellectual property issues will not be small for China's pressure on China and demanding changes in China.

In the final analysis, Chinese academic circles will continue to deteriorate with Sino -US relations and have a very sober understanding.Looking forward, there is only one direction of Sino -US relations, that is, the decline. How powerful will the remaining problems remain in the United States, will it revive or continue to go downhill?According to this logic, in the competition, do you want your opponent to be strong and good, or do you expect the opponent to encounter a confused coach and abnormally?In this regard, self -confident contestants often want to encounter compatible and noble opponents to stimulate their best performance.

What kind of opponents do I hope to encounter in the Chinese and academic circles?The elites in the economy and international strategic circles are different, but in general, everyone is in trouble.According to the US polls, Bayeng's voice is getting longer, and I believe that China will also prepare both hands.For third parties, no matter who is led by China and the United States, the world hopes that the big country competition is a gentleman's dispute. In the uncertain environment, it will jointly bear international responsibility. In the process, it shows who is more qualified to lead the world.