01 Viewpoint

The United Nations published an annual report of children in the conflict area on Monday (15th). Secretary -General Antonio Gutreres, before the Civil War of Yemen, has not fully subsided, and the military alliance led by Saudi Arabia from the blacklisted blacklist violated children's rights and interestsRemove.However, looking at the human rights record of Saudi Arabia's inferiority, the United Nations decision not only ignores its own investigation report, it seems to actively abandon the moral principles of relying on life, and teach people to sigh.

After the Kai -Men started in 2015, the Houthi armed organizations supported by the Saudi Arabia and Iran not only failed to obtain an advantage, but also turned Yemen into the world's most severe humanitarian crisis in the world.As a representative of international governance, the United Nations not only did not give up the courage, and criticized the two sides' over -torque on the battlefield, but was accused of succumbing to the temptation of money.For example, after the former secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon, after adding Saudi Arabia to the blacklist in 2016, he immediately threatened to reduce the funding and picked it out of the list.

In order to avoid this weak perception weakening the authority of the United Nations again, the current Secretary -General Gutres split the blacklist into two in 2017: First, during the report, it has adopted to improve children's protection.The parties of the measures were the parties who did not take measures to list Saudi Arabia on the list, but they did not investigate Saudi Arabia.What's more, Gutres deleted Saudi Arabia from the list of attacks on schools and hospitals, only listed it as a killing and harming children, ignoring the war responsibility approved by the United Nations investigation report.

Due to the changes in the situation of the battlefield

The reason for the United Nations on Monday's decision to remove Saudi Arabia sounded even more ridiculous.Gutres believes that the killing and disability incidents caused by air strikes have continued to decrease, and (the Saudi coalition) also takes measures to protect children, so the alliance will be removed.However, according to the United Nations verification and statistics, Yamen was innocently involved in the fire in 2019. In 2019, the death or injury of 222 children's death or injuries was misunderstanding by the coalition forces.Although numbers have continued to decrease, as the United Nations referred to, the cause of the reason that Saudi has adopted measures to protect children, but the situation on the battlefield has changed.

In July last year, the differences in the internal forces of the coalition forces emerged. The UAE, which had sent troops with Saudi Arabia, has changed from military expenses and strategic considerations to diplomatic leadership. After the number of garrisons is gradually reduced, Saudi Arabia will be reduced under the cut mats and reluctantly reduce reduction.Investment in the war, coupled with the new crown virus into the Arabian Peninsula, under heavy military expenditure and public health risks, Saudi Arabia no longer blindly insists on the Sustainable War of Hussean Armed Forces, and announced unilateral ceasefire in April this year this year., To support the peace process.If these real politics are regarded as a measure to protect children, I am afraid that deer is a horse.

The so -called United Nations blacklist is just to wear a mechanism to shame the country to harm children. It does not involve any sanctions, so it is weak and weak.However, from the early threat of Saudi Arabia, the funding of the United Nations can be seen. In fact, the country is just like ordinary people, and the reputation and glory are forced to force Saudi Arabia to counter it.Therefore, the final line of defense of the United Nations as the international community, defending humanitarian stances, not only should not give up the truth before real politics, and become Saudi Cultural Propaganda tools, but also to know the gesture that cannot be done.Yun or economic sanctions.This can balance the law of jungle in international politics.