Ming Pao News Agency

China and India broke out in the half -century most serious border military conflict.China -India border disputes have a long history. In recent years, the New Delhi government has strengthened their control over the Indian -controlled Kashmir region, touched the nerves of neighbors Pakistan and China, and strengthened the border deployment to increase the risk of gunfire. HoweverPromoting the economy, the upgrading of border conflicts is no good for both countries.The China -US struggle is fierce, the strength has grown unimportant, the international situation has changed, and the geopolitical situation has also been affected. Different countries and regions have computing, and tentative sensitive deployment and actions may become more and more.From the conflict between the China -India border to the tension of the two -Korea relations, whether the main conflict hotspots in the Asian region will be heating up one after another, whether it will become a trend and need to pay close attention.

Border conflict brewing casualties

China -India relations add variables

The total length of the China -India border is 3,400 kilometers. There are long -term differences between the two countries. This time, the Galwan Valley region, which has a conflict between China and India, is located in the western section of the border.EssenceAt the end of the war, China and India agreed to use the actual control line (LAC) as the boundary, but territorial sovereign disputes have never been resolved.Over the years, there have been small conflicts in the border between China and India. Many people have died like this time, but it has not been seen for decades. The Indian side said that at least 20 Indian soldiers were killed and the PLA also had casualties.Conflicts cause casualties and do not mention specific numbers.

The Galwan River flows through the Aksaiqin of China, and then flows into the Indian Kashmir area. After the Sino -Indian war in 1962, the rivers are from the upper reaches of the river to the estuary area. However, the Indian side does not recognize that China has relevant territorial sovereignty.The location of the La Wanwan Valley has strategic significance. The possibility of India will be regarded as a major security and danger that the PLA will go south of the river valley. For Beijing, the Xinzang Highway that runs through Xinjiang and Tibet passes through Aksaichen., Will be placed in the danger.The near -reasoning cause of the China -India conflict is India's construction road, one end leads to the river valley, and the other end connects nearby military bases and airports.Last month, a group of PLAs went to the Lawankou exit of the PLA to gather the air defense on the side of the LAC Chinese boundary line to strictly prevent the India -Vietnamese border.The China -India military agreed to cool down the situation earlier this month, but unexpectedly had a conflict between the two armed forces on Monday.According to foreign news reports, the number of Liberation Army at the scene of the incident was nearly 5 times more than the seal of soldiers, and the seal was lost.

China and India have conflicts their own words. The Chinese side refers to the Indian army to violate and cross the LAC provocative attack. The Indian side means that the incident is caused by the current situation of the Chinese side's attempt to change the place of the incident unilaterally.Although the border conflict has not deviated from the tacit understanding of the two armies in the past few decades, it has always led to many people and injuries, which is not easy to give up. Whether China and India relations will deteriorate.Trivialize.Looking at the preliminary response of China and India, the Beijing side is relatively gentle. While protesting the Indian Army Vietnam, it reiterates that China and India are the same as developing countries. The common interests are far greater than the differences. They do not want to see more conflicts.China did not announce the number of deaths and injuries of the PLA. Some mainland comments believed that Beijing did not want to stimulate the people of the two countries.In India, the people's sentiment is more excited, and Prime Minister Modi is also hard. It is emphasized that the death of Indian soldiers will not sacrifice in vain.

At present, there are many problems in China and India that are urgently needed to deal with.The Indian epidemic was out of control, and the confirmed cases reached 350,000, and tens of thousands of people died. The Beijing epidemic was repeated and needed to be controlled as soon as possible to avoid affecting the economic control of the economy as soon as possible.The upgrading of the China -India border conflict is not good for the two countries. However, the complexity of the current geopolitical relations in Asia is that everything is involved by the vortex of China and the United States. The overall situation affects the small bureau.state.

Influence in the international situation

Increase sensitive tentative movement

Modi's internal affairs and diplomatic lines are tough. In order to strengthen the control of the Indian Kashmir, last year abolished local autonomy and established the Radaky Central Government. Its claimed jurisdiction, including Chinese Aksaichin, caused Beijing to protest.In recent years, China -India relations are subtle. India is watching China as competitors, but China is the largest trading partner in India.The two countries are also emerging countries, and they also require changing the world order dominated by the West and allowing developing countries to have more saying. At the same time, Washington advocates the Indian -Pacific strategy and attract the heart of India to make China.In the event of an ally, Washington continued to mobilize the allies. Of course, some of the closest allies need to stand by, but Trump's unilateral dominant behavior also allows countries such as Germany and France to maintain a certain distance from the White House.India has long pursued the policies of non -alliance, and Modi will not be willing to be the former White House horse. However, the current Sino -US struggle is fierce and undoubtedly increased India's diplomatic chips, and more costs have bargain with Beijing and Washington.

How the epidemic affects the sinking of big powers, it is necessary to wait and see, the only one must be that the world pattern will change.Under the epidemic of the United States to abandon the role of international leadership, President Trump emphasized that the United States will no longer be the world police, and the U.S. military will only focus on protecting national security and interests and will not intervene in historical conflicts that are not related to their own.The changes in American characters and the development of the Sino -US struggle will affect the calculations of other countries in geopolitics. Some countries or regions may take some tentative actions to see if there is an opportunity to change the current status of geopolitical politics, or set a decree with multiple directions.My own side is tilting.The conflict of the China -India border broke out. The Korean Peninsula was another hot spot in Asia. Recently, the two -Korea -liaison office building in the Kaicheng Industrial Park has also been tense because of the Bohlam authorities in the Kaicheng Industrial Park.Many South Korean analysis believes that in addition to domestic political considerations, Pyongyang's move is that the greater purpose is to provoke a military tension at the Korean Peninsula and hope to force the United States to return to the negotiating table.There are still many hotspots in Asia. In the future, the possibility of sovereignty over the South China Sea, the problem of the Diaoyu Islands, and the situation of the Taiwan Strait's tension will never be ruled out.