01 Viewpoint

Last weekend, the Seattle Times of the United States reported that a 70 -year -old new crown disease recovery received a medical bill after 62 days after hospitalization, which was as high as 1.12 million US dollars, which almost made his heart like again.This sky -high medical bill is not just an international interest, but also reflects the fundamental social and economic problems of the United States.The old man in the incident is fortunate to bear most of the expenses by medical insurance, but not everyone is so happy.The U.S. government has been free to manage the medical market with a free economy for many years, resulting in monopoly and high medical and drug costs in large enterprises, and the public does not even guarantee the basic human rights of medical care.

According to reports, the 70 -year -old American Michael Flor was admitted to the hospital in early March this year and was hospitalized for 62 days. During this period, he lived in a negative pressure on the independent ward.Only discharged.As a result, he received the hospital's bill of $ 1.12 million, including the negative pressure ward spending $ 9,736 per day, $ 2,835 per day for ventilator.Fortunately, Flor is over 65 years old and is guaranteed by the US Federal Medicare, so that he does not need to bear the full cost alone.

The poor and black people become weak

The new crown virus rays the United States. In addition to reflecting the failure of the US authorities' resistance to epidemic decisions, it also exposes deep social issues with high medical expenses in the United States.The high medical expenses of the United States can be described as world -renowned. Compared with advanced Western countries such as Britain, it is several times more expensive.In the face of such a high medical expenses, the Americans mocked their own death and had to be blessed, or they would buy medical insurance to prepare from time to time.However, many grass -roots Americans can't even afford medical insurance.According to statistics, 27.5 million people in the United States had no medical insurance at all in 2018, accounting for 8.5%of the total population; nearly 43 million people were insufficient in medical insurance, and the two accounted for about 20%of the population.In addition, it is estimated that the United States has more than 10 million illegal workers who are not on the account, which also reflects the huge vulnerabilities in the US medical security network.

Medical security itself is the over -aged social problem in the United States. The conflict of the new crown epidemic has burst into pot.The burden of the grassroots without medical insurance cannot afford medical expenses. Once you dare not seek medical treatment, you can only fill in life.In these grassroots, the blacks who are oppressed for a long time.According to the state scores statistics from the epidemic distinguished in the United States, the proportion of blacks and deaths in all states in black new crown pneumonia is more than the population ratio.For example, in the most exaggerated Wisconsin, blacks only account for 7%of the state's population, but it accounts for 21%of the total diagnosis and 30%of the total death. The proportion of death is four times that of the population ratio.In the country, the data of May refers to the mortality rate of blacks per 100,000 people, only 20.7 white people, and black people are about 2.5 times that of white people.It can be imagined that in the society, it is oppressed and the most threatened in the epidemic. In addition, seeing George Floyd was so blatantly killed by the police, how could the mood of the American black group erupted?

The United States is proud of freedom, human rights, and justice, and the government also pointed out to other countries, but its own citizens can not even be reasonable to protect their basic medical rights and survival rights. It is really ironic.At the same time as the United States is advocating others, it is also necessary to deal with my three provinces. It is also the social contradiction behind the fate of the black man. A total of over 8 million Coronatte Virus diagnosis

Johnz Middot; COVID-19 released by Hopkins University on the 15th shows that the epidemic statistics of the 2019 COVID-19 showed that as of 18:43 on the 15th of the Eastern Time (Singapore time at 6:43 on the 16th), the world cumulatively accumulatedThe confirmed cases have reached 8 million 3021, and the death cases start from 435,619.

Xinhua News Agency reports that data show that the United States is the country with the worst epidemic, with a total of 2.11 million 0,791 confirmed cases, and a total of 116,090 deaths.A total of more than 200,000 countries with more than 200,000 are Brazil, Russia, India, Britain, Spain, Italy, and Peru.

According to Agence France -Presse, there are 2.417902 confirmed cases in Europe, and 18,8085 are sick.

These data come from Johns Middot; Hopkins University Coronation Research Projects in real time, various countries and regions of various countries and regions.