Zheng Hao

The issue of China -India border has always been a sensitive topic in relations between the two countries.Recently, the two armies of China and India have adopted to relieve intensive measures in hot spots such as Ladaka, Darwon, and Public Public Anti -Public in China and India.However, due to the need for India's strategy, the Sino -Indian border is inevitable in the future.

Following June to August 2017, after 71 days of confrontation between the Donglang area of the actual control line of the actual control line, the latest confrontation occurred in four places including Ban Gonghu and the Dawang River Valley in early May this year.The Indian side insisted on building a strategic highway and was resisted by China.

The author noticed that the recent reports of India's mainstream media in India Stan Times continuously reported related news, referring to the two armies of India and China began to withdraw their troops to implement the relevant consensus on bilateral talks between the two governments at the end of May and the early June of the two armies, and began to have limited military separation from contact.It also refers to the Chinese army's soldiers and infantry chariots, which have retreated for two to three kilometers, and Indian frontier soldiers have also evacuated backwards.

It is reported that the current positions of the China -India military in these areas have returned to the normal position in early April this year to alleviate the tensions of the border and create conditions for the next two armies to continue contact and talks.Obviously, China -India's tense border situation cools down, which is worthy of recognition.

However, it is necessary to be vigilant that at the same time as the two armies were out of contact, some Indian media disclosed that the Indian army was strengthening the construction of two strategic roads in this area, and the construction of construction work was not affected.It is the Indian side regardless of the Chinese opposition and insist on engaging in highway infrastructure in a disputed area that has led to the occurrence of confrontation.

The construction of the Indian border highway is mainly implemented by The Border Roads Organization (BRO), which is responsible for implementation with the Indian northern theater.Its plans include at least $ 7 billion to build six strategic roads by 2022.Recently, Bro mobilized nearly 12,000 migrant workers, and has successively arrived at the border construction site.

The author believes that India insists on building strategic highways in sensitive areas of China -India border, with three main purpose:

First of all, try to exist with actual projects to achieve the purpose of existence of actual sovereignty.The basic logic is that as long as the highway, bridge and tunnel are built, the area is in India.An important sign that effectively owns land sovereignty is whether to invest in operation and implement effective administrative land.India has a disputed region in the actual control line of the Sino -Indian border. It is obviously the effectiveness of the land of land to prove the effectiveness of the land of land.It is worth noting that the actual control line of the China -India border is not the border.

China and India signed agreements on maintaining peace and tranquility on the actual control line of the China -India border in 1993 and 1996 and the agreement on establishing trust measures in the military -controlled region of the China -India border. These two agreements are these two agreementsIt is not an agreement on the national boundary line between the two countries, but it is an important measure for the establishment of mutual trust between the two countries and the two armies.The actual border between China and India has not clearly defined, and India is the only country that has not signed the national boundary line with China so far.

Secondly, through the construction of a strategic highway and strengthening the strategic maneuverability in the frontier regions of the Indian border, it can be more flexible to send troops and military supplies, and improve the efficiency of standing and military operations during wartime.

It must be pointed out that two highways that are actively promoting are highways with actual military strategic significance: the first is the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat-Beg-Oldi, referred to as DS-DBO), which is connected to the Dorratebege Audi whistle in the northernmost frontist station in India;This highway can eventually extend near the Karakon Mountainkou, that is to say, once the Sussema -Sasher Highway is completed, the Indian Army can reach the Karakon Mountainkou.In this regard, the Chinese government and the military have always paid close attention and will do their best to continue to prevent the construction of the Indian side.

Finally, the Indian side actively renovated the road, in an attempt to increase the chips in the future negotiations, forcing China to delay the construction of related projects to the Chinese side.In 2017, China built roads in the Donglang area of the Sino -Indian border.This was originally carried out in the rare controversial areas, but it was blocked by the Indian army. As a result, the 71 days of the two armed forces had a 71 -day Donglang confrontation incident.Obviously, once the Indian construction road plan is blocked by the Chinese side, the Indian side will also prevent the Chinese road construction plan to achieve the purpose of project curb projects.

Of course, starting from the overall situation of maintaining relations between China and India, the tensions in the current border areas of the two countries are properly handled to ensure that sensitive issues are not upgraded, controlled, and conflict, which is conducive to the development of relations between the two countries.But at the same time, it is necessary to see that the eastern region of Radakh is a fortress that India provides material connections to the forefront areas. The Indian Army calls it a northern partition (SSN).In this regard, the Indian military will not easily abandon Dabucks Shiyeck -Dorantbag Audi Highway, and Sassma to Sussera Highway Construction Plan.Therefore, China -India's diplomatic and military games in disputed areas may show a normal trend.

The author is a senior current affairs commentator of Phoenix Satellite TV

Visit scholar in Brukins, USA

India has a disputed region in the actual control line of the Sino -Indian border. It is obviously the effectiveness of the land of land to prove the effectiveness of the land of land.It is worth noting that the actual control line of the China -India border is not the border.