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U.S. President Trump has two major blows in the national protests that have been restricted by the new crown epidemic, and the Freud murder case has caused a long time.The Gallop's poll was only 39%left, which fell 10 percentage points from May, and his re -election would be very bumpy.

Trump mainly supports the group in the industrial and commercial community, the army, the Christian church, and the white people.In the German incident, Trump abused military forces, which caused a rebound in the defense circle. Former Defense Minister Mattis, former Chief of Staff Kelly, and former commander of the Central Military Region Alan publicly criticized Trump's improperly, the chief of staff chiefsThe chairman of the meeting also apologized because of the accompanying Trump in the Church of St. John in the church of St. John. Although the current Minister of Defense Esper did not apologize, he acknowledged "the commitment to destroy the separation of the army and the political separation."

Christian support for Trump has already slipped. In order to protect Trump from the Church opposite the White House to take pictures and tweets, the riot police use chili bombs and flash bombs to drive away from the demonstrations.The church was shocked and issued a statement to condemn Trump.Trump's White Christian support rate decreased 11 percentage points, and the support rate of white women also declined.

In a comparison survey conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC, the support of voters and neutral voters in the Trump Party decreased by 7 percentage points. 15%of Republican registered voters did not support Trump. Compared to the DemocratOnly 5%did not support Biden, the overall poll, Trump lasted a 7 percentage point (49%of Biden 49%of Trump).

Only Carter and Bush's US president have failed in the past 50 years. Their public opinion support in June has been 30%. Trump is close to the end of the re -election.imagine.

Trump's form style is weird and extreme. Both sides must be very careful to prevent any risk of wiping guns caused by the needs of the US elections.The United States may become prepared.?