It is not enough for half a year before the US presidential election, and the latest polls are extremely detrimental to Trump, who is re -election.The US CNN polls show that voters' satisfaction rate of Trump has plummeted seven percentage to 38%, and the dissatisfaction rate is as high as 57%.41%of the respondents said that they would vote for Trump, and 55%of the 55%of Democratic opponents and former Vice President Biden reached 14 percentage points.Trump's support in various key states has also been behind Biden, and he can predict that Trump's re -element opportunity is getting giggles.

The trend of the Trump's backward Bynden is not only reflected in the poll of the Liberal Media CNN, but even the MonmouthuniversityPollingInstitute, the Washington Post and the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and Wall Street Journal have recorded 11, 10, and 7 percentage points in Biden.Even Trump's conservative bridgehead Huoshi News recorded as much as 8 percentage points in Biden.The CNN poll also showed that Trump was supported by the minimum independent voters since the 2000 election, and also reflected that Trump has gradually lost to voters in addition to the iron powder that retains the basic disk.

Trump has dragged his election in the process of handling the new coronary virus epidemic and black rights demonstration, as high as 68%of the interviewees made the iron -fist of "stop violence" to the demonstratorsDissatisfaction.When the voices of national ethnic equality rang through the sky, Trump, who has always regarded racial taboos, and even made racial discrimination scandals, it was even more disadvantaged to cope with such issues.And Trump has always wanted to play the Chinese card and pushed the responsibility of the epidemic to Beijing, but because of his repeated dislikes, he also made up with the governors of the states.

Trump election urgency

The support of its loss due to the epidemic, the polls of the first month of the month of Quinnipiacuniversity show that the most serious threat to the epidemic showAmong the elders, Trump's support was 10 percentage.The elderly's satisfaction with Trump's epidemic has also plummeted 19 percentage in two months, from 17 percentage of net worth in March to 2 hundred percentage points at the beginning of the month.Voters 65 or more have always been the largest proportion of the United States in the United States. The voting rate is much higher than young and middle -aged voters. Most of them are the Republican holders, but now they switch to Biden, which is enough to worry the Trump camp.

Many Trump supporters still led Trump before the election in 2016, but lost the voter votes as an example, claiming that Trump is still winning.However, Trump won the Democratic Party's Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and defeated Hillary.3.4 points, Pennsylvania 4.0.Trump ’s six losses in his hometown of Florida 3.4 percentage, Arizona 2.8 points, and 0.8 points in North Carolina.Essence

Seeing and this Republican elite also cut with them. First, the former National Defense Minister JamesMattis bombarded the former boss and threatened to send troops to suppress the demonstration.Later, Johnkelly, the former White House chief of staff, did not name it criticized Trump.Former President Xiaobushi and the Secretary of State, Colinpowell, also stated that they did not support Trump, and Powell even said it would be voted to the opponent Biden.In Congress's impeachment of Trump last year, the only Republican senator Mittromney, who was overwhelming, appeared on the streets to support demonstrations and faced Trump.

In fact, this batch of Washington elites and the previous generation politicians are in doubt about how effective the voting intention of voters is, but it also shows that the contradiction between Trump and the party in the party has once again floated.However, Trump's nomination of the Republican Presidential Primary Election in the last session was the image of anti -elite populist. Since the elite of the Republican Party headed by the small Bush, even the preliminary opponent of Bush's brother Jie Bo (Jebbush) is extremely ridiculous.Trump accused Washington's elite corruption and incompetence, and conspiracy to privately personally, only serving the gold master behind him, betraying the interests of voters, and vowing to break this interest group.

The rescue measures are different

In this way, Trump should have been able to fight against civilian anti -building cards, and focus on promoting economic recovery.At least one poll shows that Trump is still dealing with the trust of voters than Biden.However, the other wing in the Republican Party is very special, but in the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression, the sleeves are standing. After launching the three rounds of total value of over trillions of US dollars, the water throat will not want to take the money to save the economy anymore to save the economy.EssenceEven though the latest unemployment figures in the United States are 14%high, most of the Senate leaders of the Senate of the Treasury locking, Mitchmcconnell, said that the situation is better than expected, and there is no need to make money.

The mainstream of the Republican mainstream of the extreme principles of the market economy is also obsessed with the scheme of Trump's economic cards with sugar and the people's hearts.Trump has previously proposed to settle $ 2 trillion to be put into infrastructure to revitalize the US economy after revitalizing the epidemic.the following.When the House of Representatives controlled by the Democratic Party passed another 3 trillion US dollars of bailout bill three weeks ago, it was criticized by the Republicans for being greedy and insatiable. During the annual economic downturn of the United States politics, the ruling party even turned out to beStrictly tightening the policy and opposing the strange phenomenon of helping the economy.

Trump has entered the main White House for four years, and the color of anti -formation has gradually faded and unavoidable.Among the two major crises of the epidemic and demonstration, Trump's leadership has also disappeared the slogan of "making the United States stronger again".As many as 70 % of Americans believe that the country is in the wrong direction, and three of the Republican voters also think that the country is out of control.In this case, the Republican Party's anti -special faction took the lead in the inside of the muzzle, and the pretext also obsessed with the dogma of the market economy. As a result, Trump's last economic card was greatly restricted.Facing the increasingly unfavorable election, can Trump turn around within five months?