Source: Reuters

Author: Shen Yan

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang praised the stall economy and small shop economy during the inspection in Shandong Yantai: It is the fireworks of the world and the vitality of ChinaEssenceFor a while, the "stalls and night markets" economy became a hot topic of discussion among the people and the media, and there was a great trend of "the whole people practicing stalls".

It is only when the heat has not been ebb, including Beijing, Shenzhen and other first -tier cities that clearly stated that it is not suitable for the stall economy, and the places that can be set up on the Internet are also rumors.

The Beijing Daily recently published a comment article stated that the stall economy is not suitable for Beijing. The "stall economy" has recently become a hot word. A so -called Beijing "stall map" is also circulated online, but reporters to the Municipal Urban Management Commission by reportersA verification, this is a rumor.The 109 stalls in the post are actually more concentrated on the city's disorderly stalls many years ago.

"Beijing is the capital of the country. The image of Beijing represents the image of the capital and national image. As the first oversized city in the country, it has its own functional positioning and management requirements." The article said.

The title of an article in Shenzhen's official website is to forget to "set the stall"!According to the Shenzhen News Network, during the prevention and control of the epidemic, "one hand grasped the epidemic prevention and control, and the resumption of work in one hand". In fact, some streets have adopted a loose and inclusive attitude towards the operation of the store according to their own situation.

As for whether it will temporarily liberalize the "stall economy" in an official way, this requires coordinated assessment of market supervision, urban management law enforcement, housing construction and other departments.At present, Shenzhen has not yet introduced relevant management measures for "stalls economy", and no temporary stalls will not be announced for the time being.

Should the stall economy be encouraged?Let local governments watch

For China, which has a population of 1.4 billion people, although the total amount of GDP has jumped in the second world and the per capita GDP is more than $ 10,000, behind the bright data, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China.There is still a 600 millionth population income of not more than 1,000 yuan.In particular, the gap between regions and cities in the central and western regions is quite large.

In recent years, the Gini Index (measuring the gap between the rich and the poor) has not fluctuated greatly. In 2018, the China Gini Index was about 0.474, but it exceeded the warning line, indicating that the gap between the rich and the poor in China was large.

For China in the era of the epidemic in the epidemic, in the face of the dramatic increase in the pressure of employment, encouraging the "stall night market" economy may not be the most simple way to make a living for the people.It is only for cities with different positioning, whether it should be encouraged and how to manage it after implementation, and the decision right should obviously be handed over to the local governments according to the actual situation, and combine public opinion decisions, and should not be abducted by public opinion and power.

This is also an important part of adapting to the governance capabilities of local governance in the centennial change. Especially the Chinese government emphasizes that the governing concept of the people -oriented person -orientedThe appraisal of local parents' officials is given to the people under their jurisdiction, in order to truly eliminate laziness and mediocre behaviors that government departments do not act.

The latest report of Haitong Securities macro analyst Yu Bo said that while the economic indicators continued to improve, the employment situation was still severe.

At the just -concluded China Conference, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang proposed in the government work report that this year's new urban employment has more than 9 million people, urban survey rates of about 6%, and urban registration rates of about 5.5%.Insurance residents' employment, basic people's livelihood, market subjects, food security security security, stable supply chain of the industry chain, and the operation of the foundation, firm implementation of expanding domestic demand strategies, maintaining economic development and social stability bureaus, ensuring the completion of the task of defeating the goal of winning the decisive victory over poverty alleviation,, Comprehensively build a well -off society.