With the continuous rise in the number of people in the world's crown diseases, the new trends of economic and society in developed countries are worthy of attention, and China should actively respond to a series of measures for the United States to decompose to China.

Huang Qifan, deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center, who has served as mayor of Chongqing and deputy chairman of the China People's Congress Finance and Economics Committee of the National People's Congress of China and the deputy chairman of the National People's Congress of China.

According to Sina Finance, Huang Qifan gave a speech at the summit, pointing out that during the epidemic, some countries just entered the election.In order to win the election, some politicians have unscrupulously deducted the responsibilities of poor prevention and control of their own epidemic to China, and they do not even rule out extreme measures.

He said that the frequent stagnation of these fluttering pots has greatly affected the attitude of ordinary people to China to a large extent, and even emerging in some political black swan incidents in extreme circumstances.Therefore, China must be guarded.

In terms of Sino -US relations in the epidemic, Huang Qifan criticized the United States to throw his own responsibility for his own inadequate resistance to China, plus policy measures such as the previous trade war, manufacturing return, and the November US elections. Sino -US relations are currently entering.The most difficult stage since the establishment of diplomatic relations.

He said that, especially in the near future, the United States has recently blocked Huawei with the power of the country and included a total of 33 Chinese companies and institutions in the entity list./Restricted parts of international students, researchers, and visiting scholars who hold Class F and J visas from China to enter the country. Some politicians even clamored to cancel China's US government bonds, freeze China in US assets, and so on.

Therefore, he believes that the United States has currently appeared in the signs of substantial promotion to China.

Huang Qifan said that in the past six months, many American politicians seem to have a stick of Chinese and decoupled China in various occasions in various occasions, but they are composed of a systematic calculation.

In this regard, we cannot take it lightly.One must lose fantasy and prepare for the struggle; second, we must strengthen confidence and maintain a constant force; third, keep the bottom line and respond flexibly; the fourth is to grasp the key and make up for shortcomings.

He said that in the final analysis, China must do its own affairs, deepen reforms internally with greater efforts and determination, and expand opening up to the outside world.Promote high -quality development.