Author: Li Jianqiu

It is difficult for you to believe that there is such a country: the population itself is more than 80 million, and the per capita GDP is less than 10,000 US dollars, but dare to offend China, the United States, Russia and the European Union, and even dare to offend India, send troops in the Middle East, and mix on the world stage.Good, and there are getting better and better trends, you have to make people wonder.

For someone, go to the ground to accompany Saddam and Gaddafi.Erdogan is also a generation of heroes.

Last year, Libya's civil war fought vigorously, Havtar won the festival, and the troops were close to Tripoli. Seeing that the national unity government was about to disintegrate, Turkey, who supported the national unity government, finally couldn't help but play the battlefield and Hafatars to combat fighting.The soldiers that were only sent at the beginning of this year, Havtar collapsed thousands of miles, and went to Egypt in the past few days, lobbying Egypt to stop fire.

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement that refutes Egypt's allegations. Turkey claims that Hafitar is the obstacle to Libya peace.Relevant resolutions.Akzoi emphasized that Turkey will continue to support the Libyan national unity government and pursue relevant UN resolutions.

Earlier, Egyptian Foreign Minister accused Turkey of recruiting, training and transporting thousands of foreign combatants from Syria to Libya, and believed that his approach had openly violated the relevant resolutions of the International Law and the UN Security Council.

As the East Mediterranean found oil and gas fields, Turkey has signed an agreement with the government of national unity and is preparing to divide the East Mediterranean. After solving the Libyan issue, Turkey will directly go to the European Union in the past few days and issue new oil and natural gas exploration to Turkish Corporation.License allows Turkey State -owned Petroleum Corporation and Natural Gas Company to explore oil and natural gas at 24 places in the East China Sea, seven of which are located near the islands under Greek.

On Monday, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dndias said in a statement that the country was ready to respond to Turkey's provocations at any time, if Turkey decided to implement this decision.

During this time, Turkey's activities in the Eastern Mediterranean are too frequent. Cyprus has threatened. If Turkey does not reduce the aggression against the East China Sea, Turkey should not be regarded as the EU candidate.

It hasn't been a big deal because it is still in the exploration stage. Once the exploration is over, in the mining stage, I don't know what kind of strategy Turkey will adopt the situation in the whole Middle East.The Agreement of Turkey and Libya not only explorates oil and natural gas, but also directly destroys the natural gas pipeline from the East China Sea to Italy.

In addition to obtaining the natural gas and petroleum of the East Mediterranean, Turkey can also obtain a contract from Libya reconstruction. This is precedent. Before Turkey reached an agreement with Gaddafi to protect the commercial interests of Turkey in Libya and Turkey.Many Turkish construction companies signed a contract with Libya, but then Gaddafi died and the contract was not executed.

Some time ago, Turkey offended India in the Islamic Conference.

Dark battle, organization in Islamic Conference

In fact, not only that, Turkey has even intervened in Africa. In 2005, Turkey was awarded the status of observers by the African Union. Since then, Turkey has continued to infiltrate Africa. In 2008, the Turkish-African Cooperation Summit was held. More than 50 African countries participatedSummit, the trade between Turkey and Africa, increased from US $ 5.4 billion in 2003 to $ 26 billion in 2019. Turkey also provided a lot of assistance to Somalia, leaving Turkey's development model for Somali reference.

Last year at the African Business Forum, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said that the world must surpass the five permanent members of the five common members of China, the United States, Britain, Russia, and France, and Africa must establish a new world order.

Look at Turkey ’s things in Germany in recent years: Erdogan was going to elections in the past few years. Turkish Cabinet Ministers ran to the Netherlands and Germany's local Turkish votes. As a result, they were blocked by the Netherlands and Germany. Erdogan said: We call them Nazis, and they are not happy.They are all a group, the first is Merkel.

When Erdogan visited Germany, he said to the Turks in Germany.

On the issue of refugees, after the EU gave 6 billion subsidies in Turkey, Turkey also wanted to release refugees as a threat.

When Turkey entered the Middle East, Erdogan continued to ask NATO and the European Union to support it. Turkey proposed 10 lists on NATO: including NATO providing more drone investigations in Turkey-Syrian border.Deploy more navy.Of course, NATO is not human.

Even the epidemic was used by Turkey. In this epidemic, Turkey positioned himself as a substitute for China and transported a large number of goods to 116 countries, especially medical equipment and supplies.

Compared with Türkiye, China is really honest.

Türkiye 2023 Vision

Erdogan once proposed the Turkish 2023 vision in 2010. The vision is as follows:

By 2023 to become one of the top ten economies in the world

By 2014, the Turkish GDP reached $ 1 trillion (actual situation: 93.4 trillion) to 2023 (2018 was 77.14 trillion yuan in 2018 because Turkish currency depreciated)

By 2013, the per capita GDP reached $ 25,000

By 2023, Türkiye's exports will increase to 500 billion US dollars

By 2023, the total foreign trade value will reach $ 1 trillion

By 2023, the employment rate will increase by 10 points

By 2023, the unemployment rate will be reduced to 5%

Increase revenue through tariffs on marine trade through the Bosptruz Strait and Dadanier Strait

Establish a 20,000 MW wind energy installation capacity and a geothermal energy installed capacity of 600 MW

Energy consumption decreases by 20%compared to 2010

It is expected that the three running nuclear power stations and the installed capacity of these nuclear power stations are 14,700 MW.

Healthcare covers 100%population

Raise 175 doctors per 100,000 people to 210

Become the fifth largest tourist place in the world

There are 500,000 tourists every year

Obtaining $ 50 billion in tourism income

Former Prime Minister Ahmed Middot; Dawolutu Lu said:

First of all, Turkey aims to achieve the conditions of EU member states, and become influential EU member states before 2023

Secondly, it will continue to achieve regional integration in the form of security and economic cooperation.

Third, play influence in seeking regional conflicts

Fourth, actively participate in all areas of the world

Fifth, play a decisive role in international organizations and become one of the top ten economies.

According to the current situation in Turkey, due to the 2016 military coup and the Turkish currency and debt crisis in 2018, Turkish lira plummeted and inflation increased. Erdogan's 2023 vision must not be achieved, at least at leastIt is definitely not a real chat on GDP.

Since then, Erdogan has proposed a conspiracy theory that the reason why Turkey's lira is in the currency crisis is because Americans, British, Dutch and some Jews formed a conspiracy group, hoping to let Erdogan step down, according to 2018, according to 2018, in 2018, in 2018, in 2018, in 2018In the April polls, 42%of the Turks, and 59%of the Zhengfa Party (Erdogan's party) put Turkey TurkeyThe depreciation crisis of its lira is considered a conspiracy of foreign forces.

Hero Hero Erdorian

Is Turkish national strength strong?

On the surface, this country's GDP and South Korea are far behind. Compared with South Korea's trembling in East Asia, Turkey can kill the Quartet in the Middle East-really hard work to be born.

When the United States was in the Middle East, I still didn't think that when the United States evacuated the Middle East, because there were no absolute forces to suppress the Middle East, there was a vacancy in the Middle East. At present, there are only two countries that can be regarded as Turkish opponents: Iran and Israel, but IranIt is still an opponent with Israel, and each other is too late.

Saudi Arabia has money, and Saudi Arabia has only money.

Although Russia can form a certain constraint on Turkey, Russia is still looking for Turkey in the final analysis. Open the map to see, from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, it will pass Turkey. In recent years, Putin has vigorously improved Russian agricultural production.It has surpassed the United States, becoming the world's first, and Russian agricultural exports are higher than the export of military industry. The first place in Russia's exports is Egypt, the second place is Turkey, Vietnam and Saudi Arabia are tied for fourth,

Each year, 36 million tons of grain must be traded through the Ya Shi Sea, the Black Sea, through the Istanbul Strait in Turkey to the Mediterranean, and then selling from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean. Putin does not necessarily want to offend Erdogan.

And Turkey's military is very strong, it is the second largest general forces in NATO, second only to the U.S. military, and one of the five NATO member states with nuclear sharing policies. Of the 90 B61 nuclear bombs in the Geely Air Force Base, 40 have been quiltedIt is assigned to Turkey, but it needs to be approved by NATO before use.

The Turkish Air Force active fighters include 240 F-16 fighters, 200 F-4 fighters, 7 KC-135 tankers, 4 E-737 early warning aircraft, 52 CN-235 transport aircraft, 13 C-130 transport aircraft,160 C-130D transport aircraft, one to say one, this strength is really a bit strong. In addition to Russia, European countries have no idea about Turkey.France is stubborn in Africa, and even Gaddafi in the Middle East is inconsistent. It has to ask Americans to help. It is difficult to say whether Britain can expel now.

As long as the United States does not matter, in the Middle East, there is really no country to take Turkey. Instead of adventure in Erdogan in the Middle East, Erdogan has encountered a good opportunity for a thousand years.

In addition, Erdogan has a kind of cunning unique to Turks: Erdogan is very flexible and never carried. The policy is 180 degrees when turning.Good as Russia.Immediately afterwards, with Russia on the issue of Libya, including the issue of China, Erdogan was also flexible. It should be compromised when compromising. I guess that if Erdogan really needs India one day, Will not hesitate to flip the policy, abandon Pakistan to talk directly with India.

Unlucky Greece

In addition to the East China Sea issue, Erdogan also deliberately engaged in the Saint Sophia Cathedral to stimulate the Greeks.

The Saint -Sofia Cathedral was originally ordered to build the third church in 532 AD. After the Ottoman Turkites occupied Constantinople in 1453, the St. Sophia Cathedral was then converted into the Ayasis Mosque.In 1935, Kelly turned the Cathedral of St. Sophia into a museum.

Some time ago, Turkey had an inexplicable trend of thought, thinking that Turkey was unlucky this time because of the Sophia Cathedral. They believed that the problems existing in Turkey now changed the Saint Sophia Cathedral into a museum and violated Muhammad.The provisions of the second generation of donations in 1453, which prohibits the building from being used by any other purposes outside the mosque.

Because of this, Erdogan issued a statement last year, saying that the Saint Sophia Cathedral could be changed from a museum to a mosque at the time, which caused public opinion at the time. A few days ago, Erdogan decided to recite the Gullan Sutra in Saint Sophia Cathedral a few days ago., And hold a ceremony to commemorate the capture of Constantinople in 1453, he died in Greece's popularity.

Ji Luo shed tears.

From the current situation, no country can really stop Erdogan.However, Turkey's economy is not good at present. There are big problems in lira. You can only see if there is an economic crisis in Turkey. If the economy can't limit him, I think Erdogan is going to fly.