Under the force of the Korean national team, the Korean case passed the case.The result of this negative election is not a small blow to South Korea ’s Yu, but personal political life is small. It is worth exploring whether the Korean flow in 2018 has disappeared. Since then, the DPP has no opponents.The unique situation of the party one party?

Han Liu's local elections violently in 2018. The presidential election fell in 2020. South Korea ’s Yu was dismissed. It seemed that Han Li was indeed like a flash, leaving only good memories.But is it really?

To judge whether the Korean flow is dissipated, you should first understand the nature of the Korean Liu and its relationship with the political and social environment.At the beginning, the asymmetric election campaign that was not optimistic at the beginning, South Korea ’s Yu can arouse publicity, although it is related to his personality traits and the charm of the masses, but the root cause isIn order to get the support of cross -party, generation and provincial nationality, you can roll up this huge political and social movement.

Governance without Fang Men's grievances more

Another important factor in Hanliu's violentness is the failure of the DPP's ruling.In 2016, the Democratic Progressive Party obtained the regime, refused to accept the 1992 consensus, interrupted the official contact of the other side, diluted economic and trade relations, and reduced the quota of tourists.heavy.South Korea ’s Yu shouted to ship out, people came in, and the simple slogan of Kaohsiung made great fortunes to make many people who have become increasingly arduous to re -ignite their hope, and also made many ethnic groups that do not agree with the green ruling line to feel warm and smooth.Han Li is a collection of people who cross the blue -green barrier and hope to get rid of poverty.

Unfortunately, in the 2020 presidential election, South Korea ’s Yu returned to the Kuomintang, but Tsai Ing -wen picked up two guns and two guns in Hong Kong and the two large shots in Hong Kong.Deep blue, therefore collapsed.

However, looking forward to the next two years, although the Korean Liu died, the people are still there and the foundation will be expanded.The key is that on the one hand, the gap between the rich and the poor is constantly expanding, and there will be more people in the world.This year's economy was worsened, and it was hit by the new crown virus, but the government had no way.On the other hand, the Democratic Progressive government cannot be rich through the close economic and trade relations on both sides of the strait to make the people of related industries rich.This hood and dead acupoints are not removed a day, and the people's imagination and expectations of South Korea's call will last.Dried mango can blind the people for a while, but the dream of making a fortune will continue for a long time.

The ingredients of the Korean Liu are divided into two categories: military and public education and the people. The military education is the basic market for the Kuomintang. With the time of the years, it has lost to young voters who have become increasingly large and emphasize in Taiwan.South Korea ’s Yu runs as president as the Kuomintang, and the inherent supporters mobilize to the extreme, but they are still defeated, and their influence will shrink.Another group of Han Liu is the people, covering light blue, middle and partial light green, belonging to the weak economic weakness. It has been hoped that the Korean Yu route to turn the government's main axis to help them improve their lives.

Their poverty is mainly because of the past 20 years, the Taiwan economy has been affected by globalization and production lines. In addition to benefiting a few industries such as the electronics industry, most industries have been killed, and the situation of the people at the bottom is becoming increasingly difficult.Part of the people are workers, and more are vendors, catering operators, various micro -enterprise owners, employees, and tourism practitioners.Their suffering and the number of people do not grow up due to the rise and fall of South Korean Yu's personal politics, but they are increasing due to the government's governance and the deviation of the route, which is increasingly difficult.

The new Korean flow will come again at any time

The people have always existed, but they have been ignored for a long time. On the one hand, the Korean storm is that the people have discovered South Korea ’s Yu, and on the other hand, it is also South Korean Yu inspired the people's consciousness.South Korea ’s Yu may disappear from politics, and the people’ s desire to seek savings will not disappear.Han Liu's rise is like mosaic inlaid, which can be re -arranged at any time. People who dominate the ranking can be South Korea ’s Yu or others.Under the DPP's ruling, Taiwan will become more and more poor. As long as the dilemma of the people's lives cannot be effectively discharged, the new Korean flow will come back at any time.

How the Democratic Progressive Party solves the people is a severe challenge.Sadly, seeing the return of their minds and the dedication to the wrong line, it is really optimistic about the government's ability to relieve the people's suffering.This party has forgotten the original intention of seeking benefits for the people, and with the contention of power and the division of interests, and in the policy orientation, it is also targeted at enterprises and the rich.Essence

To make matters worse, this political party is obsessed with prejudice and ignorance. It is getting farther and farther on the road of pro -American anti -Central China. The tensions on both sides of the strait have continued to rise.improving.Even if Han Liu retreats, there will be another trend of the rise of the people.