Following Twitter last month, it was announced that some employees were allowed to work at home permanently. Facebook founder and chief executive chief Mark Zuckerberg also responded one week later, and half of the positions were expected to turn a remote job within five to ten years.The crown disease has forced the world to conduct this workplace experiment. The use of video conferences and work collaboration software has risen. It seems that more and more employers and employees have seen the benefits of this working model.When the epidemic slows down, is it necessary to return to the office?

Free diet, coffee bar, massage, 嵴 免, dry cleaning hellip; hellip; These are services providing talents in the park to attract talents in the park. The purpose is to leave employees without any reason to leave the office.This is because for a long time, the technology industry has always believed that the communication between people is an important source of creativity to develop popular products.To this end, they have established a huge office, such as Apple, Google and Facebook in Silicon Valley parks, or Amazon's new headquarters in Seattle.Facebook has even issued as much as $ 15,000 to new employees who are willing to live in the office ten miles.

However, the successful workplace ecology of innovation and technology began to shake under the impact of an epidemic. Facebook's move is marking this transformation.In response to the epidemic, Facebooks with 70 offices and 48,000 employees around the world have long allowed employees to choose to work at home until the end of this year.At that time, if the epidemic permits, employees who can work at home can decide whether to return to the office by themselves.In the video broadcast of last month, Zhukberg also announced to employees that Facebook has opened up most of its public positions in the United States. Remote employees: Because everyone is now working more or less, but they are more or less working, butWe are still limited to people who live near the office.

Juckerberg threatens: with our scale, it will become the most forward -looking company hellip; hellip; I think that in the next five to ten years, about half of the company employees can work permanently.

Working at home becomes preset

Juckerberg explained that this determines to some extent to respond to the wishes of employees.He claimed that an internal survey found that 40%of employees were extremely interested in permanent work at home.Moreover, the company was forced to implement a working system at home under the epidemic, but he found that: As far as the productivity is concerned, I think it is better than expected.

Juckerberg believes that there are several benefits to work permanently at home.In addition to being more environmentally friendly, you can also touch greater talent reserves in recruitment.He explained that increasing the diversity of talents is profitable. The company's operation: When you only limit the hiring people who live in some large cities or are willing to move there, there will be many people who live in different communities and have different backgrounds and viewpoints.He said that this helps the company to avoid basic errors, and misjudge most of the people in the world's reactions and ideas for something.This benefit is also two sides: some people we want to keep are left because they want to move to a place without our office.So remote work can help us retain those key talents, which are better than recruiting newcomers in many ways.

A little forward -looking, work at home also helps to promote some future technology developed around the existence of remote spacing, because employees use and test tools developed their own development every day.When the epidemic enables the number of people to meet through the video conference program every day from 10,000 million to 300 million, Facebook is not willing to compete with Messenger Rooms programs with video conference functions at the end of April. This program is applicable to this program.Workplace in Facebook's office.Facebook also expanded work -related functions to its Portal display and Oculus virtual reality (VR) platform.Facebook reported that the paid users of WORKPLACE during the epidemic increased from 3 million to 5 million, and then launched SHOPS with e -commerce functions in the middle of last month.Juckerberg said that VR and Augmented Reality (AR) technology will be Facebook's future development and test focus: At present, although there is a large team in the company participating in VR and AR research and development, it still has some daily work with most employees.Disclosure.

Andrew Bosworth, the head of the AR and VR departments, revealed that Facebook is investing in using these technologies to enhance remote work and productivity.He outlines his imagination of the future workplace in the company's blog: We can create a superpower work space with multiple custom screens in VR, and are not limited by physical screens.It will use technologies such as Passthrough to create mixed reality for people to experience, so that people can shuttle between real worlds and virtual worlds.The laptop and other common equipment used to use add flexibility.By combining the flexibility of new inputs such as hand tracking, combining with people's familiar keyboards and mouse input devices can provide the greatest benefit of people's two worlds.

However, from the announcement of the announcement, another social media giant Twitter is more avant -garde than Facebook. The chief executive Jack Dorsey said internally that allowing their employees to work at home forever.Twitter has strongly encouraged to work at home in early March, becoming a compulsory requirement in mid -March, and providing employees with more allowances to deal with office expenditures at home office, computer chairs, ergonomic chair cushions, and even network costs.Twitter wrote in the blog: In the past few months, we have proved that we can do it.Therefore, if the role or situation allows our employees to work at home, and they want to continue this, we will realize it for them.Electronic payment company Square, also founded by Dorsey, also adopts relevant policies.

The epidemic has allowed science and technology companies to extend employees at home.For example, in the fintech industry, Alfred Kelly Jr., CEO of VISA, has allowed most employees to continue working at home this year.MasterCard also allows employees to return to the office when they feel at ease.Moreover, more and more operators expect that work at home will become the norm after the epidemic.Tobi Lutke, Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian e -commerce platform, wrote in Twitter: The office is the end.From today, ShopifyLsquo; RSQUO; it is a digital company.The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase announced last month that after lift the new crown virus restriction order, it will maintain remote priority.Aaron Levie, CEO of Cloud Storage Company BOX, also announced that employees will be fully virtual every week in the future.

The office is different

Regardless of whether to return to the office, the working environment is different after the epidemic.The use of video conferences and collaborative programs has increased greatly under the epidemic.These productivity tools can provide effective communication, make communication centralization, so that everyone in the company can easily access the company's documents and statements, and users can also find past discussions.

Wayne Kurtzman, director of social and collaborative research of market research company IDC, described: The adoption of conferences and collaborative applications has been accelerated for two years.The collaboration software has changed from lsquo; there is also good rsquo; it has become lsquo; essentially rsquo;.From early February to the end of March, Slack added 9,000 new paid users, an increase of 80%compared to the total number of seasons in the previous two quarters; Microsoft's collaboration software Teams announced at the end of April that daily active daily activeThe user increased by 70%to 75 million in just one month.Google Meet's daily meeting last month exceeded 100 million, an increase of about 3 million new users per day.Zoom also recorded 200 million daily meeting participants in early April, and increased to 300 million at the end of the same month.In the Mainland, according to the statistics of the mobile research company App Annie, Alibaba’s nailDingtalk (DINGTALK) downloads the iPhone and Android mobile phone downloads in Mainland China from February 2nd to 29th, an increase of 356%compared to January 5th to February 1st; during the same period, Tencent's company WeChat andLARK of byte beating has increased by 171%and 650%, respectively.Even if employees return to the office, they are likely to continue or rely more on these tools.

At the same time, some companies are deployed to adopt tools that are more suitable for this new normal.According to the research company Gartner's report last month, the expenditure of the global information technology industry this year is expected to reach 3.4 trillion US dollars, a decrease of 8%over last year.Equipment and data center system expenditure is expected to fall the most, while public cloud service support is expected to increase by 19%this year.Sylvie Veilleux, director of information Dropbox information, revealed that in the next few months, it will re -evaluate whether certain tools will no longer bring added value, can be discarded, and consider buying new tools, such as to analyze the use of specific applications.Which functions in the program are being used by different teams to help understand the activities and participation of employees.

Kim Huffman, Vice President of Global Information Technology of the Dutch open source software company, also considers the use of tools from the workplace scheduling software vendor Robin PowerEd to help the management of some employees return to the office.The software can set physical office space, such as the location of the desk to meet the needs of social distance.In addition, she intends to accelerate the launch of an application to provide employees with health guidance, therapy and personalized movements.

The office itself is also likely to meet the social distance after the resumption of work in the short term, and in the long run, there is no longer such a lot of employees in the past.Janet Pogue-McLaurin, head of the global workplace space of design construction company, expects that the intensive phenomenon of large-scale office buildings will be densely intensive in the future interior space design.Some are imagined that there is no contact office. For example, employees can use smartphones to operate elevators or company coffee machines to avoid key contact; conference rooms can also be equipped with sound control system control lights, audio and video equipment.

Even after the epidemic, employees still have no office to return.The economic atrophy caused by the epidemic is expected to cut costs by expected to reduce costs.Some companies tried to find the middle -party eucalyptus between home work and large office work, hoping to open a small satellite office in places closer to employees' residence.They believe that employees like to go out, but they don't want to take a long -distance bus to get off work.According to Moodys Analytics Reis, the average rental rent is 40%cheaper than the city.

However, work at home seems to be a patent of white -collar workers, otherwise Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk does not need to enter the local government at the expense, and even threatened to withdraw from California, and ignore the ban on the ban.However, many companies and employees who can transform are planning to reduce large -scale offices rented in large cities and even move out of it.Barclays, who currently works at home, at home, the chief executive Jes Staley threatened that the big city office may have become the past.Car manufacturing group PSA, which has a brand such as Peugeot, Citroeuml; N, DS, Opel, Vauxhall and other brands, announced that it has entered a flexible new era. Non -producer employees will work remotely and reduce the office at the same time.Sergio Ermotti, chief executive of UBS, said the company is considering moving out of the expensive city center office.Insurance company Nationwide plans to reduce the physical office from 20 to 4 before the epidemic.Information Technology Management Company OpenText expects that more than half of the 120 offices that are currently established around the world will be eliminated.

In the survey of Luo Bingxian Yongdao (PWC) at the end of April, a quarter of the interviewed financial officer was considering cutting the company's expenses for rented real estate.Site selectors guild assisted by the company's site selection said that after the outbreak of the epidemic, more than half of the office selection procedures in the United States have been suspended.Even the 75 -year -old, Sir Martin Sorrell, the owner of the advertising company S4 Capital, also feels vibrant at home, hoping that the working method has permanently changed.He also began to question the efficiency of the rental office: I spent about 35 million pounds in real estate each year, and I would rather invest in talents rather than expensive offices.

Enterprise and employees win -win

For many employees, the most direct benefit of work at home is the provincial time to commute and improve the balance of work and life.The US financial media CNBC and the investigation agency Change Research, a survey of more than 5,000 voters of more than 5,000 voters in the United States in April, shows that 47%of the respondents said that they were originally used to accompany their families at the time of commuting; other purposes; other purposes;Including sleep, development interest or more work.Some people like the flexibility and freedom of work for remote work. For example, Limeade Personnel Director and Scientific Director Laura Hamill is forced to work at home since March.She told CNBC that as a parent, there is a major benefit of remote work: I can start the dishwasher in the middle of the way, or take chicken out to prepare for dinner I will eat.American professional website Flexjobs career development manager Brie Reynolds pointed out that changes in work culture are also another reason: now more focus on work results, not how much time you have to sit in front of the desk.

In addition, remote work can also make employees more far away, avoiding the expensive living costs of big cities.This is particularly obvious for Silicon Valley engineers.The 31 -year -old Heidi Kasemir is a programmed developer who has learned from the Internet. The epidemic accelerates her plan to leave San Francisco.She revealed to Bloomberg that after working in the Bay Area for nearly eight years, she negotiated with the company with a salary of 25%in mid -April and moved to the remote distance of Salt Lake City: Actually, it is not difficult.It will be better.

For enterprises, some industry players, like Facebook, find that work at home may not be sacrificed to sacrifice productivity.Co -chairman of JP Morgan Chase Daniel Pinto expected at a non -public meeting with Citigroup analysts that some employees could work at home in the future.According to a memorandum to Citi customers in the middle of last month, Pinto said that even if 90%of the employees work at home, traders can deal with three times the normal transaction volume in the first quarter of this year.Since early March, 98%of the 27,000 employees have been working at home at home.CEO Kirt Walker claims that we have tracked all key performance indicators (KPI) and found that there have been no change.We constantly hear from customers, lsquo; If you do not declare work at home, we will not notice (change) rsquo;.James Gorman, chief executive of Morgan Stanley, also reviewed at a financial conference in mid -April: If you say three months ago, 90%of our employees will work at home and the company operates well. This is not that I am ready to be readyThe tests received because the consequences of failure were too great.

No wonder Karin KimBrough, chief economist of a job search social platform, found that the current remote work is increasingly accepted.She revealed to the Wall Street Journal in the middle of last month that in the past month, the recruitment volume of remote job jobs on LinkedIn increased by 28%, and the search volume using remote or at home has also increased by 42%.Even some company owners, such as Jim Collins, chief executive chief executive chief of biotechnology and agricultural groups, seem to miss their office: more currently used technology. Compared with the past six months, I have been with two weeks in the past six weeks.The connection between 10,000 employeesdense.