01 Viewpoint

George Floyd, an African -American man, was killed by the police after pressing his knees and necks, triggering large -scale demonstrations in all parts of the country, and even evolved into a smashing riots.President Trump, who had originally sympathized with Freud's death and demonstration, recently spoke tough, refers to the deterioration of the incident, and it also refers to the ingredients of local terrorism.Control the market, otherwise it will use the 1807 rebellion to send troops to solve the problem in person.

Trump's tough attitude was condemned by all parties. Democratic presidential candidate and former vice president Bynden rebuked him to incite hatred and aggravated tear, and turned the country into a battlefield.Democratic House of Representatives Perosi said that Trump criticized the iron fisting method that threatened his troops and asked Trump to lead the country to recover.Democratic senators drafted decisions to condemn Trump to order peaceful demonstrators gathered outside the White House's Lafayte Square outside the White House, but they were rejected by Republicans' opposition.

Trump's election is severe

Trump is obviously a presidential election from sympathy to the gesture of the suspension of violence.Due to the improper treatment of the epidemic, more than 1.83 million people were infected, and more than 100,000 people were killed. In addition, the epidemic caused a suspension of production, the unemployed army continued to increase, and the national complaints were boiling. Trump's dissatisfaction rose to 54%, nearly sevenIn the past ten years, the US president is new.The polls of its election are also not optimistic. The latest shows that it only has 39%support, and the 51%behind Biden is significantly behind.

Faced with such a dilemma, taking a drama that stops violence and restores order helps to gather conservatives and middle school voters, Trump may have a vitality.This is similar to French President Dai Goghle in 1968 to face the tide of Paris, with the threat of communism and defending the Republic as the number, winning the middle school to win the Congress election of the year, and the US President Nixon made a television speech in 1969 to fight for silence.Anti -Vietnamese Hippie Movement in the country anti -firing.

Tough cards have to lose money

Most of the silent cards in this silence are exactly the same as Trump's wishful thinking today. It recently dispatched the National Guard to dispel the demonstrators of Lafaytet Square with tear bullets and rubber bullets.The Church of the Saint John in the United States, holding the Bible in front of the reporter, obviously shows to the people's determination to defend the country and tradition, law and order.A few days ago, most of his books were silent in social media, most of them were exposed, everything was to be re -election.

Most Hong Kong people in this sentence are not strangers.Last year, the anti -revision of the storm, the Lin Zheng government also tried to fight for silence most of them, but turned over in the district council election in November.As a result, it was surprising that the democratic sects won a total of 389 control in 17 district councils, setting a historic victory.

The situation in the United States is of course different from Hong Kong. Freud's death is the law enforcement issue of the Police of the Minne Plus City.Trump's personal responsibilities are different from Lin Zheng's own repair.The demonstrators are currently only targeting police violence and racism, and have not risen to oppose Trump himself.Trump actually traveled this open muddy water and placed himself in the middle of the people who seemed to be justice and the rotten police system.

Trump was in danger, intending to create himself as a strong leader who defended the country.The latest polls show that 64%of the interviewed Americans sympathized with demonstrators, and more than 55%of the respondents were dissatisfied with Trump's way of dealing with riots, showing that Trump might be misjudgment and caused the incident to worsen the disadvantage.Most of the cards and silent cards are over. As a result, the people are overwhelming with the people. Whether Trump will step by step in the district council, it will be known.