01 Viewpoint

After the Philippine House of Representatives passed the anti -terrorism law on Friday (29th) on Friday (29th), it was expected that the outside world was expected to officially take effect before the House of House on 6th.However, the Philippines hurriedly passed the new law, causing the public to question President Rodrigo Duterte to take the opportunity to narrow their speech and press freedom, and the new law is controversial.definition.

The Philippine House Council passed the 2020 Anti -terrorism Law last week to replace the Human Security Act entered into the 2007.Even though the two also pretend to terrorism, the fined regulations of the latter are not only stricter, but also relaxed the restrictions on law enforcement officers.For example, the anti -terrorism committee established in accordance with the new law will replace the original function of the court, allowing the authorities to detain suspected terrorists at most 14 days under the no court arrest warrant, and can be extended for additional 10 days.Without the law, the secret eavesdropping suspected organization and terrorists were 60 days.In addition, the New Law also abolished the clause of compensation for the wrong detention.

However, the public's questioning of the New Law did not cool down by the House of Representatives.The National People's Lawyer Alliance (NuPl) described the bill as approved national terrorism, and believed that the past government's suppression of the dissidents could be put on the hat of terrorism; and in the votingThe members of the Representatives Risa Hontiveros and Kiko Pangilinan are concerned that the 60 -day monitoring operation may be used to be used for critics and opposition leaders.

Facing the voices of society, the Minister of Defense Delfin Lorenzana and the national security adviser Hermogenes Esperon Jr. have called on the public not to worry about it, and emphasize that the measures will prevent or minimize law enforcement.Disdoor rights.But looking at the vague definition of terrorism, the public's concerns are actually reasonable.

The new method is more extensive than the old method

Looking back at the human security law entered into the Philippines in 2007, the definition of the provisions for terrorism is any extensive and particularly fearful and panic among the people, and forced the government to succumb to illegal requirements, but the new law is more extensive than the old law, that is, to intimidate for intimidationThe entire or part of the public will create a fear atmosphere to threaten the government or its international organizations and severely damage the country's basic political, economic or social stability.At the same time, the new law also describes the activities of terrorism, including death or seriously injured anyone, extensively damaging public and private facilities, extensive intervention infrastructure facilities, as well as interference weapons and explosives, and any suggestions or skewersThose who seek or participate in the above behavior will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The behavior listed in the new law has no doubt that it can be summarized as a crime and destroying social stability. However, whether it is equivalent to terrorism is still considerable.Although terrorism, although illegal activities such as harmful public safety, infringing personal safety and property, etc., the focus is on the wordism, that is, their criminal behavior is not the ultimate goal, but to incite the masses through destructive means to incite the massesPanic, to preach the ideological claims of politics and religion, thus coercing others or the government to succumb to their demands.In other words, when determining whether it involves terrorism, the authorities not only need to destroy the specific crime of the activity, but also the motivation to verify the invisible and unsatisfactory crime. This is what teaches people to resist.

Due to the difference in the definition of terrorism internationally, this also makes the definition of terrorist organizations also have cognitive gaps in the world, such as Hamas, such as Israel, the United States, Canada, and the European Union.In 1987, Hamas was established, and its purpose was to liberate Palestine from Israel's colonialism.Hamas is synonymous with suicide bombs.But at the same time, many Palestinians not only did not despise Hamas, but also became their sympathy. They rely on the social services provided by the organization. Under the long -term blockade of Israel, the essential product of replenishing survival.Russia, China, and most Arab countries have not regarded Hamas as a terrorist organization, reflecting that they believe that Hamas' activities are not terrorist.It is the new law of the Philippines. How to give the public confidence is also a test of the government.