
This year is the year of the US presidential election, and social contradictions have diversified the polarization of American society.(Reuters)

Social Theory June 3, 2020

The demonstrations caused by the White Police in the United States during law enforcement quickly spread to many places in the United States.Demonstrations evolved into police conflicts and mobs plunder.So far, more than 40 cities have implemented a curfew, while at least 28 states and the capital Washington have used the National Guard to maintain order.

U.S. President Trump said that if the governors of each state do not use the National Guard to calm violence, he will mobilize the army to suppress.After his words were issued, the situation continued to upgrade, and at least five policemen suffered gunshot wounds in violent demonstrations, which showed that the police conflict had deteriorated.The world is currently facing the raging of the crown disease epidemic, the impact of economic recession, and the uncertainty of the US presidential election.Under these three factors, politics has not only torn American society, but also adds many variables for global epidemic prevention and control, economic restart, and geopolitical stability.

Crown disease confirmed cases have more than 6 million worldwide, and the number of deaths exceeds 370,000.In the United States, the epidemic has also taken more than 100,000 lives.Although the epidemic has not yet faded, Trump demanded that the states have dismissed the blockade measures to restart the economy as soon as possible.Epidemic prevention experts and some governors are worried that premature unblocking may lead to the second wave of epidemic in the United States that is stronger than the first wave of lethality.The crowd gathering in the demonstration and the requirements of ignoring the social distance deepened their concerns.

If the U.S. epidemic worsen, it will make its economy worse, and then exacerbate the global economic recession.The US economy has shrunk 4.8%in the first quarter of this year, the largest quarterly shrinking since 2008.The epidemic has a comprehensive outbreak in the second quarter, so the economic atrophy of the second quarter will be more serious.In fact, the U.S. unemployment rate in April has reached 14.7%, and the number of unemployed people has exceeded 40 million.

The spread of the epidemic and economic recession led Trump to fight for the election of re -election as president.Faced with a rapidly spreading demonstration, Trump pointed his finger at a fascist movement at a very leftist group, and stated that the latter incite violent demonstration and listed it as a terrorist organization.He also said in his speech that he was the president of the law and order, and to severely deal with the demonstrators of troubles, including the displays of the military law enforcement and arrest of the demonstrators who destroyed social order for violence.

In 1968, the Republican Party's Noson was a slogan with the Presidential President of Law and Order in the American society, winning the presidential election.At that time, the leader of the Black People's Rights Movement Middot; Luther Middot; Kim was assassinated, and many places in the United States were also turbulent due to racial contradictions and anti -Vietnam War.The slogan of the President of the Law and Order is considered to soothe white people's anxiety about social turmoil.

The US presidential election is imminent that the domestic epidemic and unemployment issues may become campaign issues.As the saying goes, diplomacy is an extension of internal affairs.Trump entered the White House in 2016 with the great slogan of the United States, and launched many US priority policies, including trade protectionism.He also blamed the source of the American epidemic on China and continued to criticize China to steal the technology of American companies.Recently, he announced that it would cancel the United States' special trade status to Hong Kong.Internal problems in the United States are intensified, and it is likely to extend to the diplomatic field, which leads to the anxiety of geopolitics, especially Sino -US relations that are rushing down.

The U.S. police's excessive use of military enforcement caused a large -scale demonstration, which reflects the deep social contradictions in the United States, including the income gap between races and income gaps.The rapid spread of the epidemic in the United States and the unemployment problem that followed also exacerbated this contradiction.

Data analysis of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the crown mortality rate of blacks in the United States has continued to be high.Blacks in the United States account for 13%of the total population, but nearly 23%of the death cases of the American epidemic are blacks.Dr. Fuqi, the chief infectious disease expert in the United States, said that the outbreak of the epidemic made the world clearly see how unacceptable black and white people in medical care.Similarly, the unemployment rate of black people is much higher than that of white people.This also explains that black crime rates and the probability of conflict with police are higher than other ethnic groups.

This year is the year of the US presidential election, and social contradictions have diversified the polarization of American society.At the moment of epidemic raging and economic recession, this is not good for the United States and the world.The United States is a model of a democratic system, and it should also be able to resolve contradictions through negotiation and legal system.We expect that the situation in the United States will not worsen further.But at the same time, we should also prepare for the risk of overflowing the United States' political intensification.