Social Theory June 1, 2020

After the United States and China signed the first stage of trade agreement in January this year, they once relieved the world for the rapid deterioration of China and the United States.However, the 2019 coronary virus disease epidemic broke out, and the US government pointed his finger to China after pomagment.Coupled with the recent Hong Kong issues, the first judgment of the Meng Wanzhou case, the US House of Representatives passed the Xinjiang Human Rights Act, etc., showing that Sino -US relations have pressed the re -setting key. With the survival of the US election, the contradictions have entered frequent contradictions.The period of exacerbation.

On May 28th, the National People's Congress of China passed the decision to formulate the Hong Kong National Security Law, and US President Trump held a press conference in the White House to criticize China the next day.He accused of Beijing's move that made Hong Kong from one country, two systems to one country, one country, one country, and one country; it also announced that it would cancel Hong Kong's special trading status and sanction the land and Hong Kong officials involving the damage to Hong Kong's autonomy.In addition, Trump also announced that the United States will withdraw from the World Health Organization.He earlier accused WHO accusing the WHO in the process of confrontation with crown disease and stopped funding to the WTO. Now it is obviously withdrawn from the WHO as one of the measures against China.

This is the strictest public criticism of China since Trump took office, and it seems that he has discharged his insufficiency of China in recent years.Although Trump has not explained what specific measures and actions to deal with China, given that there are many different opinions between China and the United States, and the US epidemic has led to a decline in economic growth, his way of re -election is full of thorns, so he may next may be possibleIt will gradually launch some countermeasures.China also responded strongly on Trump's speech, saying that if the United States interfere with Hong Kong affairs, China will take measures to counterattack.

China and the United States are accusing each other on crown diseases, Hong Kong issues, and whether the United States to fund the WHO is part of the game of China and the United States.The two superpowers seem to be pushing each other to gradually realize the predictions of the New Cold War.As early as the outbreak of the crown disease, China and the United States fought more than two years of trade war and extended to the fields of science and technology. Recently, the scientific and technological warfare has become more and more hot.Earlier, the US Department of Commerce issued a new instruction that foreign semiconductor manufacturers who used American chips or technology manufacturing equipment must be permitted by the United States before supplying Huawei and its affiliated companies.

Britain promotes a alliance composed of 10 countries including the United States to jointly develop 5G technology to reduce its dependence on Huawei.Trump also announced that students and researchers with the background of the Chinese military to enter the country to protect US national security and intellectual property rights.As a Chinese communication technology giant, Huawei's officials will definitely not sit at the Western countries' neck operations.

The Hong Kong National Security Law started legislation here, as if refueling on Sino -US relations.In part of the occurrence of Hong Kong issues, some reasons are that China and the United States have different views on the historical positioning of Sino -British joint statements.China believes that the document no longer works after the return of Hong Kong; the United States believes that this is a commitment made by China and the people of the Hong Kong people. It must be obeyed that formulating the Hong Kong National Security Law is another evidence of China's tearing commitment.

However, the United States has accused China of not complying with international contracts, but the United States under Trump has repeatedly tore up the international agreement.The United States accuses human rights issues in China, but the United States is also facing black human rights issues.Recently, a white policeman in Minnesota was a typical example in the process of arrested an African -American man with excessive violence.

At present, there are only half a year before the US election, and the Trump administration's poor prevention and control of the epidemic has caused the stock market to plummet and the momentum of economic growth to abruptly affect the success of the re -election.Trump will definitely play the Chinese card in the next to divert the focus of inadequate resistance and economic sluggish.However, the first phase of the Sino -US trade agreement may not be affected, because if China stops purchasing American agricultural products, the Trump iron tickets in the Midwest of the United States will be impacted.Trump's press conference last Friday did not threaten to tear the first -stage trade agreement between China and the United States.

After the abandonment of the tightness and nagging, China is even more powerful in the process of rising, resulting in the United States that China will challenge its interests and status.Therefore, the Foreign Policy of the Republican Democratic Party has become increasingly converge. No matter who is the president, the game of the Great Power of China and the United States will only become more and more.The United States released by the White House on May 20 will treat China as the number one enemy, indicating that if Trump is re -elected, the United States will continue to promote strategic competition and opposition with China.Democratic presidential candidate Biden also stated that if he was elected, he would sanction in China for the Hong Kong National Security Law.

It is foreseeable that from now to November, the competition, strategic comparison and contradictions between China and the United States will increase and deteriorate.There are many Chinese and American regions in East Asia that may break the potential hotspots of confrontation, and even the potential hotspots of guns and fires, including the South China Maritime Territory Disputes and Taiwan issues. What moves one of them, and the other is bound to counter.The trend of this spiral decline is worrying, and the risks are constantly accumulating for the overall international community that pursues international regulations.The international community needs to be more cautious to avoid deterioration of bilateral relations.