Ming Pao Society Review

Beijing decided to formulate the "Hong Kong Edition National Security Law". The western countries have paid attention to it. US President Trump announced that it will "start taking steps" to cancel special preferential treatment for Hong Kong.China's relations with the West are in the most tense state in the past 30 years. The deep reason is that the world pattern is facing a hundred years of great changes. The epidemic disputes and the Hong Kong issues are both characterized.After the June 4th incident, the West joined forces to sanction China."Visa rights", "paving the way for citizenship in the future", Yunyun, looking at the content is a joke. If Britain is ready to accept nearly 3 million Hong Kong people immigrants, it is really a great "misunderstanding".Hong Kong has become the battlefield of the Sino -US struggle. Of course, Hong Kong people are eager to have a "air -raid hole" to live in.

Understand Trump's usual tricks

Krewing away from BNO Juying Fog

Trump puts a tough attitude towards Beijing, saying that he will cancel Hong Kong as a separateThe special preferential treatment of the customs zone, all cooperation agreements between the United States and Hong Kong, "from the extradition treaty to technology and export control will be affected."The words used in Trump are "Begintakings" and "BegintheProcess".White, some American and British media noticed this, and asked the White House to clarify, but the White House refused to comment or explain the specific practice.

Two years ago, the White House launched a trade war to China. At that time, the operation of Washington was a fierce "lore" attitude to create a note for themselves.It's another thing.Tariffs imposed tariffs on Chinese goods in the stages of Washington will cause the American consumers and business people to call for pain. In fact, it has never been implemented.Washington looks at the general election to China and is willing to sacrifice some interests in the American business community. It will still be seen to operate the Hong Kong issue. It is still necessary to pay attention. It is worth noting that Trump emphasized that the first phase of the trade agreement in China and the United States will not change, reflecting the White House, reflecting the White House, reflecting the White HouseIt is quite tight whether China will refuse to perform the agreement. Obviously, it is not Trump's "no more care" before. The US financial market announced to Trump's preliminary response. One of the reasons for the analysis of the US media is that Trump has not announced that it has not announcedMore strong punishment measures.Hong Kong is trapped in the Sino -US struggle vortex, and Hong Kong people also have more understanding of Trump's usual tricks to avoid randomness.

The Western camp has a lot of commercial interests in Hong Kong. Beijing promotes the formulation of the Hong Kong version of the country's security law. The western countries have paid attention to it."Prosperity"; the European Union also stated that the National People's Congress did not meet the international commitments made by the Basic Law and Beijing by formulating the Hong Kong Edition National Security Law.However, except for the United States, no other Western camp members have threatened to sanctify Ge China so far. The European Union only paid attention and reiterated to "continuous dialogue" with China.Lan Taowen, a foreign phase of the UK, said that if China keeps promoting the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, the United Kingdom will provide a larger visa right for Hong Kong people holding the "British National (Overseas) passport" (BNO), "paving the way for citizenship in the future to obtain citizenship identity in the future"However, if you look closely at the specific suggestions, it is just that the restrictions on the BNO holder can only stay in Britain for 6 months, relaxing to 1 year.Of course, this is more convenient for BNO holders to apply for books or work in the UK. However, according to the British authorities, if Hong Kong people want to obtain the rights of residence, they still must do things in accordance with the current immigration laws.

At that time, the United Kingdom knew that China was determined to restore sovereignty over Hong Kong. One of them was the first to modify the nationality law and prevent a large number of Hong Kong people from immigrating to the UK.After 1989, the London authorities launched the residential British power plan to allow 50,000 Hong Kong people to citizen their citizenship. However, the target is limited to rich entrepreneurs and professionals, as well as "sensitive work" such as disciplinary forces.In recent years, the British right -wing out -of -the -line populist has risen, and many people support the "Brexit". One of the reasons is to stop outsiders from going to Britain to fight for rice bowls. I think that the British government will really open the door of immigration to millions of Hong Kong people.

The World Bureau welcomes the giant to this time.Only to truly get out of diplomatic isolation, China and many western countries have established strategic partnerships to create a favorable external environment for China's rise.In recent years, China and the United States have fallen into the trap of Xishid, and the relationship between China and the West has once again entered an unclear period.The other side, the economic and trade relations between the two sides are much more closely, and the objective conditions of the Western joint sanctions to sanction in China no longer exist.

From the trade, Huawei, and epidemic to Hong Kong, Washington has always wanted to launch an ally to fight against China, but other allies must also consider their own situation.As a member of the "Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance", Ying, Canada and Newer have affected China by the "boss" in the United States.In Europe, the European Union, led by Germany and France, realized that China ’s rise to the West, but did not want to be involved in the Sino -US struggle directly, and did not want to be led by Trump's nose.Recently, the EU "Foreign Minister" Berley said that the Asian century was coming to replace the world system dominated by the United States.Berrely said that the European "side stations are increasing" and said that the European Union must have a stronger strategy for China, but at the same time, it also emphasized that "the EU must follow its own interests and values and avoid becoming a tool."

The Western and China has ideological gaps. It is not surprising to the word of China in diplomacy. However, if the United States thinks that European countries must follow the sanctions, they will be wishful.In Hong Kong, some people believe that the West is a "savior". The only one of the small ports of the small Hong Kong even entrusts it to the White House. Looking forward to waking up to the United States to defeat China, it can "liberate Hong Kong".The chess pieces of all kinds of interests thought that the fate of Hong Kong could be paid to the West, and in the end, it would only be a dream of Nanke.
