Industrial and Commercial Times Society

In a blink of an eye, the word BRIC (BRIC), mainly based on Brazil, Russia, India, and China, has been published for about 20 years. In addition, it has expanded into the BRICS (Brics) after South Africa, and it has become a cross -European, and it has become European.The four important international organizations of Asia, Africa, South America, and two matched members of the United Nations, have been in the past ten years.However, looking back at the investment community for the brick brick market that year, the brick brick market will replace the beautiful imagination of the developed countries, and we can't help sighing.

In fact, at the beginning of the formation of the BRICS Group, the United States was still trapped in the reconstruction of the financial tsunami. When the European debt crisis made the European Union scorch, the five countries did assume the heavy responsibility of global economic growth in a timely manner.According to World Bank information, from 2010 to 2015, the five countries contributed about 45%of the global growth momentum, and the importance of the global economy was quite superior.At the same time, the BRICS five countries are the main producers of global financial goods and the main suppliers of services (such as the manufacturing industry and Indian service industry from China, the agricultural, forestry raw materials of Brazil and the industrial and mining metal in South Africa, and the petrochemical energy of Russia).It can arrest from various processing stages such as raw materials, processing, manufacturing, and even after -sales service and marketing, so that the cooperation between the five countries of the BRICS is like an alien alliance.If you add the new Development Bank (NDB) established by the BRICS Five Kingdoms, it means that emerging markets are also capable of rewriting the global economic order, and it is even enough to play the heavy responsibility of leading the world.

However, today, ten years later, Europe and the United States and other developed countries are still leading the world, but the influence of the five BRICS countries not only has not increased, but has decreased.Anti -retreat.There are four key reasons for this phenomenon:

First, the economic types of the five countries of the BRICS are too large, and even the economic development direction of various countries conflicts with each other due to excessive differences.Although the economic activities of the five countries can complement each other, they also hope to imitate the European Union and shift from economic cooperation to political alliances.However, the EU countries have common political goals in order to remove each other's different opinions and allow cooperation to achieve smoothly.As the main importer of the original material, China and India, Brazil, Russia, and South Africa, which are the main exporters of the upper body, are inconsistent with the economic interests of both sides, and naturally make it difficult for the economic cooperation of the BRICS Group to achieve comprehensive results.

Second, there are many historical disputes between the five BRICS countries, especially the three countries of China, India, and Russia.For example, based on historical factors between China and Russia, it has always had territorial entanglement. With the heating of Chinese patriotism, historical dispute between China and Russia has become an obstacle to exchanges between the two countries.Not only that, when China has gradually developed towards Central Asia, the Soviet members of the Soviet Union, including Kazakh, Kyrgyzstan, and other countries, have successively moved closer to China, which has also caused Russia's nervous concerns.On the other hand, there are also territorial disputes between China and India, which not only allows the two countries to have occasional frictions, but also give the United States and the European Union to have the focus of intervention.What's more, there are also signs of coaxing inside the BRICS countries. For example, there are many military exchanges between Russia and India in recent years.system.All events have shown that the five countries of the BRICS are lacking in mutual trust, and the political alliance is more difficult to achieve.

Third, the expansion of China and Russia can inevitably allow the BRICS countries and aggression.Under the policy call of the Belt and Road Initiative, China actively cooperates with countries such as Central Asia, South Asia, Africa and other countries.However, with the debt crisis in Sri Lanka, Angola and other countries, and forced to vote in debt trap after being forced to debt with state -owned assets or natural resources.In addition, Russia actively intervened on the Crimean War, Georgia and the Middle East, encouraging the separation forces in the territory of all countries, causing regional disturbances to continue.Therefore, it was originally symbolizing the rise of emerging markets and helping to get rid of the BRICS countries that have been oppressed by developing countries. Instead, they have become the oppression of many developers in developing countries. How can they be called the name of the world leader?

Fourth, the structural problem of the BRICS Five Kingdoms itself also makes it difficult for it to become a world leader.Although China has continuously promoted the ideal of prosperity in recent years, it has been deeply trapped in structural problems such as internal stability maintenance and local debt.There are huge business opportunities, but there are also great risks of governance.Furthermore, the excessive economic structure of Russia relies on the energy industry and the arms industry. Consumer products mostly rely on imports, making its economic performance restricted by the international environment.In this case, although the BRICS five countries are urgent to become an example of poverty alleviation in emerging markets, the structural problems have made the five countries still hover in the middle income trap.

To put it, the BRICS Fifth Kingdom Group, which has been established for nearly ten years, has hoped to create a positive image of progress and leadership through alliances.Challenge on the lower gram.Helplessly, the structural problems of the BRICS five countries have caused the group to be trapped in opposition or struggle, and the political structural problems have continued domestic consumption, so they cannot have sufficient influence in the international community, let alone become the maker of international order.Looking forward to the future, unless the BRICS Five Kingdoms can solve the aforementioned Shen Yan Su disease, the BRICS will eventually be like the concepts such as CIVETS (CIVETS) and Mist (MIST) proposed by Goldman Sachs in recent years.The virtual rhetoric of the characteristic national group is not an international organization with full politics and economic influence.