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As US President Trump threatened to cut off his relationship with mainland China, TSMC announced his plan to invest in the United States to invest and set up advanced wafer factories.TSMC said in a statement that this move has important strategic significance for the US semiconductor ecosystem; US Secretary of Secretary Pompeo responds to this will enhance US national security.This $ 2012 investment was replaced by Pompeo's congratulatory message to Taiwan President 520.

Tsai Ing -wen has already taken the initiative to push Taiwan to the front line of the United States to crack down on China. TSMC was forced to be involved in the vortex of the US -China science and technology war and geopolitical competition. It was not surprising.Zhang Zhongmou, the founder of TSMC, once said that TSMC will be a must -have for geopolitative politicians; in fact, why isn't Taiwan a must -have for geopoliators?TSMC is cautiously dealing with relevant political and economic risks, and strives to find the best benefit leverage in the US -China game; however, it is worried about how to not become the abandoned child or cannon fodder of the US -China battlefield as the US -China battlefield.

Foreign media highly pays attention to the strategic significance of TSMC's factories in the United States.The New York Times reported that Trump was increasingly worried about the global supply chain security and China's competitive tension. TSMC's settlement in the United States was not only a response to the United States, but also the victory of the Trump administration.The Wall Street Journal said that the Trump administration is increasingly worried that the United States will excessively rely on Taiwan, China and South Korea in key technical products, so they seek to build a new chip factory in the United States.Japan Economic News bluntly stated that TSMC's settlement in the United States may weaken Taiwan's security status.In other words, Pompeo's referral to the United States 'national security is not only the United States' concerns about the supply chain layout, but also to reduce dependence on related products such as Taiwan; in contrast, this may be at the cost of weakening Taiwan's security.

During the 1991 earthquake, the global highly focused on the creation and resumption of work in Taiwan's semiconductor industry, showing that the Taiwan semiconductor industry's important position in the global supply chain.It can even be said that TSMC's global leading position has also provided some guarantees for the development and security of Taiwan.Therefore, TSMC's factory in the United States has its balanced considerations between business and politics. For Taiwan, it also affects the national security and development strategy.Then, whether it is regarded as the victory of the Trump administration, or as a gift from the Tsai government to lose sincerity, at least it cannot be demolished in Taiwan. It just lost its own interests to enhance the interests of the United States.

Trump has recently increased its attack on mainland China. From economic and trade walls, technology, throat throats, and epidemic, they are all considered part of the US presidential campaign.However, many people have increasingly believed that the global impact of the new crown epidemic will always change the world order and fundamentally change the nature of US -China relations.Therefore, whether Trump can be re -elected, the U.S. -China economic, trade and technology decoupling, and the trend of industrial chain de -Chinaization are difficult to completely reverse.The United States may be more and more squeezing China's development strongly, and the strategic and geopolitical competition between the two sides will increase, which will also force relevant countries and enterprises to face increasingly sidewalk pressure.

As the New York Times said, some officials of the Trump administration tend to put greater pressure on Taiwan and TSMC, forcing them to make choices between China to China or the United States.In fact, after TSMC announced the establishment of a factory in the United States, the Trump administration immediately announced that if foreign semiconductor manufacturers who used American software and technology were not permitted by the United States, they would not be shipped to the mainland Huawei.To restrain this, TSMC must strive to relax restrictions in the negotiations of factories in the United States, but U.S. officials understand that there is no guarantee.In other words, after the Trump administration smiled for victory, he relentlessly gave TSMC a stuffy stick.

The industry and scholars initially believe that the cost of TSMC to the United States is not cost -effective and the production capacity is not high, but maybe it can avoid the war of the United States and China, which is forced to buy insurance;Opportunities for the aerospace market.However, the situation is still developing, and TSMC is still carefully evaluating the way of response.

In the face of the US -China war and forced to choose, how to divert divergence is an important issue.Enterprises are seeking the best risk aversion strategy, and even strive to obtain the maximum benefits in leverage; how can Taiwan bears a risk without any guarantee, and tied the enterprise to lonely?