Source: Nikkei Chinese Network

It is predicted that by 2050, the global population will increase by 30 % compared to now, reaching 9.8 billion people.With the economic development of developing countries, there are insufficient protein and environmental problems that have caused concerns. As the key to solving these problems, it is expected that the artificial meat and edible insects from plants are alternative to alternative foods such as plant.Centered on Silicon Valley and others in the United States, new -founding enterprises in related fields are constantly being born.

If you don't say it, you may not notice (not real meat). Burger Burger, which does not use meat, has aroused heated debate in the United States.Its appearance is an ordinary high -grade burger, and it will slowly exudes gravy when biting.The burger is sold at Momofuku Nishi, a restaurant in Manhattan, New York, a well -known chef David Chang, starting at $ 18.

The developer of this burger is Impossible Foods, a new Silicon Valley.The company was founded by Patrick Brown, Honorary Professor of Stanford University in 2011.He explored where the meat flavor came from and found that his decisive factor was molecules containing iron components HAEM, and extracted the molecule from the root of the soybean through genetic reorganization.

Starting from Momofuku Nishi in 2016, Impossible Foods is currently providing hamburger meat pie to more than 900 restaurants in the United States.The company has raised more than $ 275 million as of now, and investors include Bill Middot; Gates and other celebrities.In September 2017, a factory with a monthly production capacity of about 500,000 kg was put in operation, and its development rate was rapid.

The person in charge of the company's public relations stated that it plans to expand the Asian market in 2018.Maybe you can eat this kind of burger in Japan soon.

In the United States, BEYOND MeAT, which was created in 2009, also provided large supermarkets such as Safeway and providing plant raw materials burgers and chicken.In addition to Gates, the company also has actor Leonardo Middot; Dicaprio and others contributed. The products are sold on the meat counter and sold, causing the topic.So that the livestock industry groups were petted from the US Department of Agriculture in February 2018 and raised these artificial meat as beef and meat.

Behind artificial meat is the environmental problem behind so much attention.It is said that raising edible livestock and cultivation feed requires 45%of land and more than 20%of water resources on the planet.In Europe and the United States, there are many vegetarians, which is one of the reasons.According to Impossible Foods, the land area and water required to produce the company's artificial meat are only 1/20 and 1/4 of the production of beef, which is in line with the preferences of consumers who are worried about the environment and hope to enjoy meat.

The estimation of the United Nations in 2017 shows that the world population with only 7.6 billion will increase to 9.8 billion by 2050, and by 2100, it will reach 11.2 billion.With the economic growth of emerging market countries, the demand for high protein foods such as meat will also increase.This is why artificial meat startups are optimistic and obtained.

In fact, in addition to artificial meat, there are other anticipated proteins around us.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released a edible insect in 2013: the future prospects of food and feed guarantee, saying that it may become potential ingredients to deal with grain problems.It takes 8 kilograms of feed for 1 kg of beef, while insect meat is only 2 kg of feed, which is reduced to 1/4.In addition, it is reported that the greenhouse gas emissions in production are only 1/10 or even 1/100 of beef, and the land required is significantly less.

The nutritional value of insects is higher than that of meat and fish, and it is rich in trace elements such as high -quality protein, fiber, iron and magnesium.In Europe and the United States, eating insects is not a popular food culture. Many people have conflicts, but in recent years, insects have gradually achieved productization in forms of suitable consumption.

For example, potato chips made of pink powder.In 2013, several girls at a bedroom in Harvard University in the United States founded SIX Foods, which means that they do not eat 4 legs (domestic animals) and eat 6 legs (insects).The opportunity for them to set up a company was to study and travel in Africa and Asia. They found that locals had the habit of eating insects and scorpions, and later saw reports from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The company's products look exactly exactly the same as Volkswagen's snack corn crisps.The taste is salty, barbecue, Checa cheese flavor and other familiar flavors, but each piece contains about 1 cricket per piece.They introduced their creativity through videos, crowdfunding to $ 70,000, and successfully achieved productization.

Established in 2014, the United States EXO, the US EXO, is also developing and selling the use of Cricket Flour Protein Bars and nutritional foods.The company also received funds for Dentong's venture capital fund.In North America and Europe, the farming is expanding.

In addition, the government has also appeared to relax and restrict the development of related enterprises.The European Union has unified the approval procedures for new foods such as insects among member states since 2018.The European NPO International Insect Food and Feed Platform (IPIFF) issued a statement welcoming this.Beginning in July 2017, protein from insects is also allowed to produce fish feed.

This type of insect food developed by this kind of startup is a wave of western, but Asia has prevailed for insects since a long time ago.The Iena Creation Museum in Nagano Prefecture, Japan held a Great Insect Food Fair (continued until May), showing the local aquatic insects, bee pupae, and insect food culture in Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand.It is said that there is also a snack that directly fried insects in Thailand.

At the Great Insect Food Expo, it also proposed that in the future of human beings to set up a research base in Mars, insects use insects as foods that are not polluted in the local environment and can be simply cultivated.In the past, insects were also widely edited in Japan.The day when insects are revived as future foods may not be far away.