Peng Nian

Although the domestic and foreign pressures caused by the spread of the epidemic dissemination are gradually emerged.It is foreseeable that after the important phase of the epidemic prevention in the domestic epidemic prevention, China will still face continuous overseas epidemic input pressure and the intensified diplomatic enclosure.How to fight the battle for the epidemic and realize the good situation of internal stability is another challenging problem in front of Chinese decision makers.

As early as March, with the spread of overseas crown disease, the risk of preventing overseas input had become a top priority for Chinese governments at all levels.At that time, the focus of governments at all levels had transformed into increasingly increasing overseas input cases, and for this reason, it took increasingly severe foreign defense measures.

With the emergence of the wave of input cases, the crusade of Chinese students on Chinese students and overseas Chinese citizens from overseas and overseas Chinese citizens are endless, and they are indignant to the treatment of domestic and foreign students and foreign citizens.

Since April, the African gathering area in Guangzhou and Suifenhe, the Sino -Russian border, have become the hardest hit areas for overseas epidemic inputs.Some media even played the slogan of defending Suifenhe.Harbin, which is at the forefront, not only replaced some of the main officials, but also discussed whether to take measures to take city seals like Wuhan.It can be seen that how to prevent overseas input cases more effective has become another big test facing China.

However, compared with the overseas input risks that can be controlled, the difficulties from Western countries such as the United States are even more fierce and more difficult to cope.One, senior US officials have repeatedly threatened to account for accountability in China, and China's accountability pressure will be increasing.With the gradual improvement of the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation, the United States is completely likely that some European countries will form a new eight -nation coalition forces to conquer China and set off a wave of surrounding China.At that time, China will deal with the United States, but the entire Western world.

Second, the United States is good at grasping the loopholes of China's input risks to prevent and control overseas, and take the opportunity to leave China and other countries.The most prominent example of this is that the United States provoked Sino -African relations on the occasion of crown disease cases in the Guangzhou African gathering area.Although the Chinese -African government officials have come up and reiterated that the friendship between China and Africa will not change color, this speculation still has a negative impact on China -Africa civil exchanges.Especially today, with the increasingly rising nationalism, this negative impact often has a double effect.

Three, the United States maliciously speculated that China secretly conducted nuclear tests, infinitely exaggerated China's threat.In fact, the United States has spared no effort to set off a new round of Chinese threats since the coronary virus has become a global epidemic.Trump even directly called the coronary virus as a Chinese virus, and insisted on politically politically.The Chinese nuclear test is just a small trick to render a new round of Chinese threat theory.

Earlier, the United States also sank after a high -profile hype of Vietnamese fishing vessels and the Chinese maritime police ship, and accused China of not strengthening the claims of activities in the sea.It is foreseeable that in the future, whether in the normal development of China's military forces or security issues such as the South China Sea and Taiwan, the United States will seize malicious attacks at the opportunity to put on the threat of China to achieve the joint formation of more partners.At the same time disrupt the strategic purpose of stabilizing the overall situation around China.

Overall, the epidemic brings not only the problems of public health and economic development, but also the stability of social stability and foreign security.Under this new situation, China's social governance and foreign security policy must keep pace with the times to ensure that the general trend of internal stability and external security can continue for a long time.

First of all, China must attach great importance to the epidemic prevention and control situation in the frontier region, and to judge the spread of the epidemic in neighboring countries in advance, as well as the ability of the epidemic in the border areas of the territory, and strive to achieve complete emergency plans and sufficient emergency supplies, equipment and personnel.At the same time, in view of the relatively insufficient social governance experience in the border region government, it is necessary for the provincial government to regulate troops to support the prevention and control of the epidemic in the border area, guide the transparent and open -minded information of the epidemic information, alleviate the panic of the people, and prevent racial discrimination.Avoid diplomatic disputes.

Secondly, China must maintain normal communication with countries and regions of the world with a more positive attitude to eliminate misunderstandings, clarify rumors, consolidate epidemic prevention cooperation, and reduce diplomatic pressure.Especially for neighboring countries and traditional friendly countries, China should share epidemic information in a timely manner, especially involving the epidemic prevention and control policies of foreigners in China to avoid misunderstanding of information asymmetry and damage to diplomatic relations.

At the same time, China should also pay close attention to the problems in the process of epidemic cooperation, especially the quality of medical equipment, discover and properly solve it in a timely manner, and leave the opportunity to attack China in the United States.In addition, China can also use cooperation to resist opportunities to establish a regional public health cooperation mechanism in China, Asia, Asia, and Japan and South Korea as soon as possible, and arrange to solidify regional cooperation with mechanism arrangements.

Finally, given the recent increase in the confrontation between the collisions of the South China Sea fishing boat and the oil exploration vessels, and the severe external security situation that the tension of the Taiwan Strait has failed to alleviate, China must have a good crisis response plan on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is necessary to properly control the crisis crisis on the one hand., Try to ease contradictions.After all, in the case of a global epidemic prevention and control, anti -epidemic cooperation is the main theme.

In short, China's epidemic defense war involves a broad, long duration, and difficulty in struggle.This requires Chinese governments at all levels and various departments to work hard and stabilize, and strive to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet.

The author is an associate researcher at the South China Sea Research Institute