Cao Xin: China has prepared psychological preparations for China to investigate the origin of this round of new crowns and whether China has responsibility for this round of virus dissemination.

A while ago, the United States took the lead in setting off international public opinion, asking the international community to come to China to investigate the origin of this round of world -based new coronary virus, and whether the virus was leaked due to work errors in the new coronary virus.As a result, there are many countries that support this move internationally, including the World Health Organization publicly expressed support.This has aroused collective criticism of the Chinese media, and there are attacks and resistance, so that the Chinese media launched a collective criticism of US Secretary of State Pompeo.But just last week, the situation changed greatly. China hinted that the survey of the source of the new coronary virus was agreed: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said at the press conference for two consecutive days on May 6 and 7 on the press conference:With an open, transparent, and responsible attitude, we have conducted good cooperation with WHO, including cooperation on traceability issues. Just a few days ago, the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was completely consistent with the Chinese media.

At present, it is basically determined that China has prepared psychological preparations for China to investigate the origin of this round of new crowns and whether China has responsibility for this round of virus transmission.Of course, China must also have its own conditions. Objectively speaking, there should be reasonable conditions.

It is necessary to check

If you have a scientific position and the perspective of anti -epidemic in the world that is not yet ended, the requirements for investigating the traceability of the new crown virus are completely necessary, and it is very legitimate.It is responsible for investigating the source of the virus and the qualitativeness of the virus, and it is also the meaning of the current world of resistance and struggle in the world.

On the one hand, from the scientific position, investigating the traceability of the new crown virus that currently affects such a wide range of countries and regions can figure out the nature of the virus, that is, it belongs to nature or human synthesis virus;What medium enters the human life circle infection with human beings, what kind of changes will the virus itself happen in this process, etc., all of which judge how to extinct the new crown virus, how to completely eliminate the path of virus to human spread, and how to heal the healingA series of very critical issues such as human diseases is very significant.Without this, it is difficult for us to truly achieve resistance to diseases. The production of new vaccines and effective drugs also need to explore longer time, and human society will pay more about it.

On the other hand, the current human resistance is not over. The United States and Russia are at the peak of the epidemic. Numerous people infected are suffering, and their economy and property are facing huge losses.There is evidence that the spread of the next round of epidemic will affect Africa and India.Therefore, investigating the traceability of the new crown virus in this round of viruses is of great realistic and urgent significance for the worldwide resistance and struggle. The entire United Nations and the international community should strongly support it.

On the contrary, if a country does not agree to investigate the traceability of the virus, especially if an important country with a proliferation of the epidemic does not agree to investigate, it will not only be unreasonable, but also make others suspect that the country is responsible for the current world epidemic, and then become a one.Political handles; at least it will become a hot topic of media around the world, which will seriously damage the country's image.And in fact, because the United Nations survey of this round of epidemic has hindered the serious losses of the epidemic to the serious losses of life and property brought by the epidemic, at least it will be blamed by public opinion.

Therefore, it is necessary to support investigations of the traceability of this round of epidemic, otherwise any country will inevitably bear the reputation of this historical responsibility, even if it is likely to be innocent.

Everyone has to check

So, how to investigate?

First of all, to establish the principles and operating standards of this survey:

The principle of this survey is that everyone, including China, have to investigate.That is, any country with a survey requires exceptions. The major countries that occur in this round of epidemics must be investigated in principle.

China is the country that broke out in a large scale in this round of outbreaks. Investigation cannot be exceptions; and the United States is the country with the largest spread, the largest number of infections, and the worst infection in the world. It also needs to be investigated carefully.In addition, related European countries, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, and Russia, India and African countries that are currently spreading rapidly in Russia, which are currently spreading rapidly, should be included in the scope of investigation.Only in this way can the in -depth and detailed investigation be conducive to the investigation, and ultimately help effectively guide the current worldwide resistance.

Followed by the operating standards of this survey.In order to better do a good job of investigation of the traceability of the virus, the operating guidelines for the survey should be established: the only basis for scientific evidence as the only basis for the conclusion of the survey, and refusing to use any intelligence nature as the investigation conclusion.

Only by using scientific evidence as the conclusion of the survey can we be able to talk about objective and reliable, and be accepted.The intelligence evidence provided by relevant countries has the possibility of being used for political and propaganda purpose, so it is unacceptable. Otherwise, the survey is not objective and fair, and cannot be accepted.

Who is the subject of the investigation?

The author believes that, given that the world's anti -epidemic struggle has been seriously politicized by relevant countries. In order to ensure the fairness, authenticity and authority of the investigation, the subject of this survey should be the UN World Health Organization;Establishing an epidemic expert committee to investigate related content; the relevant national scientists related to the epidemic must participate.The relevant final investigation conclusions should be based on scientific evidence and discuss the discussion of the expert committee.

What is the investigation content?

At present, the international community mainly investigate the traceability of this round of virus. Therefore, the content of this round of survey should be determined as: the traceability of this round of virus and related medical problems, medical cases and various evidence serving scientific and epidemic prevention.

Finally, all relevant countries investigated must be unconditional support for the survey and in actual work to cooperate unconditionally.

Only after the above content is determined and the expert committee of the World Health Organization, the expert committee of the investigation, and the relevant countries, this round of investigations can begin and inform the world will be informed of the final result.

It is certain that under the above principles, China will welcome WTO to investigate the traceability and related issues of this round of epidemic virus.

(Note: The author is Secretary -General of the International Public Opinion Research Center of the Chahar Society and a researcher at the Peninsula Peace Research Center. This article only represents the author's personal point of view.