01 Viewpoint

Venezuela President Maduro Nicolas said on Monday (4th) that the authorities had crushed a aborted coup, which was suspected of being planned by the United States and arrested 13 terrorists, including two American citizens.Although US President Trump stated the next day that its government has nothing to do with coup, but from the history of the surface evidence and Washington's coup in Latin America, Maduro's allegations may have its basis.In the 1960s, the Pig Bay incident and the subsequent nuclear war crisis had proven the danger and uncertainty of power politics. If the United States acts rashly, it will not only maintain peace, but also be suitable for the war.

The Venezuela government said on Monday that a group of terrorist mercenaries took a speedboat into the border on Sunday (3rd) from neighboring Colombia to land in La Guaira, a port city not far from the capital Galagas.However, the security forces involved in a timely manner, killed eight and captives, and seized a large number of weapons.Maduro subsequently delivered a national TV speech to show the two captives of passports, walkie -talkies, and nightview mirrors, and accused the United States and Columbia responsible for the incident.

The coup is suspected to be the U.S. military

But the United States has denied all relationships.When the US President Trump was interviewed on Tuesday, the incident emphasized that the incident had nothing to do with our government, and the Pentagon subsequently attached to this statement, but the testimony of another person was more detailed and specific.When the former member of the US Army Special Forces, Jordan Goudreau, a former member of Green Berets, was interviewed by the Associated Press, not only could not recognize the names of the two detainees of the commissioner, but also said that the two had fought alongside Iraq in Afghanistan.If GOUDREAU's statement is true, it undoubtedly last year Trump claimed that all options were confirmed on the table.

It is not necessary to deny that Venezuela under the control of Maduro, the authorities are not only unable to maintain public security, medical, food and other essential samples, so that Venezuela is now becoming the world's second largest refugee exporter after Syria.Social turmoil is really unsolved.

Since the late Chavez in 1999, after improving the voters of the committee and the country with a radical left -wing policy, its nationalization plan for the oil industry, although the country gets rid of the status of the American consortium, has also created a corrupt state oil company PDVSA.Make the wealth that should belong to the common people, and the bags that have fallen into the bureaucratic bureaucratic institution, the people are difficult for the public to share the dividend brought about by the average economies of the economy, and the governance is more like cancer cell expansion.The poverty alleviation policy of Chavez made the people see new hope, but oil prices fell in 2008. The country's public finances gradually saw the insignificant support.And Chavez's rotten stalls that were more difficult to stubborn at Madarori were still disturbing to this day.

A coup against Cuba

Although the invasion of the Maduro regime this time can only be called a secret operation, regardless of scale, strategy, and number of people, the fire of the stars can be alarmed, and Washington has long forgotten the lessons of the pig bay incident.After the assistance of the Castro brothers in 1959, after the assistance of Zhella, after the guerrilla war overthrowing the Fulgencio Batista regime, the United States began to make full brains and want to nail in the eyes of the backyard's communist regime.quick.The question is, how can the big nations send troops to overthrow the regime?Since the road of light is unreasonable, Gandy acquiesced in 1961 to acquiesce and provide funding and training to Cubans in exile to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro.After landing in the Zhuwan, he was retired by the Cuban government army.

However, the Pig Bay incident did not end due to the failure of the exile troops.When the newly established Cuban regime survived, the secret operation of the United States made Xiawan's help to seek Moscow's assistance and indirectly pushed the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union to the peak. The nuclear war crisis in 1962 was born.On the one hand, Nikita Khrushchev, at the request of Castro, secretly deployed missiles in Cuba for deterrence and instability in the United States.However, Gan Naidi did not yield, and in turn, he played with the edge policy. He took the initiative to heat up, blocking Cuba's coastline, and world wars were like arrows.Fortunately, the two finally Lin Yama, and successfully threatened each other to achieve equivalent transactions, allowing the world to escape the nuclear war.

As an example of the Pig Bay incident, it must not only explain the previous subject of inferiority in Washington, but also to point out the danger and uncertainty of such diplomatic adventures.However, the root cause of Caracas's chaos, and it is not the United States to plant troops and support the system issues that can be solved.