In recent years, Australia has been daring to do it, and it has not compromised China boldly.Perhaps Australia's economy and military volume is not large enough, challenging China has not attracted much attention.In the voices of the United States strongly pursuing China, Australia's sound is not weaker than the United States.

On April 19th, Australian Foreign Minister Payne said that the Australian government insisted on conducting independent international investigations on issues such as the source of coronary virus in 2019, emphasizing that the world needs China to maintain transparency of coronary virus information.On the 23rd, the Australian Prime Minister Morrison called for the World Health Organization to have the power to have a similar UN weapon investigator. It should be allowed to enter the country with virus raging to help avoid a new wave of future outbreaks.

On the 26th, the Australian Minister of the Interior Daton reiterated that he asked to conduct independent investigations on the source of Chinese coronary virus.On the 30th, Morrison reiterated that the international community needs to send independent supervisors to investigate in China.

On the 27th, the Chinese Ambassador to Australia made a response to this that Chinese consumers may resist Australia from various aspects, such as not drinking Australian wines, not eating Australian beef, not traveling to Australia, and not studying in Australia.Subsequently, the Australian government minister has repeatedly stated that China's threat is economic coercion.The Australian ruling party Senator Patson told the media that many things imported by China's industry, such as iron ore, coal, and natural gas, all came from Australia.

Australia challenged China for a day's cold. The following narratives can be known for Australia to challenge China: First, Australian scholars published books claiming that China penetrates Australia.In March 2018, Australian scholar Clive Hamilton published a new book and invaded silently: How China turned Australia into a Puppet State of the Silent Invasion: How China is Turnralia Intralia Into A Puppet State).The book claims that Beijing's influence has expanded to Australia's political, economic, education and religious groups.

Hamilton said that China is a dominant world that wants to control Australia's totalitarian regime in China and has been experimenting with Australia and New Zealand to maintain its advantage in the West.He provided many evidence in the book that China recruited eyes, inside and spies in other fields such as business and academics through Chinese immigrants in Australia.

Second, the Australian think tank claims that China is a potential military threat.In October 2018, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute published a research report that in the past 10 years, as manyThey belong to the background of the military.

For example, the report said that China has dispatched a number of researchers to visit many universities in the UK and continues to launch cooperative projects with Britain in the areas of supersonic combustion stamping engine burning.The supersonic stamping engine can be applied to a high -speed supersonic aircraft with a speed of six times the speed.Wang Zhenguo, the head of the Chinese supersonic burning stamping engine plan and the dean of the Graduate School of China University of Defense, has jointly published 18 research reports with foreign scientists.

Third, Australian lawmakers strongly attack China.Australian parliamentarian Andrew Hastie (Sydney Pioneer Morning News on August 9, 2019, published entitled opportunities and threatening mdash; mdash; we must brighten our eyes to read China's long -term review articles, including the rise of China and Nazi.Compared with Germany.Heisti wrote that China tried to replace the United States and dominate the Pacific region, which will threaten Australia's sovereignty and democracy.

The Australian media said that Heistie compared China and Nazi Germany, which is the strongest condemnation of China's co -government members so far.Morrison said Herstick's remarks were not the government's position, but he had the right to express his point of view.A spokesman for Chinese in Australia refuted in a statement that history has proven and will continue to prove that China's peaceful development is an opportunity for the world, not a threat.

Fourth, Australia resisted Huawei 5G equipment earlier than the United States.In June 2018, based on national security reasons, the Australian government banned Chinese telecommunications companies from participating in the country's 5G network construction bidding.Australia's concerns about China's threats to national security are constantly fermenting, and preparation measures have spread outside Australia.Earlier, Australia announced the support of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific to build submarine cables to revoke the country's contract with Huawei.Bi Xiaopu, then Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that Australia will provide funding assistance to Pacific countries and compete with the capital of China, which has increased influence in the region.

The Sydney Pionee Morning News reported that the Australian government has become the first country to launch a 5G anti -Huawei 5G.At the beginning of 2018, the e -experts of the Australian Australian Signal Agency in Australia were ordered to conduct a 5G digital war attack exercise. The result of Australian security agencies and politicians aware of it because they realized that a 5G digital attack was affected.It will completely lose its effectiveness of the security defense of a country and fall into a weak state that is easily broken.Subsequently, Australia proposed a warning about Huawei to the United States and European allies that the US government took action.

Fifth, Australia has always supported the free position in the United States in HNA China.In the Dialogue of Shangri -La in June 2018, the then Australian Minister Penn hinted that China was in other countries in China in South China and violated the principles of international law.The Australian Australia's forefront against China in the South China Sea, Canberra has regarded himself as an important interest in the South China Sea dispute.

Australia's dependence on the Asia -Pacific market has determined that the South China Sea has become the Australian maritime lifeline. This can explain that in recent years, Australia has begun to voyage through warships, intervene in the South China Sea dispute, and stood with China to the opposite.The Chinese version of the Australian newspaper once wrote that the South China Sea is the most important channel for Australia and it is related to its important security benefits. This determines that even without the United States, Australia must carry out free navigation operations.

Australia challenges all aspects of China, which is highly consistent with the Trump administration's orientation of China.Chinese domestic public opinion is very disgusted with Australia. Hu Xijin, editor -in -chief of the China Global Times, said that Australia is a chewing gum that has been chewing on the soles of Chinese.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation website pointed out that Australia knows that it is not the only country that feels the flames of Chinese dragons.The polls of the Roy International Policy Research Institute of Australia in 2019 show that Australians' trust in China has rapidly declined, reaching a new low in 15 years.The general public in China must support Hu Xijin to find Australia as a gum to find a stone to put it down.The deterioration of Sino -Australian relations is just one side of the changes in China's external environment.

(The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai Normal University of China)