2019 Coronatte Virus disease spreads the surface at the speed of thunderous ears, revealing a lot of hidden truths, no matter what the truth of these ugly truths is buried deeply; a tsunami -like likes;Global epidemic forcing all human beings to face the problem, no matter how you try to deny escape. For the island country, this battle is extremely difficult.The three successful factors of Tianshi, geographical interests, people, and these three major success are on our side.The difficulty can be described in the early days of the 1960s.The population census shows that the average age of Singaporeans is 42 years; in other words, for the half of the population, especially many people who grew up in the 1980s, this is the initial experience. This anti -epidemic let us have a deep understanding of the vulnerability of the island nation again.This is unfortunate, but it is a timely alarm.Especially in the past 20 years, we have always faced their face to the world, have been highly open, and we also complacently think that we are holding the world and have no worries.I do n’t know that when the usual advantage strikes, we caught us into a dilemma of avoiding it. In terms of geographical interest, in the first half of the anti -epidemic war, we faced only the virus from a place, because of SARS's experience, so it was relatively calm.In the second half, our calm and positive attitudes ushered in the virus from the world.Whether it is our own Chinese, or the huge foreign labor team that has contributed here, we all treat them equally, and our responsibilities and morals are the same.This is a new problem, but we believe in our ability. However, no matter what you do, you cannot lock the country.Because of this small country, the most basic people's biological material resources, labor and material resources, as high as various economic and financial and trade activities, we are closely connected to the world's lifeblood. For example, if you run fell into the sea when you run faster, when the plane flys together, he enters the small projectile country led by others.No, it must be.In addition, compared with many countries to observe the fire from the shore, no matter after the fire burns the upper body, no matter how three or seventeen first, the blocking mechanism of emergency gate breaks, or some places are still local resisting, but in factIn fact, we are self -flow, seeking two extreme methods of collective immunity. We walk as long as we go to resist the moderation. Although the process is relatively long and severe, the results are still optimistic. After the overall situation is initially, it will be discussed with anti -epidemic results in various places, and it is not late.Because, what is the bone card effect after the epidemic relief?What are the follow -up after the outbreak of various countries?How to restore international relations in peacetime, and even reorganize the new situation and new order?What are the issues from politics and economy to the supply and demand of people's livelihood?This is naturally not what the small people in the market can understand as you and I can understand. In terms of days, when the epidemic was first developed, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan happened to be during the Spring Festival. Economic activities were basically suspended, and students were also on winter vacation.At that time, the densely populated factories and schools were basically empty.Therefore, it is relatively practical to control the stop button to control the flow of people.But the situation in Singapore is different.In January, we have been interested in daily life and work -centric living conditions. More specifically, when we actually enter the work track, we are preparing to be at high speed Mercedes.Traditionally, the work engine of the Singaporeans began in January. After the Chinese New Year's short vacation was over, it started on Monday. How could it be busy on the weekend?Suddenly shouting at this moment, how many preparations do you have to do?For example, most parents must work at home and their children can learn at home; most people do not go to work, so that the traffic system can effectively implement a safe distance.Such problems such as such problems are not three words of circuit breaker, which can be turned into invisible under a order. In terms of people, the small country with a very high population density is inevitable to maintain daily life.Because everyone is a part of this machine in Singapore, anyone's movement is moving and full.It is not too much impact on life, and continuous work and non -stop classes are pragmatic and honest with scientific resistance.However, the requirements of this is the highest in the quality of everyone on the island's consciousness and coordination. In short, the geographical interest and the time are not what we can control. This is due to the innate conditions of the country. It is good or bad, and our situation is very passive.But people can grasp.Helpless, in this battle, people may be our weakest part, but it is the most critical.From the emergence of the first community infection group, gradually forming a chain reaction, to blooming in the later, and even the ultimate epidemic to capture the disadvantaged groups, no matter which aspect of the disadvantaged state, the living environment, material conditions, or mental and psychological quality, it is the fatal attack of the virus attack.hurt.Pay close attention to you and me every day. Didn't you really foresee the worst situation?If we can all foresee but cannot stop, how should we reflect? To be honest, at the national management level, the performance of the government and various anti -epidemic departments is already remarkable. Since the emergence of the epidemic in January, as long as you pay attention, the relevant anti -epidemic deployment strategy has frankly told the people that the worst preparation must be made.We must maintain the anti -epidemic strategy of vigilance, adjustment, and flexible deployment at any time.If what we need to review is whether our requirements for ourselves are too high; in the process of walking while walking, are we all attentive and whether our steps are the same.At this point, we are really not as good as many places, and we must review it. So, do you ask yourself: What about us? Before the virus blocking measures are implemented, the quality of citizens is uneven, and it is obviously the key to many people take it lightly and secretly derive more complex problems. As soon as the circuit breaker was pulled up, how many people really understood the meaning and purpose of it, and worked together to go to the country?Are you willing to face an enemy who is ambush, invisible but omnipresent?Or is it shifted to the various policies that benefit the people in generous relief?Or is you busy with the individual depression that is trapped in the home and cannot move normally?Are the most important public health awareness in the anti -epidemic war?Do you have to do it every day to wash your hands, walk less, and keep the appropriate social distance. Have you ever heard it and understand it?The awareness of crisis at the emergency time is light and the mind is more important? Various forms of public education that has overwhelmed the earth has no effect on us?Why are there still a mentality of many people who have red lights?Why do you have to sacrifice severe legal means in the end, and society still cannot get rid of the tone of FINE (Fine People to Be A Fine Country)?Why are there any people even because of me, without fear of fines?Are we really losing the quality of citizens of Chinese people? Personally, unless it is necessary to avoid going out, it is difficult to do it. How can we negotiate ourselves?Because of the messy life and work, how can we face and adjust properly in the four walls?Because of their busy daily businesses, how do they have rare and rare disputes and even their own family relationships in their families in harmony and maintenance?How do we persuade the stubborn old man?How can we make self -control?These are the accumulation of daily life, but they are buried by many more important issues such as living and social development. We need time and space that we need to reflect.If the blocking measures are helpless to extend for a month, we are forced to calm down, and it should be enough to take the initiative to reflect on it.In ordinary days, people always ask what the country has done for me; at this moment, should we ask ourselves to do for the country, the society, the neighbors, and for everyone?This epidemic made us understand what everyone is responsible. In this war of resistance, our greatest enemy was not crown, but ourselves.How can I admit and accept that they may become or even potential virus carriers at any time?How do you understand that without wearing a mask, it is just a tangible prop to disguise safely?As an expert's simplest explanation: if I do n’t move, the virus will not move.Ask yourself, why is it so difficult to stop? Different countries in different countries, different vulnerabilities, and different methods of dealing with things. There is no comparability.Looking at all over the world, there are different attitudes of anti -epidemic in various countries. Some people have the courage to admit the wrongs, the first awakening of the dreams, and the continued obsession.Singapore faced calmly at the beginning, and now it must be reflected deeply. Among them, how to improve the quality of national, change everything, and rely on others, the passive attitude of waiting for instructions in everything needs to be changed.How to make people love from the heartIn your own home, you can really keep the laws and regulations and make the truth. To do wisdom and emphasis on things in things, you must be the top priority of future social reforms and the top priority in the development of educational development.Intelligence is the development of rational thinking and analyzing the ability to summarize creative capabilities; wisdom is the cultivation of perceptual experience, pushing yourself, and human feelings.In the future, in addition to thinking about how to be more convenient for life, how wealth is easier; you should think about how to truly understand yourself, and get along with yourself, people, with the world, with nature, and heaven, and to be peaceful and harmonious.