The world is in a large society.The French yellow vest movement contrasts the division of French society; although Brexit's Brexit is successful, British society seems to be more split; the presidential election in the United States may accelerate the division of society in the United States;Facts; Taiwan's social division is not the current formula, but a considerable time.

Faced with the 2019 coronary virus epidemic that happened in Wuhan and then spread throughout China and the world, China's online public opinion is very active, and various views and claims are extremely enthusiastic, or they are fierce.There is no vague space, which is probably unprecedented.The WeChat group was split, and the circle of friends was split.The most typical is the event of the Fang Fang diary.

I call the incident, not only the evaluations of each party of all parties in the society, they have caused serious differences. More importantly, the situation of not being wearing the sky and the situation is not the same.trend.However, this is by no means a diverse presentation. On the contrary, it is precisely the characteristics of tearing in Chinese society. I am afraid that society will split after the epidemic.The Fang Fang Diary reflects the danger of splitting Chinese society.Social division is likely to become a society where division.This is especially vigilant.

What are the symptoms of split Chinese society?French political scientist Alexis de Tocqueville analyzed social division in the old system and the Great Revolution: the isolation of nobles and assets, contradictions between assetrs and urban lower class, separation of nobles and assets and farmers, internal aristocracy in the aristocracyAnd the internal splitting of the assetrs.Tockeville is mainly about division between class and strata.When it comes to the syndrome of the split of Chinese society, I am afraid that it is beyond class and class.

If only one word is used, the division of Chinese society is polarized.The polarization is to oppose or criticize the reason and opinion of the other party, and even do not even figure out what the other party has said. As long as it is not my ethnic group, everything will be denied.At present, on the popular topics such as politics and society, there are no differences, and they will not even notice the opinions of the other party (Li).The symptoms of division of the crown disease can be summarized below.

Social split symptoms

First, do not compromise.In terms of individuals, not compromising may be a strong manifestation of character, and it may be worthy of praise. For example, in the face of foreign enemies, it is a national righteousness.However, not compromising to society is by no means a normal phenomenon.It is often believed that democracy is actually a mechanism of compromise. Components are not unreasonable. On the contrary, not compromising is absolutely nothing to do with democracy.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it has advocated negotiation democracy, that is, to build a space for negotiation and compromise, compromise is to discuss.

Uncompromising cannot reach consensus, because social consensus is not the opinions, claims, and positions of members of the community of society, but a solution of mutual compromise.To advocate a civilized society, more compromise awareness is needed.However, during the crown disease epidemic, the uncompromising of the Internet public opinion was surprising and even more worrying.

Second, not tolerance.Not tolerant can be manifested as prejudice, narrowness, jealousy, and lining him. It is not difficult for people to find that these manifestations become a social phenomenon during the epidemic, not just individuality.The prejudice manifests as a paranoid personality, and the paranoia is often narrow and jealous.Not tolerant often exclude rational and necessary logical thinking.As long as the point of view, even the position, no rational analysis, no need for evidence, no argument, no reason, slogan plus a hat.

Another phenomenon of not tolerant is indifference and cynicism.Of course, not tolerance and not tolerance are the manifestations of social division and the cause of social division.Fang Long, an American American writer, summarizes the root cause of humans in his masterpiece for tolerance. The root of human being not tolerant lies in fear: not tolerance is just a manifestation of the self -protection instinct of the masses.Fear is the root cause of all non -tolerant.If people are not under the influence of fear, they are very willing to be upright and just.The problem is that during the epidemic, what are the fear of people?Why are people afraid?

Third, indifference and cynicism.Recently, some violent blood cases that occur in China, the misfortune or helplessness of some people in the society, cannot get the reflection and help of the society. This is society indifference.Indifference is also a kind of social division, because behind it is the expansion of the gap between the social class and the deepening of the gap, which hinders the unity of Chinese society.Cynicism is the manifestation of social division at the spiritual level.The essence of modern cynicism is to completely distrust the modern world, and trust is the basis of social unity and cooperation.The official does not seem to care about this split, but it may become a precursor to society's comprehensive confrontation.

Fourth, regional division.Regional discrimination has not appeared in Chinese history, but in the era of such a large flow and opening up in society, it may appear, which may not be unprecedented.The regional division is manifested in Wuhan and Hubei who are in Wuhan and Hubei epidemic areas to become patients. Then Hubei's ID card, license plate number, etc. are not treated fairly, and they are not obtained by friendship.Regional division is actually a manifestation of Chinese society division.

This time is Wuhan and Hubei, and people in other regions will be unfair and unfriendly to be seen.The severity of the regional division during the epidemic situation is rare, so that the secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Ying Yong called on the nation to treat people in Hubei and Hubei agricultural and sideline products.The lack of literacy and morality that modern citizens should have, to show the whole society to treat Hubei people, just to treat ourselves well.

Causes of social division syndrome

In addition, we have seen the increasing marginalization of the bottom of the Chinese society and the poor group through the epidemic, which is separated from the mainstream society, and it is increasingly intergenerating.The emergence of social groups, as well as the rejecting anti -social actions and mainstream society.At the same time, the epidemic makes people see the protrusion and excitement of Chinese populism, which is precisely a prominent manifestation of social division.No matter what reason, the instigating or stirring of populism can only be the division and turbulence of society.

The cause of social division syndrome is multi -faceted.There are three main aspects.

First, the public opinion is biased.It must be acknowledged that it is difficult to blame whether the official and the Chinese society itself.

Second, the characteristics of online society strengthen the polarization phenomenon of people's views and positions, especially when people face the public crisis.In the Internet age, the phenomenon of polarization is particularly obvious, which is the characteristics of the network itself.The world's excessive dependence on social networks and their media, including China, has become a global phenomenon; social media is brought about the emotional tone, social consensus and even social values of the entire society, which brings a profound one.Influence.

Third, it is related to the structural differentiation of Chinese society and the opposition between related interests. Behind these opposites or associative is the differences between the differences between political concepts and values.It is not difficult for people to find that in China in recent years, values have become more and more tear, and they are extremely dazzling and dazzling.The core values launched by the official are obviously just a combination; coupled with the official operation that may have in the official interpretation of the various interpretations of people in the society. In this way, the differences in values are naturally inevitable.

Compared with other divisions such as political division, social division is more basic and fundamental, so its results may be more dangerous.What way should we integrate society to prevent splitting?World scientists are trying to find an epidemic antidote to develop vaccines against crown diseases.What are the vaccines in response to social division?Is there any antidote?How to prevent it?There seems to be no special pitch, only to find the belief or value of sharing shared by all parties.The values seem invisible, but it is the adhesive of our society.

Professor Fukuyama, an American political scholar, is divided by large division: the reconstruction of human nature and social order, analysis and researchAfter the United States and major Western countries, they found that when industrial civilization transitioned to information civilization, the social connection and general value concept that western society made people unite is weakening, and social division is happening.Because in the final analysis, social division is the result of weakening social connection and general values.For the Chinese social elite, it is necessary to take the initiative to find the beliefs or value shared by the vulnerable groups and the bottom of the public.

During the crown disease, don't, my classmates!Such sighs often appear in the Chinese WeChat group.Classmates, but what about society?Do we have to do something that we must not leave with ourselves?

(The author is the director of the Department of Political Science, School of Public Management of Zhejiang University)