Commentator/Yan Xiaofeng

Send 2020.4.27 Total Issue 945 China News Weekly

The new crown virus cracking down on the economy also endangers globalization.A wave of anti -globalization has risen quietly, of which the so -called voicing of China is particularly harsh.These trends have caused uproar in China, but the consensus that Chinese society has formed is to take the lead in controlling the epidemic situation.

The global industrial chain is highly connected, across national borders and oceans, and the Internet enables factories to produce finished products to purchase components and raw materials from all over the world.However, it must be seen that after the epidemic, each nationalism has risen, and the supply chain shock has brought many anti -global people to advocate to move out of China.Borrowing by Chinese entrepreneur Cao Dewang: After the epidemic, countries want to establish an independent and complete industrial chain, and the global industrial chain will be simplified.After the epidemic, the global industrial chain will reduce dependence on China, and we must be alert to the global industrial chain de -China.Li Yang, a member of the Academic Department of the Academy of Social Sciences and financial experts, also believes that the country has successively sealed the country, regardless of its subjective intentions, objectively produced the effect of cutting off the supply chain, industrial chain, and de -globalization and de -Sinicization.

As far as the company is concerned, after all, it is a matter of capital and will not obey politicians easily.What's more, the next stage of enterprises attaches more importance to digital infrastructure. For example, cloud services and the Internet of Things are the next competitiveness of China, which will inevitably strengthen the Chinese manufacturing industry instead of weakening.

We have to be vigilant and take care of this de -China sound waves.The division of labor in international trade and global industries is in line with the principles of economics. The purpose is to use the advantages of resource endowment of various countries to reduce global production costs and transaction costs.At this time, we should even hold high global banner and trade liberalization flag, advocate the global destiny community, take the lead in controlling the epidemic, further strengthen the manufacturing industry, open the financial industry, continue to optimize the business environment, and will reform and open up.Speed the intensity and speed.

In short, holding high global banners is the best counter to go to Sinicization.Specifically, in the next round of globalization, in order to effectively de -Chineseization, we should first adhere to the principle of integrity, openness and tolerance. Globalization means that everyone complies with the rules of the game and requires each participant to integrate the rules.The business community, like the country, must talk about integrity.In the long run, integrity is the best response.

Should the de -Sinicization of Western countries take the old road of independence and self -reliance?of course not.China's achievement today is the result of opening up, and China has become the biggest motivation of global economic growth.Therefore, opening up is still a century -old plan, and it cannot be shaken.

Secondly, China must strive to take the initiative to promote it, and try to further integrate into the world.Some issues can be set in time. The media should be reported in a timely and accurate report to the latest changes in the Chinese epidemic in order to face up to hearing.

At present, China's mask diplomatic ventilator diplomacy needs to be improved, but it has achieved good results.As long as you have a generous mind and continue to do the right thing, winning respect is the inevitable result.However, China not only needs to output products made in China, but also needs to output cooperation and tolerance -oriented values.We do not advocate all kinds of revenge remarks, and we should also be indifferent to various overseas revenge arguments. It is not necessary to compare. This is the great country.

In the post -New Crown era, re -alliances will be an inevitable process. At this time, the more friends who fight for, the more countries you all have alliances, the more you have the right to speak.

Undoubtedly, globalization is in line with the interests of all humanity.We believe that the isolation between countries caused by the epidemic is short -lived. From the long run, peace and cooperation are the general trend, and anti -globalization is just a reverse.At this time, he held up the banner of globalization and resolved the contradictions of all parties.