Source: WeChat account of Chang'an Street

According to surging news, Ji Chaolu, a famous Chinese diplomat and former deputy secretary -general of the United Nations, died in Beijing on the afternoon of April 29 at the age of 91.

Ji Chaozhu was translated by the leaders of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping, and witnessed historic moments such as North Korea's suspension of war and China and the United States.

Ji Chaozhu was born in Fenyang County, Shanxi Province in July 1929. He studied in the United States in his early years.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he followed his father Jigongquan and his elder brother Ji Chaoding.In May 1951, he joined the Chinese New Democratic Youth League at Tsinghua University and later participated in the Volunteer Army of the Chinese People's People's Volunteer.

Regarding the experience of participating in the negotiations, Ji Chaozhu recalled this: Sometimes when the negotiations cannot break through, an American artillery shells will fall to our non -military zone, near the Banmen shop, and even Kaicheng.At this time, there was a joint investigation between the two sides. Generally, the two sides sent one officer, and they were also equipped with a translator and a shortcoming staff.We generally send Colonel Chai Chengwen, and I am a shortcoming.The duties of the shortcomings not only record what the two sides say, but also record all the signs and texts on the shells to prove that the agreement of the non -military zone is destroyed.Once, an American bomb fell into a puddle without detonating.I jumped to the magazine and wrote all the text and signs on the bomb before climbing out of the pits.At that time, the negotiation work at the Banmen Store and the later deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Comrade Li Kenong, once said to my elder brother Chaoding: LSquo; Your brother is very brave, not afraid of death, and dare to jump into a bombing pit without detonating.rsquo;

At that time, the suspension agreement was two in Chinese, the text, and English.The tension and arduous negotiations, sharp and fierce confrontation, and the situation continued to change. Every time the draft agreement was changed, Ji Chaozhu would fight again.For this reason, he worked for three consecutive days and three nights, and even ate on the typing table, and finally formed the final formal text.

In January 1954, the Chinese delegation remembered the third -class merit based on the performance of Ji Chaozhu and awarded the status of the honor; the North Korean Democratic People's Republic also awarded him with a third -class merit.When Ji Chaozhu recalled the scene at the time, I said: The moment I hanging the medal on my chest was one of the most proud moments in my life.

After returning to Beijing, Ji Chaozhu was assigned to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and joined the Communist Party of China in March 1956.

Beginning in 1957, Ji Chaozhu began his English translation of Premier Zhou Enlai. It was 17 years in this post. He has participated in the work of the Geneva conference, the Chinese delegation of the Chinese delegation of the Vanlong Conference, and the China -US establishment of traffic negotiations.He also translated the leaders of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and the leaders of the country.

In April 1955, Premier Zhou led a delegation to the Indonesia to participate in the Bandung Conference.At that time, the Kuomintang agents put bombs on the charter of the delegation Mdash; MDASH; Princess Kashmir.Although Premier Zhou temporarily changed its schedule and the assassination did not succeed, many people on the delegation were unfortunately killed.At that time, because of the lack of places, Ji Chaozhu did not take a plane but took a boat to Vanlong.

From December 13, 1963 to March 1, 1964, Premier Zhou visited 14 Asia -African countries, and Ji Chaozhu served as a translation throughout the process.This visit has achieved a lot of success. When Premier Zhou reported to the National People's Congress after returning to China, he specifically mentioned the credit of the translator: This visit would be a translation if Qi Zonghua (then French translation) and Ji Chaozhu as the translation.It is very difficult.

In 1970, the then US President Nixon passed the verbal letter to China through Pakistan: preparing to open a direct channel for the White House to Beijing.

On December 18 of the same year, when Mao Zedong met with American writer Snow: If Nixon is willing to come, I am willing to talk to him.On the 25th, the front page of the People's Daily published a photo of Mao Zedong took a photo with Snow on the Tiananmen Tower (translated by Ji Chaozhu).In this way, China sends information to the United States in favor of the realization of high -level dialogue between China and the United States.

On February 21, 1972, Nixon arrived in Beijing, and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai went to the airport to welcome.Ji Chaozhu recalled that before Nixon walked under the rail, he stretched out his hands far from Zhou Enlai.

The Prime Minister immediately greeted it, and I followed it.I know that I can't stand too close or stand too far.Ji Chaozhu said that before, Premier Zhou specifically requested that Xiao Ji was a little closer, and each sentence had to be accurately listened and translated accurately.Then, Ji Chaozheng translated the famous words for Nixon: I shook hands with the Chinese people across the Pacific Ocean.

Premier Zhou had caring with Ji Chaozhu that translators should be transferred to career at the age of 40. One is that the work is too hard and the age is too old. The other is to accumulate experience to do other work.

In March 1973, Ji Chaozhu left his translation position and served as a counselor in the United States in the United States. He officially became a diplomat.In May 1975, he returned to China and successively served as deputy director of the International Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and deputy director of the US Department.

In March 1982, Ji Chaozhu went to the United States again to praise the Chinese Embassy in the United States. In 1985, he was transferred to the Chinese Ambassador to Fiji and concurrently served as Ambassador to Kilibas and Vanuatu.In 1987, he became the Chinese ambassador to the UK.

On January 29, 1991, the United Nations Secretary -General Perece Bull; Dekueliar announced his appointment of Ji Chaolu as the Deputy Secretary -General of the United Nations, in charge of the technical cooperation to promote the development of the Ministry of Development.After Tang Mingzhao, Bi Jilong, and Xie Qimei, he was the fourth United Nations Deputy Secretary -General from China.

In 1992, Gali, the new UN Secretary -General, decided to reorganize and merged technical cooperation to promote the development of the Ministry of Development, the Science and Technology Development Center, the Ministry of Economic and Social Affairs, the Multinational Economic Center, and the Office of the Director -General into a department.For the Ministry of Social Development, Ji Chaozhu is the deputy secretary -general responsible for this department.

In 1996, Ji Chaozhu expired and returned to China to serve as the vice chairman of the National Returning Overseas Chinese Federation of China until he stepped down in 2005.

When talking about the experience of diplomats, Ji Chaozhu said: The key is to be loyal to his own country.