Taiwan and Hong Kong are the two advanced models in the current field of resistance. On the one hand, the two places have successfully controlled the large -scale spread of the virus. On the other hand, there is no stop work and banning the work as in most areas.Life order.

There are already many reports on the success of Taiwan's successful resistance in international media, but almost no one comprehensively compare Taiwan and Hong Kong.In fact, these two places have strong comparability because of intricate relationships with mainland China.Mainland factor has a great impact in the anti -epidemic process of the two places, and this impact is not limited to the field of resistance, but also expands to the field of economy, politics, society, and even international relations. ThereforeMany beneficial revelation.

First look at the situation of Taiwan and Hong Kong before the outbreak.From a political point of view, before the outbreak of the epidemic, shortly after the Taiwan election ended, Tsai Ing -wen defeated South Korea ’s Yu to successfully re -election with historical advantages.The Kuomintang is in a trough after the defeat, while the DPP is in a period of political upside down. Whether it can control the epidemic can effectively determine whether they can maintain a rising trend in politics.

The situation in Hong Kong is the opposite. Before the outbreak, Lin Zhengyue's government was facing a large -scale social resistance that lasted for more than half a year.Therefore, if the government is a little careless for the epidemic treatment, it will be worse and more passive in politics.

In terms of economic perspective, the Taiwan government announced a series of very bright economic development figures in the election year, including the economic growth rate that finally got rid of the situation that has always been the first in Asia's four dragons.The trade war has created a good opportunity for attracting investment in Taiwan. Outstanding economic performance is a reason why Tsai Ing -wen can be re -elected.Hong Kong is just the opposite. Social resistance for more than half a year has severely hit the Hong Kong economy. Fuggle, store closes, and rising unemployment. Hong Kong is losing its status of international financial centers.

From the perspective of social level, the DPP has played a big card in the election year. With the protests of Hong Kong society and the mainland's issues such as the Taiwan information war, it has successfully promoted the rise of social anti -Chinese emotions.Winning, and helping them continue to consolidate people's hearts with anti -China issues after outbreak, and enhance their support for the DPP authorities during the anti -epidemic process.

Hong Kong society is somewhat similar to Taiwan society in this regard. On the surface, the society against the Hong Kong police in the Hong Kong police, in fact, is actually resisting the Beijing Central Government and the mainland. In addition, the biggest virus threatening when the epidemic outbreaks come from the mainland.Many people are dissatisfied with the Hong Kong and mainland governments.

From an international perspective, before the outbreak of the epidemic, the United States was through the trade war and other means to strengthen the containment of China, permeated the anti -Chinese consensus of the American politics, and greatly enhanced Taiwan's strategic value to the United States.The United States has passed a series of bills to promote the development of the United States and Taiwan. The rapid rise in US -Taiwan relations has risen to the best in 40 years of broken diplomatic relations.

The United States strongly supports Taiwan for the purpose of curbing China's strategic purpose, because of the same purpose to crack down on the turbulent Hong Kong.Shortly before the epidemic outbreak, the Hong Kong human rights and democratic bills that curb the Hong Kong government have taken effect, while the Hong Kong government has proposed a serious protest.Therefore, the relationship between Taiwan and the United States before the outbreak is rapidly improving, and the relationship between Hong Kong and the United States is deteriorating.

The anti -epidemic effects of the two places are very good, and the common reasons are roughly as follows.First of all, both places have been severely hit by the Shas virus in 2003. Since then, they have vigorously strengthened the construction of the public health system.The epidemic is prepared for professional.

Secondly, not only the medical system is complete and developed, but also the medical benefits are also very complete. Especially in Taiwan's medical insurance system, its population coverage, medical treatment and sexual expenses, and other indicators are at the forefront of the world, so ordinary people only onlyYou must focus on the virus, go to the medical treatment if you have symptoms, and do not worry about medical treatment and cost.

Thirdly, although the two places have been disturbing politically, the degree of specialization of various government departments is high. Without political interference, the administrative ability and efficiency are strong.Facing the huge threat of the epidemic, the political disputes between the two places have been significantly reduced, allowing relevant administrative departments to fully and quickly play their professional functions during resistance.

In addition, public health experts in the two places play an important role in resistance.Relying on their professional knowledge and experience, they have won the trust of the government and the public. On the one hand, they help the government formulate anti -epidemic measures. On the other hand, they also help the public understand the epidemic and implement anti -epidemic measures, becoming a bridge connecting the society and the government.

The scientific research progress of virus testing and other places in Taiwan is very fast, which has enhanced the ability and confidence of the government and society.More importantly, the two governments of the two places attach great importance to the epidemic, and they continue to attach great importance to it. When the various characteristics of the virus have not been fully grasped, they would rather overestimate their seriousness and not dare to be slow.The high degree of vigilance at the government level is an important guarantee for maintaining the results of resistance.

From the perspective of social perspective, the number of people traveling to Taiwan and Hong Kong before the outbreak of the epidemic has greatly declined. In Taiwan, the mainland government has canceled the projects of groups and individuals to travel to Taiwan.Make mainlanders dare not travel.This helps epidemic prevention work.

The people in the two places still have a lot of affection for the serious impact of Shas that year. They pay close attention to and vigilant about the same type and close mainland epidemic. They have a certain fear of the virus early.Epidemic effect.In addition, the people of the two places did not exclude the mask culture, and the fear of the virus caused everyone to wear a mask early; the government officials also wore masks when they appeared, which helped improve the effect of anti -epidemic.

The impact of more than three months of resistance in the two places also has many different places.Politically, the DPP authorities have succeeded in resistance and added the cake of the political market that rose due to the victory. From Tsai Ing -wen to Su Zhenchang to Chen Shizhong, social support has risen sharply.The resistance of Hong Kong society was temporarily stunned because of the epidemic, giving the Lin Zheng government's heavenly breathing opportunity to reorganize the governance system that had been greatly impacted.The government is gradually restoring its previous professional and efficient appearance, so the epidemic is tantamount to giving charcoal in the Hong Kong government.

The relationship between the two governments between the two places and society during the anti -epidemic is also different.The Taiwan government and various social organizations work closely. The folk forces have become very effective supplements by the government.The Hong Kong government has continued its tension with society, and the opposition still has a high degree of trust in the government. On the one hand, they continue to pressure the government in terms of resistance measures.Increase the effect of resistance.The government uses the opportunity to resurgence on a large -scale resistance to capture well -known people who actively participate in resistance.This anger the opposition, and they have begun to gather resistance.

The epidemic has a great impact on both the economy and people's livelihood, but it has a greater impact on Hong Kong.The Taiwan government estimates that economic growth is still positive this year, but the Hong Kong government estimates that the economic growth rate of Hong Kong may reach 7%.The unemployment rate in Taiwan on the second and March of the second and March of March remained at 3.7%, which was not significantly different from the same period last year.

In terms of relations with the mainland, the epidemic has not eased the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland.Because Taiwan used the opportunity of resistance to resistance, and strived to join the World Health Organization, and strengthened cooperation with the United States in resistance and other fields, causing the mainland to attack the Taiwan authorities to try to use the epidemic and borrow the voices of martial arts in the mainland.Gradually rise.The mainland supports the Hong Kong government to resist. However, the recent issues and permissions of the China United Affairs Office in Hong Kong once again caused controversy in the Hong Kong and the opposite of the Hong Kong opposition.

The treatment of international media to the two places is also different.The successful resistance of Taiwan has continued to expose frequently on the international media;Anti -epidemic experience was only reported by Western media in the early days of resistance, which should be related to Western media's criticism attitude towards China.After controlling Taiwan's epidemic, the Taiwan government began to actively support resistance to other countries and try to expand its international influence.During the epidemic, Trump signed the Taipei Act to support Taiwan for international space and attract strong protests from the Chinese government.

The author is a researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore

The scientific research progress of virus testing and other places in Taiwan is very fast, which has enhanced the ability and confidence of the government and society.More importantly, the two governments of the two places attach great importance to the epidemic, and they continue to attach great importance to it. When the various characteristics of the virus have not been fully grasped, they would rather overestimate their seriousness and not dare to be slow.The high degree of vigilance at the government level is an important guarantee for maintaining the results of resistance.