On April 27, the US President Trump said at a press conference of the White House epidemic that the United States was seeking China for compensation for the coronary epidemic. This statement was different from the previous voice of the American folk and the state government.Represents the US Federal Government.According to Trump's consistent style, the federal government may soon implement this statement into action.

Trump's actions can be regarded as part of the November presidential campaign strategy of the Republican camp in November. Trump seems to have an iron -hearted; Chinese card; Chinese card; to the end.

It is necessary to review the reasons for the United States to blame the Chinese on the U.S. on the disease.There are two main points. One is that the Chinese side concealed the early epidemic, which caused the virus to spread to the United States, and the other was the problem of the origin of the virus.For the first point, according to the timetable announced by China, from the beginning of January, China has successively reported the epidemic to the United States and the WHO, and the US government has the first to ban navigation reactions in various countries. This is objective.In fact, it is difficult for the United States to deny.For the origin of the virus, the United States only identified the virus originally originated in China, but this seems to be unable to make a reason for claiming. If it is inferred, as the international community pointed out, the United States should be the 2009 influenza A and the global financial crisis in 2008 and the global financial crisis in 2008.Responsible, and even we can further push forward. In 1918, the Spanish influenza that broke out from the US camp should be responsible for the United States.Therefore, for the origin of the virus, the US has renamed the outbound leak from the Chinese new crown virus laboratory. This transformation is very subtle.This may be exactly what the United States is willing to see.

As mentioned above, as long as there is no deliberate prejudice, it can be seen that the reason for the US claims cannot be standing.The Trump administration forcibly promotes Quot; accountability; is widely interpreted as the main needs of domestic campaign politics.On April 24, the US media exposed the US Republican Senate committee to a 57 -page memorandum of 57 pages of campaign camps in the party, which provided evidence for this.The memorandum of the memorandum shows that the Trump Republican camp seems to have no confidence in the government's inadequate questioning of the government in the United States, and can only shirk a bone brain to the Chinese side.But this kind of dumping in the pot; in addition to continuing to increase the prejudice of the United States for China, it seems difficult to achieve the promotional effect that Trump wants.

It is difficult to play the reason for the first place from Trump's competitors Democratic Party Bayeng.Although the Democratic camp is concerned about the beautiful people's Quot; anti -China Quot; public opinion quot; forced Quot; Chinese card with Trump, but the focus of the attack is still on the issue of the Trump administration's poor response.Since mid -April, some mainstream media in the United States have concentratedly sorted out and reported on the policy measures of the Trump administration to respond to the epidemic since January, including Trump's speeches on the epidemic on various occasions.The main cause of out of control in the internal epidemic is not from China, but the Trump administration has made mistakes or even malfeasance.This round of reports made Trump a lot of points. According to a round of polls on April 22, a US company showed that Trump's support rate decreased by seven percentage points from late March.On April 23, the Democratic House of Representatives, led by Democrats, established a special investigation committee to review the Trump administration's response to the new crown epidemic.If the survey was successfully carried out, I believe it was even a blow to Trump.In the case of the Bayeng camp's bite, the Trump administration shirk the responsibility of preventing epidemic prevention and the attempt to transfer the people's attention.

Another reason for difficulty is the current situation of the American epidemic.As of now, the U.S. internal epidemic has not been effectively relieved, the number of cases and deaths in the confirmed cases continue to rise sharply, and the economy is in a half -stagnation state.Continuous disputes can be said that internal resistance in the United States has actually been in trouble.And this is not a past incident. It is difficult for the Trump administration to believe that everything that is happening in front of them is completely from another distant country, and it has nothing to do with Trump and its government.With the delay of the epidemic, more beautiful people are aware of this. The longer the epidemic is dragged, the more disadvantaged it is to the Trump election.

Trump insists on playing Quot; Chinese cards may have two cases in public opinion. One is that the hostile mood of the United States has continued to deepen the hostile emotions of China, but on the other hand, Trump's support rate may not be improved, evenWill continue to decline.The latest polls seem to confirm this inference.In response to China's polls, the latest survey of the American Petou Research Center showed that the proportion of Americans holding negative views on China increased from 30%in March to 60%, which is rare.On the one hand, it is related to the impact caused by the deterioration of the worsening in the United States to the people, and on the other hand, it is also the result of the two major US campaign camps.In response to the polls of the Trump administration, the latest survey of the Morning Consultation Company as of April 26 showed that 51%of Americans did not agree with the Trump administration's way of dealing with the epidemic.Taste 22 percentage points.The conclusion of this survey of morning company is generally consistent with other US companies' surveys.This further explains that Trump's attempts to pass the Chinese side on the problem of weakness of resistance are hard to succeed.

We would rather believe that Trump and its Republican camp also realized the above problems, but why they still insisted on playing Quot; Chinese cards quot;?In addition to the consideration of curbing China's long -term strategy and considering the establishment of China as a strategic opponent, in terms of the current campaign situation, the Trump camp lacks effective scoring methods, and the early stage of epidemic prevention has becomeThe hurdle, hit; Chinese card seems to be its only quot; reasonable quot; option.Trump claims that he will claim to China as if to start a risk game, that is, intending to lead the current Sino -US confrontation to a more intense stage, provoking a bigger event, and a situation where the domestic campaign is unfavorable.There are many precedents in history.

China's response to the Chinese campaign cards in the United States seems to be strong.In the campaign, the two parties in the United States put Quot; who is tougher to China to quot; the topic is placed on the desktop and demonized the image of China in the American people. This is no longer a simple domestic political issue.On March 12, Chinese diplomat Zhao Lijian claimed that the virus originated from the U.S. military. The United States summoned the Chinese ambassador to the United States the next day to protest.If the Chinese side believes that preventing Sino -US relations from deteriorating more in line with its own interests and more in line with world interests and peace, it may be more effective to adopt more positive and tough diplomatic methods at this stage.Trump claims that he will make claims to China, which is not an isolated incident. As mentioned in this article, with Trump's behavior logic, the US government may soon be put into action.In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating, it is necessary for China to take a powerful means to stop the dangerous signs of the US government.

Zhang Yongjian (independent writer)