Ming Pao News Agency

The U.S. epidemic was serious, and President Trump's resistance was questioned.The White House pointed his finger to China, and his words were compensating to China. Beijing refuted that the United States shirk responsibility. In order to elect the vastness, Xinhua News Agency made a comment three times in a few days and named the US Secretary of State Pompeo.I have never seen it for the year.At present, Sino -US relations are bad, such as the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union. Not only did the epidemic war the war, but the scientific and technological war and diplomatic warfare outside the epidemic were also upgraded.For the November election in the United States, for Washington, the cost of operating the Hong Kong card is lower than the Taiwan card, and Sino -US relations are worse. The situation in the next six months is quite dangerous. Hong Kong may be trapped in the vortex.

White House claims that China has a strong hostility as the United States and Soviet Cold War

At the beginning of March of this year, Chinese Chinese scientist He Dayi talked about the global epidemic, thinking that the United States could face a situation similar to South Korea, but I believe that there will be no out of control in Wuhan or Hubei.Two months later, the confirmed cases of the United States exceeded millions this week, and nearly 60,000 people died. The scale of the epidemic was almost the total of the entire Western Europe, which was 100 times more serious than the South Korean epidemic.He wrote an article earlier in the morning that Hubei had made a mistake and lack of transparency, which led to the spread of the epidemic, forcing Beijing to take severe sealing measures.It is unforgivable and unpredictable.Washington's failure of resistance to resist, it is difficult to blame, but the White House obviously intends to move out of China as a shield to cover up the unforgivable things in He Da.

The U.S. epidemic has intensified. Recently, the White House has also launched a publicity offense to China again. First, there were sources in Washington in the US media.Then it shows that he is very dissatisfied with China's epidemic treatment, and his words are compensated to China.Secretary of State Pompeo also densely shown that China concealed the epidemic.Cultural propaganda warfare is resurrected, and Beijing will not show weakness. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has criticized Pompeo's arbitrary planting. Xinhua News Agency and Central News Broadcast have been named Powder for many days.rare.

Regarding the issue of the epidemic source, Yuan Zhiming, a researcher at the New Crown Virus Research Institute, was interviewed by Reuters and mentioned a paper involved in British and German scholars at the University of Cambridge earlier this month.The paper refers to COVID-19 known 3 sub-species, compared with primitive A strains, concentrated in the United States and Australia; Wuhan is common in category B strains. From the evolution of Class A, it is mainly in Europe., Mutant from Class B..Relevant studies have to be reviewed by peers in the international scientific community. At this stage, it is not advisable to interpret it casually. Yuan Zhiming also emphasized that more studies need to be studied. In any case, a number of international experts in February this year have taught Chinese scientists.The virus originated from nature, and He Dadi did not think that the virus leaked from the laboratory.The source of the virus is the statement of the Wuhan Laboratory, which is obviously a cultural operation without substantial credentials.

China and the United States have established diplomatic relations for more than 40 years, and have never tried such hostility.In the Cold War era, the US President Ligen once described the Soviet Union as the evil empire. Now Washington has not said this, but the actual effect is not far away.This set will not be said, but the epidemic has obviously caused China and the United States to accelerate the fall into Xishidde trap. It spreads all areas from the two years of trade and scientific and technological warfare, and it is getting higher and higher to fight the intensity.The U.S. Department of Commerce has just issued new regulations to further restrict high -tech exports to China. China has also introduced new network security regulations to retaliate against the IT industry at any time.

Hong Kong card operating costs are low at any time into the Sino -US battlefield

Microsoft founder Gates has focused on global public health and infectious diseases in recent years. Recently, he publicly talked about the theory of Chinese responsibility in the epidemic.After reviewing the omissions at the time, it was not accurate and unfair to blame China.As soon as Gates's remarks came out, the conservative bombardment was caused.After half a year in the United States, Trump's economic card has been crushed, and the operation of the Chinese card has become the only weapon.In terms of parliamentary elections, the Republican Party is worried that Trump will become negative assets, and internal documents also recommend that candidates within the party will no longer defend Trump's resistance. They should focus on attacking China and describe the Democratic Party as a private adulterer in China.It is conceivable that the Democratic Party will definitely put a tough attitude towards China.

Recently, many people on the Mainland online mentioned that Mao Zedong's article in 1949, Situ Leiden's article.Situ Leiden was the Ambassador to the United States in China. During the Civil War of the KMT, he vigorously assisted the Kuomintang, and eventually returned to the United States because of the general trend.Now removing this article, the subtext is called to throw away the fantasy of beauty and prepare for a comprehensive struggle.Sino -US relations are developing in a worse direction. The United States is trying to launch allies to support isolation China, but few responders. So far, only individual countries such as Australia have responded to an international independent survey.There is no peaceful; the Document Document of the German Ministry of Political Science mentioned that Chinese diplomats are in contact with German officials and hope to issue positive information about the Beijing epidemic treatment.important.

Many countries do not want to be involved in the struggle between China and the United States. One of the choices in front of Washington is to step up the Taiwan card.The US ship frequently sailed through the Taiwan Strait and went to the official dialogue of the Minister of Health of the United States and Taiwan to promote Taiwan's participation in the WHO, which reflected the strategy of Washington.Without the need to escort the U.S. military like a Taiwan issue.In the next half of the year, there may be an unprecedented anti -China wave in the United States. It will not be in the McCarthy era in the 1950s in the 1950s. China and the United States are comprehensive confrontation. Hong Kong may become a battlefield and the situation is not good.