The author of this article is the Chinese ambassador to the UK

At present, the new crown pneumonia epidemic is spreading globally, which is the most severe challenge facing human beings in this century.How to defeat the epidemic?This is a difficult test in front of governments in the world.For this question, China gave three answers:

First, maintain global health and safety.China has both responsibility for the safety of the Chinese people's lives and health, but also the health and well -being of the people of the world.Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government has adopted the most comprehensive, thorough, and strictest prevention and control measures, and strives for valuable time for the prevention and control of the international epidemic.

Due to these measures, China's domestic epidemic prevention and control has achieved important stages of results.This allows China to gradually restore the prevention and control of epidemics and the order of economic and social operations, and coordinate domestic effects and global influence.

Second, China's preliminary results have achieved preliminary results and inject confidence in the global war.

The government will still take epidemic prevention as an important job for a period of time, while prompting the return of economic activities to the right track.China has unswervingly deepening reforms, expanding opening up, strengthening the coordination of macroeconomic policy, stabilizing the market, maintaining growth, and protecting people's livelihood to ensure that the global supply chain is open, stable, and secure.

China has accumulated three valuable anti -epidemic experience to help humans defeat global challenges.One is to put people's life safety and health first; the second is to adhere to the answer, plan, and early isolation and early treatment from science; third, joint prevention and joint control.China has quickly constructed the most strict joint defense and joint control network from the central government to the local area, and mobilized the country to support Hubei Province and the provincial capital of Wuhan. More than 42,000 medical staff across the country supported Wuhan, Hubei to win Wuhan's defense war.

Third, unless international cooperation is carried out, it will not win this anti -epidemic war.In the face of the epidemic, no country can be able to put it outside and be alone.At the beginning of the outbreak, China actively carried out international anti -epidemic cooperation in an open, transparent and responsible attitude.China will identify pathogens for the first time, share the whole gene sequence of virus with the World Health Organization (WHO) as soon as possible, and send 17 medical expert groups to 15 countries as soon as possible.Many countries and international organizations share anti -epidemic experience.

China has a population of 1.4 billion, and the pressure on foreign prevention input and internal defense rebound is still very high, but this does not prevent China from participating in global anti -epidemic and supplying raw materials, living necessities, medical and protective equipment and materials to the international market.

China actively supports WHO to play a leading role, and has donated a total of 50 million US dollars to WHO.China has provided greater assistance to developing countries with international cooperation in the prevention and control of epidemics, improving global health governance, and weak development countries with weak public health systems.

At present, some people internationally strive to stigmatize China, accusing China of covering out the epidemic data, and the WHO is dominated by China, and even requires China to apologize and compensate.These political virus arrogance and prejudice are intertwined, ignorance and arrogance, and will only disperse the attention of people's response measures.At present, international cooperation is a must -have, not options.

I think those who are stigmatized everywhere are owed to the Chinese people to apologize!As President Xi Jinping pointed out that unity and cooperation is the most powerful weapon for the international community to defeat the epidemic.China is willing to work with the international community to adhere to the concept of the community of human destiny, and work together to fight against the epidemic.Dawn will always come, and the night will eventually pass.

Translator/He Li